Yesterday (6/10/2021, 18:40:35) an individual who is too ashamed to identify himself, and who hides under the code of 'm0lsx' - posted the following misinformation about our friend known Neal West. He did so on one of the two anorak forums that worship the UK Crown's fully licensed land-based station called Radio Caroline, and which is operated by a car mechanic named Malcolm Smith. This character is hiding behind the name 'm0lsx', and like other anoraks of this ilk, he reads our Blogs but does so in order to find typos (which we admit to making), and then draws attention to them in order to divert attention away from the substance of our Blogs. His actions reveal these anoraks to be nothing more than fraudsters, and their fully licensed, and tiny UK radio station as nothing more than a total joke - on them! So 'm0lsx' delved back into our beginning in the Nineteen Eighties. That was when our research organization emerged from Don Pierson's idea of reviving his Nineteen Sixties offshore station that became known as 'Wonderful Radio London', or in brief, WRLI. There were three parts to WRLI. The first involved daily broadcasting over XERF-AM, the super-power 'border-blaster' in Mexico which was located just across the Texas border at Del Rio. You can hear that first and second broadcast that introduced the shows to follow, by clicking here. I was in the studio that night with Ben Toney who was the General Manager of WRLI, and you can hear those broadcasts by clicking here. The Top 40 shows were recorded in Kent by Chris Elliot. (He later took our documents, like Paul Rusling after him, in order to publish his book with the help of Ray Anderson.) There was a second part to WRLI that involved a weekly show heard on a number of stations which included Don Pierson's KVMX-FM in Eastland, Texas, and KXOL-AM in Fort Worth, Texas. Neal West (his radio name), lived in Birmingham, England and he took an interest in the WRLI programs and he arranged for his friend Norman Nelson to transmit copies of the programs recorded in Kent, over his shortwave station called 'Radio East Coast Commercial. How he got the tapes we do not know. But then the WRLI project ground to a halt and after consulting Jonathan Marks of Media Network, Radio Netherlands, we decided to form an alternative programming service based upon media development. Jonathan thought that because of the political content of our proposed shows, the anoraks who were operating unlicensed land-based 'pirate' stations would not carry them. Our research project took off when Don Pierson gave us his legal and financial files behind the creation of Radio London; Radio England and Britain Radio. We even interviewed Don on tape because Steve England with help of Johnnie Walker had recorded a bogus show mocking Don. We played that tape to Don and made our own broadcast. Steve England then made a second edition of his tape which he was selling for his own profit. Our research organization was built around massive input from a news clipping service that was begun and run by Neal West in Birmingham. He then mailed these cuttings to Texas every week. Neil also helped to build our own network of 'pirate' stations which extended from New Zealand to the continent of Europe, and of course the British Isles. That is how we got on to Norman Nelson's RECC. Our mail response came mainly from listeners behind the Communist Iron Curtain. They were from all over East Germany; Poland and even the USSR. Those listeners understood what we were doing and what we were saying, even though the program was in English. We know this because while many wrote on postcards, others wrote many pages of information in their letters. They were very supportive, but we had to find our own financial methods to finance this operation. Ironically, we later learned via a documentary shown on British television, that the UK Foreign Office had a secret department which was doing the same thing. When George Saunders, a real Radio Caroline engineer from 1964 to 1966, learned that we actually read listener's letters on the air, he was furious. The UK Secret Service interests went to great lengths to hide the identity of listeners who wrote to them. But our listeners never told us to conceal anything, and so we did not. George was recruited by the UK Foreign Office - after he signed the Official Secrets Act, and that document still makes him nervous to this day. Right after the mv Mi Amigo went aground in 1966, the Foreign Office British broadcasting service recruited him to operate a sort-of British government 'pirate' political station beamed from a neighboring African country, into Ian Smith's rebel Rhodesia. That station flopped, and George came back to the UK. The 'friends' of the Foreign Office then used that same Continental Electronics transmitter that had been a part of the failed Rhodesian operation, it after it was plugged back in, that same unit was used to jam the offshore station called 'Radio Northsea International'. We should add that George Saunders was indeed a government man who had been hired by John Gilman who reported to Alfred Thomas, both of whom had retired from a lifetime of UK WWII secret work and careers with the BBC. Then Pye recruited them and Thomas got involved with all of the main offshore pirate stations prior to Radio Caroline. (The real station 1964-196,7.) Our own enterprise obviously never closed down and went away. It just changed its approach and began documenting everything for publication in academic journals. Now we have tweaked our approach once again and we are beginning preparations to publish for a wider and more general reader. However, we indeed owe a lot to the help that Neal West provided us, and so we are not very pleased with the remarks by this anorak calling himself 'm0lsx'. This miserable specifin is trying to turn the legacy of Neal West against us, when in fact without Neal's help we could not have continued to slowly build, and we have done it all without asking the public for any money! On the other hand, the anoraks not only beg for money, but they also sell merchandise that they have stolen from us. A word of advice. We have been building a library, and although some have tried to stop our progress, we are smart enough not to keep our documents all in the same location, and so when someone comes along like this 'm0lsx', we research into our archives and retrieve the documentation that proves that they are liars. You can still hear some of those 4FWS broadcasts because they are still available on line. Go to the linked logo above, and click the box below to hear Jonathan Marks tell one of his listeners how RECC came to be broadcasting that WRLI program. The listener should have known better, because on an earlier show Jonathan Marks told another listener that WRLI was a genuine venture. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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