While we are still undertaking a lot of basic research, we have now reached the point where a lot of the mysteries have now been resolved, although they have not necessarily been revealed here so far. One of the biggest problems that we have faced, has been knowing that the story as told by Skues, Clark, Rusling and others is bogus, but not having a some key connecting dots that join together a large volume of newly researched and genuine material that explain the actual story which the bogus story has been concealing. For some time we have been able to demolish the false stories that have been spread by Skues, Clark, Rusling and the rest, but we have not been able to explain what really happened. Now at last, we can. We have finally made a breakthrough and found some of the missing pieces that create an entirely different narrative and explain why the bogus story was created and maintained. While we certainly do not have all of the missing pieces, we now have enough material to reveal both what really did happen back at the dawn of the Nineteen Sixties so that we can present a new account of those events. August 14 seems to be an interesting date on which to begin pulling back the curtain in order to show what we have discovered about the birth of 'Radio Caroline'. To coin a phrase, stay tuned, because the countdown has begun: 80
The life stories of Ian Cowper Ross; Christopher Moore and Ronan O'Rahilly have one thing in common: Jocelyn Stevens!
These four, under the management of Jocelyn Stevens, were the primary actors in a play of misinformation by distraction and redirection. While it appeared that the story of 'Radio Caroline' was to be found at Fetter Lane and then at 6 Chesterfield Gardens, the real story was not taking place at those locations at all! It was being acted out many miles north of London, and as this Blog and its companion site continue with publication, they will gradually reveal how, why and where this was achieved. It was a program about one moment in time that focused upon a themed album by 'The Who', and as such it did the job, although the constant interjection of clips showing the totally irrelevant hulk called 'Ross Revenge', was a distraction. If the producers wanted authenticity they would have found plenty of film footage of the mv Galaxy and contemporary cameos of the 'Radio London' Djs on the air.
Instead, they resorted to a recreation which was anything but a recreation. It was silly. Even the 'PAMS' jingles that appeared on the album in question did not get a proper airing in the program. Yet, those jingles were the factor that made this album different from other albums, and at the time, not all members of 'The Who' liked it. Some hated it! Since the show was about 'The Who', the producers should have explained how they ended up inside 'Caroline House' at 6 Chesterfield Gardens, after leaving another 'Caroline House' at another location. But they did not. So as we promised, in due course and in our own time we will explain what the producers did not. They did a good job in explaining how a tub full of baked beans gave one member of the pop group more than a brief chill, but unfortunately too many people who weren't there and in some instances were not even born, appeared in the show as bobbing 'experts', and that, is one of the biggest problems that we are having to overcome. These know-it-all, yet know-nothing 'experts', are only expert in attempting to boost their own vanity, and we need less of that, and more about the real story. Anorak vanity publishers scam their readers by selling them total rubbish. They are unwilling to spend the time and money necessary to unlock the past which can now be accessed thanks to the wonders of the Internet and digitalization. But the services involved take a lot of time to investigate, and their services are not free of charge.
However, unlike the hack writers we have been exposing and will continue to rip apart, we are willing to spend both time and money to find the truth that has been buried quite deliberately for decades. Tonight Sky Arts will be televising a program about 'The Who' and their album built around 'Radio London' jingles. But will that program tell you how 'The Who' ended up at 6 Chesterfield Gardens, and will it tell viewers where they were before transferring to that address - from another 'Caroline House'? We will, in due course, just in case they don't do it tonight! Although the same foundational text appears in the first edition of Ray Clark's book, his second edition contains a major, but very brief addition.
While everything on his page 46 is more-or-less a word-for-word repeat of exactly the same text that appears in his first edition, he added these lines to his second edition, by quoting Ian Cowper Ross: "Dad was involved with a little bank called Close Brothers that was his base, I think they came in. If he recommended something, people bought it, he had a reputation, they thought it was a flutter. Anyway they put the money in that night." A few lines earlier, Ian Cowper Ross partly identified the persons referred to by him as "they" in his second sentence. They are the people referred to who are alleged to have bought "a flutter" and "they put the money in that night." These people had been named in preceding lines: ".... (he) rang his mates Jocelyn Stevens, John Sheffield, and these stockbroker guys who were in his kind of gang." So what what Ian Cowper Ross is claiming is that this was not an official Close Brothers merchant bank transaction, but something that happened after hours, via a telephone call, from the home of the father of Ian Cowper Ross. However, while he refers to his "Dad", he does not give his "Dad" a name. Instead the mythology of Skues; Clark and Rusling is left in place for readers to conclude that the fiction of "Jimmy Shaw" has now morphed into the real life person of "Jimmy Ross", notwithstanding that the father, the "Dad" of Ian Cowper Ross is not "Jimmy Ross", but Charles Edward Ross. Ian Cowper Ross told Ray Clark, years after the first edition of Clark's book was published, that these people who bought in for "a flutter", did so when "Dad .... rang his mates Jocelyn Stevens, John Sheffield, and these stockbroker guy who were in his kind of gang." Then Ian Cowper Ross claimed that his "Dad was involved with a little bank called Close Brothers", but his "involvement" had nothing to do with his after hours activities concerning his "gang" of Jocelyn Stevens and John Sheffield. That is what Ian Cowper Ross told Ray Clark who had previously name-dropped Jensen and Buxted without providing any sort of proof as to connectivity with the "Dad" of Ian Cowper Ross. In fact, what Ian Cowper Ross has done, is to trip very carefully by referring to his "Dad" - without referring directly to the person of Charles Edward Ross! But what of the first sentence in Clark's paragraph? Again, Ian Cowper Ross does not actually say what he appears to be saying here: "Dad was involved with a little bank called Close Brothers that was his base, I think they came in." So who are these "they"? Obviously not the people who attended Close Brothers bank in person during normal business hours. These "they" were part of "Dad's gang" that he called after business hours on the telephone. Supposedly, this "gang" then made it possible for Ronan O'Rahilly; Ian Cowper Ross and Christopher Moore to go to a bank (unnamed by Clark), and receive a pile of cash which Ronan O'Rahilly stuffed into a suitcase. First, let's consider Ian Cowper Ross' statement that: "Dad was involved with a little bank called Close Brothers that was his base, I think they came in." It is clear that Ray Clark knows nothing about Close Brothers because he would have challenged Ian Cowper Ross when he claimed that Close Brothers was "a little bank". Close Brothers began in the mid-1800s as an international concern with huge involvement in both the USA and Canada with money connections to London, England. The term "little" is quite meaningless because it conjures-up the impression of some sort of neighborhood concern. Close Brothers was anything but a "little bank"! Instead, Close Brothers, like Norcros, was an amalgamation of businesses tied together for the purpose of raising capital. Each one of these businesses under each umbrella, had its own board of directors. So a director of one Close Brothers or Norcros company within their group, was not necessarily a member of any other company within that group. This is making it very difficult to identify which sub-company within these groups Charles Edward Ross was a member of. While on one hand, according to a court document we have, he appears to be on a board of directors related to the Jensen Motor Car company of Birmingham, there is no record to show that he was, and that is according to available Jensen records which have been collected over the years by Jensen enthusiasts of the original and now defunct car company. Looking for Charles Edward Ross in the Close Brothers conglomerate of individual companies as they originally existed, presents an even bigger problem. This seems to be to the advantage of the deceit enacted by Ian Cowper Ross. While Norcros concentrated more on UK businesses of varying types, Close Brothers did the same sort of thing on an international level with heavy involvement in North America, and then, disastrously so, in a failed investment venture in Africa. Both were into forms of merchant banking. These were prudent investors who did not give out piles of cash to total strangers who stuffed it into a suitcase, took it to a flat in London, opened the suitcase and threw these piles of money into the air like children in a pillow fight. But that is what Ian Cowper Ross wrote in his novel, and that is the rubbish that Skues, Clark and Rusling want everyone to believe is a factual account of how 'Radio Caroline' was financed. Now consider this: Ian Cowper Ross claims that he first met Ronan O'Rahilly around the same time that Allan James Crawford first met Ronan O'Rahilly, and both of them, independently of each other, claim that this took place around the beginning of 1963, with a focus upon the month of March of that year. Since the beginnings of the bogus story about 'Radio Caroline' as told by Ronan O'Rahilly and Ian Cowper Ross is tied to that date, let us examine the known timeline to see how it fits in with reality. Well, the next major event that is a known fact, is that Ronan O'Rahilly was sent to Texas in June 1963, and to do so, he had to fly from London to New York, New York, and from New York, New York to Houston, Texas. We even know where he stayed in Houston and who he saw and that the people who greeted him took him to buy a pair of cowboy boots. Guess what? Ronan O'Rahilly admits going to Texas and buying cowboy boots, he just doesn't admit to when that happened. We know as a verified fact that it took place in June 1963! In Houston he met a representative from Wijsmuller and an engineer working for Gordon McLendon under the supervision of Charles William (Bill) Weaver, who had custody of the ship docked in Galveston island, Texas, and renamed 'Mi Amigo'. That vessel had been stripped of all broadcasting equipment upon instructions from Bill Weaver, and that happened in March 1963, which is when Ronan O'Rahilly first met Allan James Crawford. O'Rahilly then met Ian Cowper Ross at the Kenco coffee shop on King's Road in London. We know that he met Crawford before meeting Ian Cowper Ross, because prior to meeting Crawford, O'Rahilly did not have Crawford's notes about the 'Mi Amigo', and supposedly - according to the fable - they are the documents that O'Rahilly showed to Ian Cowper Ross. However, Crawford had previously met Bill Weaver in London during 1962, and that was his reason for sending Ronan O'Rahilly to Texas in June 1963. Ronan O'Rahilly went with hope of getting Crawford a lease, but brought back news that Weaver would not lease the Mi Amigo to Crawford. Weaver repeated what he had said before: he would only sell it and the broadcasting equipment, to Crawford - he would not lease it. If Crawford did ask to buy it, a slight problem would have to be overcome in that all of the broadcasting equipment was now in storage at Houston where it was available to be used as replacement parts for any of the McLendon stations needing equipment. So if the equipment was reloaded on to the 'Mi Amigo', then some new parts would have to be obtained to make up for the parts already recycled. In July 1963, Oliver Smedley and Allan James Crawford formed a new company that was registered in London at the beginning of August that year. It was called Project Atlanta Limited. At first this was merely an unimpressive registration, but within a few months it was loaded-up with an impressive board of directors. They included representatives of various printing and publishing companies, and the grandson of the founder of Royal Dutch Shell who lived on the coast of East Anglia, not far from the first major onshore natural gas and later oil installation. It was operated by Shell to serve offshore exploration and development in the North Sea. Now we come to Jocelyn Stevens who places the beginnings of 'Radio Caroline' around September, October of 1963, and he says so in person, on camera, and in a recorded broadcast that is still available! But Jocelyn Stevens made his claim during March 1964, because between August 1963 and September-October 1963, there was no such venture as 'Radio Caroline'. In fact, the name 'Caroline' had been in use by Stevens' editor since at least the year 1960 in a style sheet describing the typical reader of one publication produced by Stevens Press Limited. On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in the middle of the day, in the middle of a street with crowds watching him ride by in Dallas, Texas. That event quickly focused attention upon Gordon McLendon when strip club owner named Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald in the Dallas Police headquarters garage in full view of the cops, and with both print, radio and television journalists being witnesses in person to that event. Ruby had connections to the Chicago Mob, but he also claimed attachment to McLendon! This caused the eyes of investigators to look closely at what McLendon was up to, because McLendon was also involved with Democratic Party politics. McLendon's ship 'Mi Amigo' had previously received press coverage in Texas when it first arrived and their were hints that it was tied in some way to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). This ship was now a 'hot potato' and Crawford's request to lease it suddenly warranted a second look. Within weeks, the 'Mi Amigo' was dry docked; reloaded with the old and some new broadcasting equipment, and hurriedly got out of port during the Christmas-New Year holiday season of 1963. In the dying hours of 1963, that ship sailed for a private island in the Bahamas owned by Clint Murchison because he was one of a trio who had put together its original incarnation as the base for the Swedish operation called 'Radio Nord'. In his own book, Bill Weaver claimed that 'Radio Nord' was a CIA operation in the Baltic Sea. We met Bill Weaver in Texas in the Nineteen Seventies, and his family have recently sent us copies of Bill Weaver's original manuscripts information that was not in the published book, but which pointed to a secret mission involving detection of USSR nuclear submarine movements off the coast of Sweden. Within hours of the 'Mi Amigo' departing from Galveston island, Wijsmuller bought a retired Danish ferry named 'Fredericia' and taken it to Rotterdam, Holland at the dawn of 1964. At this moment in time, neither Ronan O'Rahilly or Ian Cowper Ross was attached to any company in the UK related to a venture involving 'Radio Caroline'. In fact, it would not be until February 25, 1964 that a company called Planet Productions Limited was registered in Ireland, and according to a UK Board of Trade investigation in 1965, there was still no separate entity in the UK that was representing the financial ownership of 'Radio Caroline'. Planet Productions Limited was an Irish company supposedly acting as the parent of a British sales company called Caroline Sales Limited, which not not exist. 'Radio Caroline', unlike all of the other offshore stations remained a phantom. It simply did not exist as an independent entity! Just like all of the other mythological tales spun by Ian Cowper Ross, the hack vanity writers such as Keith Skues; Ray Clark and Paul Rusling, have all swallowed the bait dangled in front of them by Ian Cowper Ross, and they have swallowed his words - hook, line and sinker. Then, after repackaging, they sold them on to gullible anoraks who have purchased their wares of deceit. With publication dates of 2014 and 2019, there is a review of the two editions of Ray Clark's book about 'Radio Caroline' which appears on the Caroline Brooks' Yesternoir Blog. It also features parts of an interview with Ian Cowper Ross concerning the involvement of his father, Charles Edward Ross. This is all part of the continued storyline by Ian Cowper Ross that began as a work of fiction first published in 1990 as 'Rocking the Boat'.
That novel introduces the fictitious character of "Jim Shaw", who is also referred as "Jimmy" in the 1990 book. One year later in 1991, and on a BBC-TV documentary, Ian Cowper Ross who appears on camera began to morph the fictitious character invented by him and called "Jim Shaw", into the person of his real birth father Charles Edward Ross. On that TV show, Ian Cowper Ross does not make the identification that plain and simple. Instead he hints that the 1990 novel is actually a true story. In this way the main character in the novel who is named "Paul Shaw" is gradually morphed into Ian Cowper Ross by association, which by logical extension would transform "Jim Shaw" who is also called "Jimmy" in the novel, into Charles Edward Ross, and he is the real birth father of Ian Cowper Ross. But it is in his later interview with Ray Clark where Clark, not Ross, connects the dots with the silent approval of Ian Cowper Ross. This is the key issue in this entire mystery, because it is where a fictitious character in the 1990 novel called Liam O'Mahoney, is likewise morphed into the real life person of Ronan O'Rahilly, and since Liam O'Mahoney is the fictitious person who addresses the fictitious character of "Jim Shaw" as "Jimmy", so by extension, Ronan O'Rahilly is assumed to have addressed Charles Edward Ross as "Jimmy". Once those mind connections have been made, then the guessing game began as to who "Jimmy Ross" worked for. It is all very clever and devious. Ian Cowper Ross never made that connection directly from "Jimmy Shaw" to "Jimmy Ross", he let others do that, and they did so with gusto. All kinds of silly associations to businesses ensued, and these silly connections found their way on to Wikipedia, which resulted in even more silly identities being proposed. Therefore if the bogus connection is disposed of, and if Ronan O'Rahilly did not start 'Radio Caroline' by getting a large amount of cash being handed to him via his meeting with Charles Edward Ross, then how was 'Radio Caroline' financed, and who financed it? That is what this Blog and the Caroline Brooks Yesternoir Blog are now going to address from two different perspectives. Now that Paul Rusling has taken down his ridiculous advertising for a book that he calls a 'bible' about the story of 'Radio Caroline', he thinks that this quiet change on the Garry Stevens' Forum will make the nonsense that he has published and promoted, just go away. But Rusling has not come out and apologized to everyone he misled; nor has offered to refund money to everyone he swindled by his propaganda for both personal gain and to assist the ridiculous claims of Malcolm Smith who continues the lies and misinformation spread by Ronan O'Rahilly.
The Rusling book sales continue under a banner touting 'World of Radio', and Smith touts Rusling's rubbish as proof that his tiny little station calling itself 'Radio Caroline', is a continuation of a venture begun in 1964, but neither claim is true, and both claims are all about vanity and personal financial gain. On the larger stage of world affairs we see this kind of behavior every day. Onlookers shrug their shoulders and say "What do you expect me to do"? Everyone has one life to live and we can see the actions and reactions to the noisemakers. Often, very often the people who pop up and call out the liars, thieves and cheats are themselves turned into victims in order to try to shut them up. Mob mentality supports all that is deceitful and harmful in this world, instead of all that is true and helpful. Some, like Rusling and Smith who are on the side of lying and cheating, leave it to their brainwashed minions to attack anyone who dares to identify Rusling, Smith and especially O'Rahilly, as figureheads of everything that is wrong in this world - small time. Of course there are far bigger issues out there that focus upon life and death, but if the small issues go unaddressed, then the big issues have free reign: no one cares. What we sense is that the issues being addressed here, which go to the foundational core of that institution of British broadcasting identified by the initials BBC, will continue to go unaddressed until someone comes along, and for all the wrong reasons, attacks those institutions using our research! We have been both broadcasting and publishing this material for a long time, and now we are finally getting to the hidden foundations of why someone like Ronan O'Rahilly was promoted to spread deception about the birth of 'Radio Caroline' in 1964, and why Ian Cowper Smith reemerged in 1990 to begin a new phase of that same campaign. In 1990 it had nothing to do with broadcasting from the high seas, but everything to do with the fuel you put in your car and the electricity generated that gives you light; refrigeration to cool offices, and heat to cook your food. The issue of offshore broadcasting in 1990 is directly connected to the issue that is scheduled to be addressed in Glasgow this year under the banner of 'Climate Change'. But how those twin subjects are connected is something you can only find in our previous publications and broadcast programming which we still make available, and by our research work that is being published by us on our various Internet web pages. Rusling and Smith may get their brainwashed supporters to mock our claims, but they will never address our claims. How do we know that for a fact? Well, to date, that is all that both Rusling's and Smith's supporters have done: they launch diversionary personal attacks on the messengers, but they dare not address the message. It began with a work of fiction in 1990 about a man named Jim Shaw, but the author, Ian Cowper Ross then began claiming in 1991 on a BBC-TV documentary, that it was not fiction, but concealed fact!
In 1992 along came Robert Chapman with a prestige book publisher who claimed for an academic audience that C.E. Ross - who is Charles Edward Ross, the real life birth father of Ian Cowper Ross - was on the "original board of directors" of Radio Caroline. That is funny because there was NO company called 'Radio Caroline' and there wasn't a board of directors for "C.E. Ross" to be part of! But Chapman went further! He also claimed that "C.E. Ross" was "owner of the Ross group of companies, and (with) John Sheffield, Chairman of Norcros .... controlled 83% of Radio Caroline shares.". This led Chapman to wax on with information about Jocelyn Stevens. It led the fools who believed this nonsense to then plaster it all over Wikipedia and suggest that Ian's father was the head of Ross Frozen Foods; or MacFisheries, or even CarPhone Warehouse! They had to try to bash those square pegs into round holes. Moral of that episode: take what you read on Wikipedia with the credibility of a con man's journal for fools who will believe anything they hear, see or read. But what was Robert Chapman's own source for this wonderfully precise ("83%") information? Robert Chapman did not cite a source, and whoever told him this bogus tale was not at all credible because that tale lacks any foundation in fact!. From Chapman the story got more twisted when it reached the hands of Keith Skues. Then along the way Ray Clark got hold of Ian Cowper Ross who really fed him a load of rubbish about how his tale was true. By the time it got to Paul Rusling, he was ready to believe anything, and so were the gullible anoraks who read his 'bible'. From there, Rusling helped Malcom Smith to convince the press and the British government that his tiny community radio station was in fact the latest manifestation of 'Radio Caroline' dating back to 1964. Then, with the icing on the cake in the form of their own 'bible', the anoraks devoured every morsel published about Ian Cowper Ross' work of fiction - because it focused upon the blarney of Ronan O'Rahilly, their hero. It was O'Rahilly who claimed to have invented and created 'Radio Caroline' all by himself, and now Ian Cowper Ross is telling the world that he was really the source of all of this nonsense - which he calls the true story! The only way to stop this nonsense is to expose all of it as a pack of lies spread by hack writers for gullible fools to obtain money from them! The reason for this Blog and its relating pages, is because the subject of 'Radio Caroline' is really the subject of two companion stories: The first one, which this Blog is following, relates to the negative unmasking of the bogus storyline which we are calling: 'Caroline: the girl who never was'. This is where we strip naked the bogus story about 'Jimmy Ross' and how he is supposed to have financed 'Radio Caroline'.
The second storyline answers this question: "Well, if that is not the story, just what is the real story?" Of course the answer also demands its own title, and right now we are working with: 'Caroline: strip tease in the North Sea'. It is all about the twin topics of oil and natural gas versus ideological banter hiding behind the words 'Climate Change'. It is also an explanation about how the logistical legal problems created by 'Radio Caroline', led to the necessity for new legislation after old problems had been buried at sea by a hoax. Everything that has appeared since 1990 in print, and over the airwaves claiming to tell readers, listeners and viewers about the "real story" or the "true story" of 'Radio Caroline', is a part of that hoax. You will find the answers here for the first part, and on this companion site for the second part of this story. Unmasking the big lie (click this link to activate this story and video which appears on another blog):
If Keith Skues, and his latter-day disciple Paul Rusling had used common sense, which is something in very short supply within the anorak community, they would have known better than to take from a novel called 'Rocking the Boat', which deliberately concealed real names; distorted some real events, and substituted some of the real events with fake events; in order to create their own works of fiction about a non-existent character called 'Jimmy Ross'!
Note: There is no such person by that name in the book by Ian Cowper Ross! In his novel, Ian Cowper Ross wrote about a man named Paul Shaw who had a father called Jim by the mother of Paul Shaw, and called Jimmy by a visitor. By extension, that character would be Jimmy Shaw. The book even refers to a car wash business named Shaw. But the Shaw family did not, and do not exist, and therefore that business did not exist! Contrary to the loony-tune words of someone calling himself 'Fred Bramley', all of the events that matter in the novel take place in California, USA; Chelsea, or Surrey in England. However, Keith Skues and Paul Rusling claim that the Shaw family is real, and so Jim or Jimmy Shaw was renamed Jimmy Ross - by them. Their only source is Ian Cowper Ross and their referrals to source material derived from his novel 'Rocking the Boat'; or from interviews given by Ian Cowper Ross. So it seems that Skues and Rusling created novels of their own! We now know that the Kenco Coffee Shop provides a great clue for anyone trying to unravel the real story behind the book 'Rocking the Boat', because the real story was taking place a mere six doors away on King's Road in Chelsea. Using this initial clue we have now unscrambled a lot of the Ian Cowper Ross novel, and we now know a lot more about generations of the Ross family and their many connections. But there is more to find and we are still looking for the missing bits. Once we have them they will form the basis for the Biography of Ian Cowper Ross, and the basis for revealing for the very first time the really true story (not the Ray Clark "really true" version which is the hoax version), about the beginnings of 'Radio Caroline' in 1964. Why are we telling you this now? Because we have just this morning made another major find in documented evidence! To learn what that discovery is you will have to wait a little longer. In addition to this Blog, which serves as an ongoing notepad of information, and as well as our analysis of the Ray Clark Interview pages, and our YesterStudies academic links to papers we have previously published that relate to the same subject matter, we have now added a Biography page about Ian Cowper Ross. We have begun to assemble quite a bit of information about the documented real life activities of Ian Cowper Ross in relation to both his biological family, and his in-laws, but until we created this new page, there was nowhere we could assemble, manage by addition, deletion or amendment, a single, ready-to-access file about the real life of Ian Cowper Ross.
Since the life and times of Ian Cowper Ross are really the keys to unlocking the hitherto mysteries concerning the creation of 'Radio Caroline' in 1964, we are focusing upon his life in relation to all other lives that come into contact with this story. That is because his life story is in one sense the story of 'Radio Caroline'. Forget the story of Ronan O'Rahilly, it is a distraction. You can also ignore Allan James Crawford, because it is the life story of Ian Cowper Ross that really leads us to uncovering the true story about the funding of 'Radio Caroline', even though Ian Cowper Ross deliberately confused and misdirected everyone with his invented tale of 'Jimmy Shaw'. But Ian Cowper Ross had help from Keith Skues! It seems to be Skues who first put two and two together and came up with the wrong answer! Ian sort of danced around the specifics, but Keith blundered in where the proverbial angels fear to tread! Long before Paul Rusling jumped onto this bandwagon of rubbish in 2019 when he reported that 'Jimmy Ross' was the father of Ian Ross, there was Keith Skues. In his work called 'Pop Went the Pirates II ', Skues claimed copyrights that go all the way back to 1968, but as far as we can determine, it is his second claim to 1994 that holds the key to debunking his 'Jimmy Ross' reference, because in 1968 no one was making that ridiculous claim! Ian Cowper Ross began it all with his 1990 novel that made the nonsense of Skues possible, but his novel called 'Rocking the Boat ' did not appear until 1990, and then it was not until the following year of 1991 when Ian Cowper Ross cropped up on a BBC-TV Arena production called 'A Pirate's Tale', and that is when he began to assert that his novel was a true account of events. (Ray Clark's interview took place much later during the year 2015.) But in his 1990 novel, Ian Cowper Ross referred to his main character by the name of Paul Shaw, and it was Paul Shaw's mother who called her fictitious husband Jim, and then another fictitious character named Liam O'Mahoney called Paul Shaw's fictitious father "Jimmy". This led Keith Skues to reinterpret or rename, "Jim" or "Jimmy Shaw" as "Jimmy Ross" and go further to claim that "Jimmy Ross" is the father of Ian Cowper Ross. Of course that is not true. The father of Ian Cowper Ross is Charles Edward Ross. But once Keith Skues put this daft idea into play, the equally looney anoraks who follow the puffed-up and self-important Keith Skues, all began to follow suit. That mess resulted in the nonsense that swirled around in the head of Paul Alexander Rusling when he created a pretentious 'bible' in 2019, and then claimed that the friends of Charles Edward Ross called him "Jimmy"! We flipped open our copy of Keith Skues 'Pop Went the Pirates II ' and read on page 11: "..... the conscientious Ronan O'Rahilly was making progress fast. He had already found seven millionaire backers including ..... Mr Jimmy Ross." But the tangle of nonsense goes much deeper than the mess created by Keith Skues, because Ian Cowper Ross also invented a brother in his 1990 novel. In real life he does not have a brother, he has a much older step-brother. To a great extent, the life of the younger Ian Cowper Ross was lived in the shadow of his step-brother Charles Cowper Ross. In his novel, Ian drops a lot of clues about the Kenya coffee shop and a car wash outfitted with imported U.S. equipment. But you can't locate that car wash where Ian placed it in his novel, although it not only existed, but it plays a key part in understanding the real story about Ian and his step-brother. Ian's step-brother was not only following a theatrical career, but that of an entrepreneur dabbling in several other activities as well, and one of his business ventures included a car wash. It is only by pinning down the facts and separating them from the fiction that the true story begins to emerge, because his step-brother also had a business partner, and together they left clues implanted in the public record of the day! While we began to think that Charles Edward Ross was a director of the Jensen Motor Car Company of Birmingham, our research has so far drawn a blank. No mention of Charles Edward Ross is currently to be found in the history of that Birmingham-based company. Yet, Ian Cowper Ross managed to get hold of an expensive Jensen sports car when he was a teen, and then crash it headlong into a bus. That landed him in hospital where he almost lost a foot, and then it landed him in a Derbyshire Magistrates' Court where his father is identified as a director of a sports car company. But it does not identify that company as being the Jensen Motor Car Company. So with all the clues in play we have gone back and reexamined the relationship between Norcros and Jensen. It was a failing company that Norcros took over in 1959, and then spat-out in 1966 as still being a failing company! Whatever Charles Edward Ross was doing, it was not enough to save Jensen! That brings us back to the novel which Ian Cowper Ross says is partially true. The question is, which parts are true? Clearly the apocryphal tale of Liam O'Mahoney hitting Jimmy Shaw up for money in cash, is totally untrue. That is not how 'Radio Caroline' was financed, but for some reason that is what the people who really financed 'Radio Caroline' want us to believe. We now think that we know why, and how this came to the surface is when we started to assemble all of the new data in a new timeline which combines all of the related and documented evidence that we have so far uncovered. Why are we reporting all of this here for everyone to read? Because having already experienced intellectual theft of material by at least two hack writers of self-published vanity books, this is the easiest way (due to publication time stamp), for us to prove in a court of law our claims to copyright infringement - should we wish to do so. Therefore to create a place for our assembled data, we created a Biography page on the menu bar. We will also continue to add both content and commentary to the Ray Clark Interview pages. Right at this moment the 'Biography' link is blank, but we will notify you here when data is added. A final note for the person hiding behind the name 'Fred Bramley' on the Garry Stevens' site: That site hosts the fraudulent claims of Paul Alexander Rusling and his 'bible'. Whoever 'Fred Bramley' really is, he does not want you to read Ian Cowper Ross' novel called 'Rocking the Boat'. We want you to read it - because you will quickly discover that 'Fred Bramley' has not read it! 'Fred Bramely asserts that it is a novel set in Liverpool. It is not. It begins in Beverly Hills, California and moves its location to the King's Road in Chelsea, before moving on to Hindhead, Surrey and other locations, including the Liverpool area. This book is primarily a love story about its main character named 'Paul Shaw', and his pursuit of a girl with aristocratic ties. In 1966, Ian Cowper Ross who wrote the novel, did marry into aristocracy. Ian Cowper Ross did get involved with a car auto wash business, run by his step-brother, but not at a location as described in the novel, and that business was not in Liverpool. However, what 'Fred Bramley' is ignoring quite deliberately it seems, is that Keith Skues and Paul Rusling have decided to turn the father of Ian Cowper Ross, into 'Jimmy Ross' - by doing exactly what 'Fred Bramley' complains about: namely turning the fictitious novel about Paul Shaw and his father named Jim Shaw or Jimmy Shaw, into a book about Ian Cowper Ross and Charles Edward Ross! In fact, by promoting this nonsense on the very site that 'Fred Bramley' is posting his complaint on, Garry Stevens who is the owner of that site, is promoting the 'bible' of Paul Alexander Rusling to aid and abet in the fraudulent passing off of the newly licensed and tiny community station calling itself 'Radio Caroline'. 'Fred Bramley' can't have it both ways. If that book is merely a novel, then the interpretive work of Paul Rusling (aided by Garry Stevens), are perpetrating a fraud. Why isn't 'Fred Bramley' addressing these issues, while at the same time demanding that Garry Stevens removes his "Jimmy Ross" advertising? But these anoraks never discuss the issues, and 'Fred Bramley' is typical of those who lack the mental capacity to think logically and act rationally. We first read and reviewed this novel years ago, and back then we tried to reconcile its storyline to the real story of 'Radio Caroline', but without success. A decade or more has passed, and we are now extremely close to revealing the hitherto untold and unknown and unpublished true story of 'Radio Caroline'. So if you know the real person hiding behind the moniker of 'Fred Bramley', please tell him that every word of nonsense that he writes on the Garry Stevens' site, only goes to compound the fact that it is knowingly publishing false and fraudulent information to dupe readers into supporting an equally fake currently licensed operation calling itself 'Radio Caroline' which has absolutely no authentic claims to the original station the began broadcasting in 1964. This Blog is primarily about the 1990 book 'Rocking the Boat'; its author; the resulting BBC-TV documentary and the people behind the creation of the myth about 'Jimmy Ross'. To see where all of this fits into the big picture, please visit this site by clicking the banner below:
This book begins its tale about Paul Shaw and his dad Jim Shaw in the year 1963 in England, but quickly backtracks to 1959 in Beverly Hills, California. Then it moves forward again while making passing mention of Paul Shaw's mother, and making a backhanded remark about his brother Melville. The author of the book is Ian Cowper Ross whose father is named Charles Edward; his mother is named Phyllis, and his considerably older step-brother is named Charles Cowper. All of them have the surname of Ross.
It is like looking for a needle in a haystack trying to find the truth about the contents of this book, but the truth is there to be found, and we have now found much of it, and that includes the story of a car wash, which believe it or not, unlocks many more details that lead to the true tale about the creation of Radio Caroline in 1964. There was a reason why this book was published in 1990 as a pseudo-novel, because it allowed for the injection of a tale that is completely bogus, but one that has sent all of the writers about Radio Caroline to charge off down a blind alley. In 1990 misdirection was necessary to mislead enquiring minds, and the book was necessary in 1990 to relaunch the life and means to living of Ian Cowper Ross. But really the big key to making sense of this book is knowing all about the Kenco coffee shop on King's Road in Chelsea. That is the same coffee shop where we have already been told by email not to pay so much attention. However, knowing exactly where that shop is, and knowing a lot more about the step-brother of Ian Cowper Ross, are the twin keys to unlocking a series of mysteries about the creation of Radio Caroline in 1964. We will of course eventually reveal what we already know, but in the meantime we want to finish reporting the rest of Ray Clark's interview with Ian Cowper Ross accompanied by our own commentary. You can find the next part of our commentary and review under Part Two on the menu bar above, or by clicking here.
"Never mind the details" .... that is what our critics, those nervous buffoons who fell for the 'Jimmy Ross' story as recently re-spread quite thickly, like treacle, by Paul Alexander Rusling in his absurd 'bible'. Of course they would say that, because they now know that they bought into a lie, so rather than back down and admit their stupidity, they tell us to "never mind the details" whereby in 1962 the Kenya coffee shop was renamed Kenco.
Never mind the fact that Charles Edward Ross was never called 'Jimmy Ross', and that includes the 1990 book by Ian Cowper Ross. His character was called 'Jim' (by his fictitious wife), and 'Jimmy' by a young and fictitious Irishman. Only Paul Alexander Rusling in 2019 stuck his neck out and called 'Jimmy Shaw' - 'Jimmy Ross'. Rusling said - without any backup proof - that for some idiotic and nonsensical reason all of Charles Edward Ross' friends called him 'Jimmy'. His readers bought this lie in his 'bible' which one of his reviewing friends compared to the Holy Bible! Some nerve that. It makes you wonder if the reviewer thinks that the Holy Bible is also a load of make-believe rubbish like Rusling's bible. Well, we are concerned with the details and that includes trying to document the biological side of Ian Cowper Ross' ancestry, because we know just about everything concerning his twin set of aristocratic in-laws. More about them a little later. Right now we are tracking his biological elder step-brother Charles Cowper Ross who was in business on the King's Road in Chelsea - but not with his step-brother Ian Cowper Ross. Much more about that to follow .... We are trying to put together a true biography about the life and times of Ian Cowper Ross, because he holds some of the keys to debunking the latter-day mythology about Ronan O'Rahilly. Well, we have just stumbled across something in plain sight that makes Paul Alexander Rusling look pretty stupid indeed!
We found this gem as a result of trying to assemble known and provable facts in evidence using contemporary newspaper accounts prior to 1990, which is when Ian Cowper Ross published his novel. That book called 'Rocking the Boat' was published with help from his aristocratic mother-in-law. But it was that same novel of 1990 which was then turned into a claim of reality one year later on BBC-TV. After an interval of time in which other hack writers jumped in to write their own 'true' and 'real' stories about the start of 'Radio Caroline', it was the turn of Ray Clark to put his icing on the cake. That is what happened when his 2015 interview with Ian Cowper Ross was published Online. We had determined that Ian Cowper Ross was born on October 25, 1943, and that on November 3, 1961, when he appeared in court to answer charges of crashing a Jensen sports car head-on into a bus, he was 18 years, 6 months and 9 days of age. We have confirmation from Allan James Crawford that he first met Ronan O'Rahilly around March 1, 1963, and then Ian Cowper Ross told Ray Clark in 2015, that he first met Ronan O'Rahilly during that same time period in 1963. On March 1, 1963, Ian Cowper Ross would have been 19 years, 4 months and 7 days old. But since Ian Cowper Ross has morphed his work of fiction called 'Rocking the Boat' into claimed fact, we have been researching the life of his father Charles Edward Ross. The beginning of that book states that the year when events begin in his storyline is 1963, and then, it goes back in time to the year 1959. In 1959 Ian Cowper Ross would have been approximately 16 years of age, and he was with both his mother and his father who was on a business trip to Beverly Hills in California. It is important to note that Ian was accompanied by his mother, because that is the key to unmasking the absolute and total bilge that has been unleashed by Paul Rusling in his 'bible', as you will soon discover for yourself! In 1959 the Jensen Motor Car Company was taken over by John Sheffield's Norcros financial holding company. The Jensen company was in a financial bind at that time. In 1966, Sheffield kicked Jensen out of his Norcros group and eventually the car company went bankrupt. So we are trying to discover who or what, Charles Edward Ross was working for during the time that the supposed financial birth of 'Radio Caroline' was taking place. We know from a referenced court record that his son Ian Cowper Ross was living at home in 1961, and that he had just crashed an expensive Jensen sports car into a bus. The court report said that his father was a company director of a sports car manufacturing firm. But nowhere have we found anything to say that the sports car company in question made Jensen sports cars, or to put it bluntly, the sports car that his son was driving when he collided with a bus belonged to the firm his father worked for. We know that the Jensen factory was in Birmingham, but so far, we have not found any reference to an employee or company director of Jensen named Charles Edward Ross. We are still looking! But what we have noticed, quite by accident, is a line at the very bottom of Ian Cowper Ross' novel on page two, and this is what it says with regards to the subject of automatic car washes: 'My mother said, "They don't have those in England, do they Jim?"' Now this is a line from the 1990 novel by Ian Cowper Ross where the main character is named Paul Shaw. His mother is not identified by first name. But the family name is Shaw, and a person called Liam O'Mahoney begins calling Jim Shaw, "Jimmy". Where the blindsiding comes from to cause misdirection, is in the idea that a young Irishman who has never met the more senior and serious father of Paul Shaw before, should begin by calling him by his first name as if they were pals, while hitting him up for serious money. But that is part of the old Steve Martin trick who revealed how to ask a question and provide an unrelated answer. Politicians do this all the time! This is a novel about Paul Shaw whose dad is Jim Shaw. It is not about Charles Edward Ross. It is not about Ian Cowper Ross and Ronan O'Rahilly never went by the name of Liam O'Mahoney. But to get around all of the awkward questions and to sell his 'bible' to gullible fools, Paul Alexander Rusling wrote this on his page 51: "While Ross senior's Christian name was Charles, many of his close friends and colleagues knew him simply as 'Jimmy'." Oh really? Where did you get that idea from? Rusling obviously thinks his readers are fools for buying his book, so why shouldn't he wax on, which he does: "The fast-talking young Irishman's [sic] had all the answers and his knowledge was impressive and Jimmy Ross hoped that a family involvement in this exciting new venture might give his errant son Ian something useful to do." Then, on page 52, Rusling writes about John Sheffield and his Norcros financial holdings company: "He was well known to Ian Ross' father Jimmy, who worked for the trouble car manufacturer ...." Rusling just made this stuff up and extended the 1990 to 1991 to 2015 mythology about 'Jimmy Ross' into 2019 in order to support an equally fraudulent and tiny licensed radio station calling itself 'Caroline'. They all conned gullible supporters to give them money, so it seems that they all reasoned: why not - if they can get away with it. So far no one has stopped them, or even tried to stop them. Until now. Our job is to stop them all dead in their tracks by confronting every one of them with the truth and exposing their lies and fraud in order to gain monetary benefits. The plug also needs to be pulled on those fraudulent broadcasting licenses. So far we have only partially edited Part One, but we will continue to both refine and add to the entire interview in the days that follow.
Please see the link on the menu bar above.
This Blog is devoted to unmasking the truth about the origin, creation and management of 'Radio Caroline', which was a spin-off from another offshore station called 'Radio Atlanta'. How that split occurred is what we will reveal here, while its context within the wider story can be found here.
Just as we have begun to strip back here, the aristocratic genealogy (via marriage) of the Ian Cowper Ross family (and we have have not yet finished with that part of the story), so too will the history of the Jensen Car Company and its entanglement with Charles Edward Ross be told here. That part of the jigsaw will follow next. Indeed, this is not a story about a young Irish rogue, but a very British account of divisions within the British Establishment, with the hoi polloi invited to look on and marvel at what was accomplished, and why. But the hoi polloi were not the movers and shakers, they remained hidden from public view. What the hoi polloi thought that they had 'discovered' in pictures, on the airwaves and in print, is merely what they were told to see, hear and read. The Establishment was in charge, and 'Radio Caroline' was a creation of one part of 'The Establishment'. |
November 2023
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