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For readers of this redacted part-work edition, please note:
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Except where supporting references are used, this work is copyright 2024 by the co-authors.
The text shown is fluid, and subject to many revisions in both style and content.
Latest update January 9, 2024 at 9:00 AM UTC
with Eric Gilder and Mervyn Hagger
About the Co-Authors
For readers of this redacted part-work edition, please note:
This is not the final version of this work, therefore permission is not granted for downloading.
Except where supporting references are used, this work is copyright 2024 by the co-authors.
The text shown is fluid, and subject to many revisions in both style and content.
Latest update January 9, 2024 at 9:00 AM UTC
with Eric Gilder and Mervyn Hagger
About the Co-Authors
This publication is the redacted part-work version of a print publication in progress. It is the work product of original research by Genie Baskir, Eric Gilder and Mervyn Hagger. For brevity, on some pages of the text that follows, their combined activities as co-authors are referred to as 'The Trio'. As investigative journalists, 'The Trio' also identify themselves as 'YesterTecs' in order not to be confused with other writers who also write about past events. For purposes of continuity, Genie Baskir is the narrator of this part-work which incorporates both content and combined research of her co-authors.
About this Project
The combined origins of this project developed from an academic series of articles and related books which began in 2000 and were published over a period of several years.
When the first announcement about this project was published in 2014, the intention of the co-authors was to produce a work called 'YesterAir: The Origins of American and British Broadcasting'. That original announcement can be accessed here:
However, when the co-authors began to assemble their research in 2014, they were confronted by a very brief statement which appeared in one paragraph on a single page of a book edited by a reputable journalist and assisted by a credible technical writer. Although it had been published in 2002 by the prestigious Institute of Electrical Engineers, it had not previously come to the attention of 'The Trio'.
The title of this book is Radio Man' and it was funded by a Foundation established by the grandson of Charles Orr Stanley who had turned a relatively small company into the world famous Pye Group of companies. But when the Pye Group financially collapsed, their story disappeared from view after their assets were acquired by rival companies.
Because of the ambiguity and brevity of the reference in the book'Radio Man' which contradicts the accepted and established narrative about the creation of 'Radio Caroline', the co-authors of this work were forced into undertaking a major research project. The publication you are now reading is the result of that undertaking.
The title of this book is Radio Man' and it was funded by a Foundation established by the grandson of Charles Orr Stanley who had turned a relatively small company into the world famous Pye Group of companies. But when the Pye Group financially collapsed, their story disappeared from view after their assets were acquired by rival companies.
Because of the ambiguity and brevity of the reference in the book'Radio Man' which contradicts the accepted and established narrative about the creation of 'Radio Caroline', the co-authors of this work were forced into undertaking a major research project. The publication you are now reading is the result of that undertaking.
About Redactions
Except where necessary in order to provide a background explanation, this redacted part-work does not cover events which took place prior to October 15,1964.
'Radio Caroline' began test transmissions on March 27, 1964, but both the true reason for its appearance on the airwaves, and its real promoter, were both obfuscated by a campaign of misinformation. With variations of presentation, that is the story which has been reported until now by most of the mainstream press.
Because the actual story is unrelated to the totally fictitious versions now in general circulation, it is therefore not a simple matter of correcting errors made by other writers, but one of explaining what did take place, while debunking some of the many myths and legends that have been created to promote false narratives. It would also appear from the bogus stories now in circulation, that their authors did not engage in the due diligence that is required of academic researchers in order to present evidence that would be acceptable in a court of law. This work attempts to meet that high standard of factual reporting.
This work has been redacted as a part-work that begins on October 15, 1964, because that is when the original business plan behind the creation of 'Radio Caroline' was deemed to be a total failure. After that date the story of 'Radio Caroline' had to begin anew. That is the story that this work covers.
The first part of the story will follow publication of this present work. The reason why this part-work has been redacted is an attempt to preserve its research from copyright theft. Previously, the work of the co-authors has been stolen by plagiarists who never understood the real story, and yet they attempted to incorporate work by the co-authors into their own fake narratives.
Unfortunately, because it is not cost-effective for the co-authors to take legal action against copyright thieves, the only way for the co-authors to preserve exclusive rights to their own research material, is to first create, and then release it, upon a suitable commercial platform of their making. This part-work is one step in that direction.
The complete story will appear in the full-length print version of this work
'Radio Caroline' began test transmissions on March 27, 1964, but both the true reason for its appearance on the airwaves, and its real promoter, were both obfuscated by a campaign of misinformation. With variations of presentation, that is the story which has been reported until now by most of the mainstream press.
Because the actual story is unrelated to the totally fictitious versions now in general circulation, it is therefore not a simple matter of correcting errors made by other writers, but one of explaining what did take place, while debunking some of the many myths and legends that have been created to promote false narratives. It would also appear from the bogus stories now in circulation, that their authors did not engage in the due diligence that is required of academic researchers in order to present evidence that would be acceptable in a court of law. This work attempts to meet that high standard of factual reporting.
This work has been redacted as a part-work that begins on October 15, 1964, because that is when the original business plan behind the creation of 'Radio Caroline' was deemed to be a total failure. After that date the story of 'Radio Caroline' had to begin anew. That is the story that this work covers.
The first part of the story will follow publication of this present work. The reason why this part-work has been redacted is an attempt to preserve its research from copyright theft. Previously, the work of the co-authors has been stolen by plagiarists who never understood the real story, and yet they attempted to incorporate work by the co-authors into their own fake narratives.
Unfortunately, because it is not cost-effective for the co-authors to take legal action against copyright thieves, the only way for the co-authors to preserve exclusive rights to their own research material, is to first create, and then release it, upon a suitable commercial platform of their making. This part-work is one step in that direction.
The complete story will appear in the full-length print version of this work
About Comments
Because this topic is being approached in a manner counter to the previously accepted version of this story, and because it is based upon original research, the co-authors appreciate any helpful comments which are sent to them, even though the person sending them may not understand that their negativity may actually result in a positive input. To separate the two different types of comments that are made, if you wish to submit specific editorial input (citing page, paragraph, line, etc.), please use this link:
Only genuine proof reading comments will be accepted on the link above. All others will be instantly deleted. However, if you wish to make general observations, then please use this link:
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Editing in progress preparatory for a print edition.
This text remains fluid and subject to change.
This text remains fluid and subject to change.
Copyright 2024 by Yesterday Never Happened (UK) Ltd