Most of our incoming mail seems to be from people who want to prevent our investigation from being published in book format, but we now have received some very helpful input from David Cotter who directed our attention to finding the genealogical background of the person identified as Oonagh Leigh. She is mostly identified in connection with Radio Caroline (1964-1967) as Oonagh Leigh, and prior to that in association with the person of Ronan O'Rahilly.
We have been informed by David Cotter that she was born into a family named Huggard, and not Hubbard as a Kent Police report stated. However, she was born in Surrey, England, as the Police report stated. When she married for the first time her surname became Leigh, and later, she married again and acquired the surname of Karanjia. But for the purposes of this investigation her surname is now Huggard. Oonagh Huggard had an older sister named Frances who also married and acquired the surname of van Staden. Frances also went to work at 6 Chesterfield Gardens during the time of its occupancy by entities related to Radio Caroline. Therefore we have begun to make corrections to the text where we were in error, and we will be changing and building a revised BioFrag in order to identify the various family and business relationships of Oonagh Huggard - Leigh - Karanjia. Again, we thank David Cotter for his assistance in this matter. We have been asked (again) why we paid a private investigator to discover who is the father of Ian Cowper Ross? We thought that we had answered this question under a prior posting which began: What took you so long?
The answer is the same. Right now there remains a vast body of work Online; in previous radio and television broadcast documentaries, and in previously published newspaper and magazine features that all identify C. E. Ross as 'Jimmy Ross', and who is then linked with MacFisheries; CarPhone Warehouse or a City of London merchant bank. The son of C.E. Ross did his best to confuse everyone with a novel about a family called Shaw, which he then implied was really about his own family called Ross. So 'Jimmy Shaw' in Ian's novel was transposed as 'Jimmy Ross'. We knew of one way to discover the truth and that was to obtain a copy of Ian's wedding certificate that listed his father's name and his mother's name. To obtain a copy we had to buy a copy and that is what we did. We paid a private investigator to locate the official repository from which to buy it, and then we paid him to buy a copy and send it to us. Once we had that information we had a 'key' to opening many other doors. If we had simply relied upon the press we would have run into challenges about the veracity of the information, because the press has carried the bogus story about 'Jimmy Ross'. So we paid for an authentic copy and all of that took time. But to get to that point we had to know just who was pumping out this fake story about 'Jimmy Ross', and why they were doing it. We answered that question as well by buying copies of books, as well as magazine and newspaper articles. We then had a vast and growing library of information (much of it was in error), but we then had to assemble it in chronological order. We also obtained copies of those old radio and television documentaries as well as airchecks from old broadcasts. But because there is no existing single source of the true information about Ian Cowper Ross and his entanglement with Ronan O'Rahilly, we had to obtain official documents from Ireland about the involvement of Ronan O'Rahilly's father in the creation of Radio Caroline. That became a little more difficult and a little more expensive. Then there is that misleading book called 'Radio Man', and that took even more money and time to unravel, in order to find the truth. What we began to learn from all this information is that the stories about CBC (Plays) Ltd; CNBC (offshore radio); Voice of Slough Ltd; GBOK; GBLN; Radio Atlanta and finally Radio Caroline, are not separate ventures, but one venture with many spin-offs. We also learned that Jocelyn Stevens did not appear at the end of the story in 1964, but at the beginning of the story as far back as 1959, or possibly earlier, and that there were other key players who have not been considered to date as part of a single story thread. All of that has taken time and money, because before we knew the questions to ask, we first had to have access to some existing answers to reconsider. This is how we set about uncovering the truth. It began with a working hypothesis which we tested to see if it was true, or untrue. Sometimes it turned out to be true, but often it turned into a blind alley and we had to ask anew. This is how criminal detectives work on cold case crimes, and this is how we work. Do we know the whole story as of now? No, we don't. Will we ever find all of the information? Probably not. Will we find enough of the real answers to publish a true account that will totally rubbish the fictitious nonsense that is already in circulation? Absolutely we will - because we already have! Right now we are 'tidying-up' our research by putting it into chronological order and writing it in such a way that it isn't presented as a boring academic paper, but in a book form that readers might enjoy and which will certainly enlightened them. Garry Stevens and those who support you: Be advised that by your current actions you are crossing a line in the sand which has your own personal enrichment on one side, and theft of our intellectual property on the other side. Your chosen method is personal attack via anonymous writings, personally authorized by you, and for which you provide a public platform. The silencing of our investigation is obviously your target.
It is ironic that on the one side you pretend to support freedom of the airwaves, while in reality you are merely promoting various music streams that you brand as 'tribute' stations, such as 'Wonderful Radio London'. At the same time, you are also attacking Malcolm Smith's licensed 'tribute' station that he calls 'Radio Caroline'. For a time it seemed that these 'tribute' stations were harmless enough, but in reality they are merely following the lead of the British Broadcasting Corporation when it created 'BBC Radio One'. While the BBC took its original lead from ideas generated by Don Pierson, of Eastland, Texas, the BBC never claimed that what they were creating was a continuation of Don Pierson's work. Indeed they have done their best to ignore him completely. On the other hand you are palming off your 'tribute' stations as reflections of the original offshore stations, sans attribution to Don Pierson, and therefore your streams are not 'tributes' at all, but merely the replaying of music without paying anyone for their work that you are supposedly acknowledging. In other words, you are preaching "what's yours is mine, and what's mine in mine." That is theft. Malcolm Smith is doing far worse. He has a license to broadcast programs under various call signs relating to 'Radio Caroline' while pretending that there is a link between what he is doing and the offshore broadcasting stations operating under that name during the Nineteen Sixties. In the case of Malcolm Smith he is draping his own reputation around that of Ronan O'Rahilly while at the same time disavowing any connection between his current projects and Ronan O'Rahilly. Both of you are promoting a form of censorship by intentionally obfuscating the true story of offshore broadcasting during the Nineteen Sixties, while at the same time, both of you appear to be denouncing each other. In reality, both of you are doing the bidding of the very same institution that has censored British communications since the birth of broadcasting, and before that, with the rebirth of the Post Office in England during the time of King Charles II. You, Garry Stevens, obliterate the life and times of Don Pierson, while Malcolm Smith promotes the pseudo-life of Ronan O'Rahilly. Two approaches serving the same end: censorship via miseducation for personal gain. Therefore, what is happening on this Blog and on its companion Blog, is a stripping away of the lies and distortions, and it is being achieved at no cost to readers! This genuine not-for-personal-profit underlying factor is now causing you, Garry Stevens, to authorize any means necessary to preserve your own fake 'history' of broadcasting, by attacking the authorship of our publications. Worse, you are willing to authorize personal attacks upon our authorship that is unrelated to the subject matter itself. A line is being drawn in the sand that is establishing that what others have done by stealing our copyrighted researched and published works, is now becoming an issue where you are attempting to stop us from publication. On your Forum, Paul Rusling has stated that we cannot copyright facts, when in reality what Paul Rusling has stolen is our research and word product by claiming it as his own, and then he has co-mingled our facts with his fiction. That is both theft and intentional harm. What you are engaging in Garry Stevens, is something far more sinister. While you try to hide behind the scene, you are in fact crossing the line from freedom of speech and expression, into the realm of a violation of human rights. You cloak your activities in the names of anonymous writers in an effort to disguise those words for what they really are: anti-social behavior intended to quash individual human rights. Therefore, take notice: We are no longer bound to stay quiet about the kind of two-faced behavior that you and your cohort Paul Rusling have been and still are engaging in. Both of you are aware of what you have previously stated in emails written to us, and which to date, we have not shared with others. You are on notice to stop your hypocritical behavior before the world reads your own words that condemn your own actions that have no justification in law. Anoraks, stop believing and supporting the LIES being promoted by Paul Rusling, Mike Leonard and a host of others about the origins of Radio Caroline, because that is what you are doing by supporting them!
If you take away the 'Jimmy' LIE, then how do YOU explain the origin of Radio Caroline? The 'Jimmy' LIE is just that: the 'Jimmy' LIE. 'Jimmy' never existed except in the minds of anoraks. We are still investigating the lives of Ian Cowper Ross and Oonagh Leigh, although we now have enough to totally demolish the LIES published by Rusling; Mike Leonard and others. But we are self-financing and having to both investigate and then assemble the details in such an in-your-face manner, that anoraks have nowhere to run, and no place to hide. What the publishers of the 'real story' etc., etc., about Radio Caroline have published so far is absolute rubbish. It supports the Establishment, meaning the BBC and its step-children. Now that's an insulting laugh isn't it? You thought you were supporting the cause of 'free radio', but that is a big joke in itself - instead of investigating the joke as we are, and we will continue to unmask the nonsense to the satisfaction of court room standards! But isn't it funny how the anoraks will read these lines and spot what they think is a typo, instead of a deliberate bait, and then comment of the typo but never upon the fact that the story about 'Jimmy Ross' is a lie. So okay, the anoraks are reading these words and our viewing statistics are climbing! What a pity that the penny isn't dropping in their minds that Paul Rusling et al have all defrauded them with a pack of lies which they had to purchase to read, while you get the true story here, for free! By the way, we want to thank the anorak who has now posted a link to these words on of all places: The Garry Stevens' Forum! What dummies the anoraks really are - they will believe anything and never check out the facts. (Now go and read our companion Blog - it has different content today.) If there never was a 'Jimmy Ross', and there wasn't, then where did the money come from to start Radio Caroline? Not Ronan O'Rahilly! You want to know about Ronan O'Rahilly? He worked for his father's family business but told everyone that he had escaped that business and struck out on his own. More to the point is that he arrived in London to find additional funding for the family business, and then he drifted off track and his parents cut him loose. We have the proof! We are assembling the stories of Ronan O'Rahilly; Ian Cowper Ross; Oonagh Leigh and others involved in the fake narrative - promoted by Jocelyn Stevens! Jocelyn Stevens was 'there' at the beginning - meaning that Jocelyn Stevens was getting involved with the commercial radio scene in Britain back in 1959-1960 when a lot of others were getting involved. But Jocelyn Stevens was not 'Mister Big' (who really did exist! We know who he was and what 'glued' all of these people together, even though their interests varied.) Jocelyn Stevens got involved with Ronan O'Rahilly via the ship 'Fredericia', and Ronan O'Rahilly got involved with the 'Fredericia' because of his father! Jocelyn Stevens needed Ian Cowper Ross because he was not Irish, but would-be English aristocracy - like Jocelyn Stevens himself. One big difference: at that at the time, Ian Cowper Ross was just a kid without a lot of common sense. The reason why Jocelyn Stevens needed Ian Cowper Ross was to misdirect attention away from 'Mister Big'. Ronan O'Rahilly could not do that with his silly stories about Georgie Fame. The EMI catalogue made a joke out of that story. So what about Oonagh Leigh? Well she was a Ronan O'Rahilly hanger-on, although she had far more wisdom and understanding about the situation than Ronan O'Rahilly. Unfortunately for her, she was an outsider who was not welcomed into the inner sanctum of the British aristocracy like Ian Cowper Ross. However, he only gained entrance via the backdoor, and not in his own right. He was sort of inside, but not really, not like Jocelyn Stevens. What we want to know is this: At what point will the anorak publishers admit that they have been following the unresearched lies of each other, instead of actually doing some work to find the true story? Right now the British Crown Establishment thinks that anoraks are the biggest collection of dummies to have shuffled on to the stage since the Flat Earth Society. The British Broadcasting Corporation transmits a constant stream of rubbish to the world, and yesterday they were at it again with another 40 minutes about a station they called 'Radio Caroline', except that it wasn't. This is the reason why we are drawing a line under August 14, 1967 when the original and real Radio Caroline died - forever.
But what the BBC is doing is promoting this totally false narrative that a station called 'Radio Caroline' is still on the air - now with a UK broadcasting licence. This is the fake history that is being taught to students today, and it is that same mythology that the BBC is once again endorsing and broadcasting to the general public. Why are we so concerned? Because BBC programs such as this one, have been built upon deception under the pretense of actuality, and that is the main fare of the authorized story about the past that is constantly promoted by the UK Establishment. This BBC program is typical of a form of presentation about the past that was 'perfected' in WWII using a mandate by Winston Churchill, but placed under the direction of Sefton Delmer. This new program follows Sefton Delmer's style of presentation: It contains a certain amount of true reporting about the sinking of the Mi Amigo in 1980, but it mixed-it with a totally fictitious story about broadcasting after August 14, 1967 by a station using the name of 'Radio Caroline'. This only reinforces the falsehood that back in 1964, Ronan O'Rahilly was the originator of the authentic station called Radio Caroline. He was not, and neither is there any continuity that is alleged to stretch from Radio Caroline of 1964-1967, to the event that Nick Richards is now relating on the BBC World Service. Until 2015 we thought that the true story about the origins of Radio Caroline was known. We had already begun to publish our work with a precursory introduction under a two-part title called 'UK Offshore Radio' (which is still available Online.) Then the fog of confusion descended and everything ground to a halt.
As we have previously revealed in our two Blogs, as well as in an article published in the magazine of the Communications Museum at Burntisland in Scotland, we were confronted with a conundrum. That mystery began with a book called 'Radio Man'. The initial problem began when the authors of 'Radio Man' claimed a very different heritage to the existing and accepted story, because their version was at variance with the one stated in books; magazine articles; newspaper features and broadcasts. It took us over two years to root out the true story, and one reason for the delay is that the person who had commissioned the publication of 'Radio Man' had spent almost £100,000 in the process. The net effect was to deceive by obfuscation, and therefore mislead readers. While the story in 'Radio Man' is at variance to the 'pop' version, its harm is compounded by the careful substitution of words used in print, in order to change the meaning of the original research text prior to publication. We do not believe that this was an accident. We eventually discovered that the twisting of facts to partially deceive, was nothing more that a process put into play by Winston Churchill during World War II. This Churchillian strategy was deliberately invented to confuse and misinform the Nazi German leaders. It even confused President Roosevelt who was not told at first about the Churchillian plan of intentional deception. So the USA began to spend money and manpower to investigate what was perceived to be information coming from Nazi Germany, when it was really coming from Churchill's autocratic and secretive United Kingdom. But in the Nineteen Sixties, that same methodology was being employed by British entrepreneurs to deceive the British electorate. Back in WWII it wasn't just one group of men and women who were engaged in a single operation, and nor was it simply passive propaganda. In WWII this was an operation outside the realm of standard warfare. Winston Churchill commissioned several bodies on a 'need-to-know' basis to engage in an over-arching plan of action. In some instances its operatives acted like terrorists. Some were pornographers; some were engaged in polemics wrapped around religion, and others in musical entertainment to attract potential victims. Back in WWII it all fell under the umbrella of the UK Official Secrets Act, and while the true story has been dribbling out since the end of WWII, not all of it is known to this day. But decades later, it is not as if just the same WWII methodology had been employed to conceal the real story of offshore radio, because in some instances the very same people had been recruited - because of their wartime know-how. That is what we ran into when trying to research this story. Most of the offshore radio fans did not, and still do not, have a clue. Don Pierson, the Texan who created Radio London, Britain Radio and Radio England, was also deceived. He reacted to the fantasy and not to the facts, and it led to his downfall with regards to his financial involvement in those stations. In the instances of Britain Radio and Radio England, it also led to those stations becoming financial disasters. So we are now getting ready to begin a new series of part-publications, and each one will consist of a two-sided approach. One section will debunk the myths, while another one will spell out the real story. After several of these part-publications have been released, they will then be edited to conform to a single volume, with more part-publications to follow. They will likewise be grouped together as another volume that will eventually become a continuing series of volumes, as we originally promised prior to 2015. In this way, if we need to correct any part of a part-volume with additions or deletions or amendments, we can do so relatively quickly and at low cost. We will keep you informed as to our publishing progress. In the 1960s, while Marshall McLuhan was busy explaining to Canadian students why "the medium is the message", in England, it was Beatrix Miller who was inventing a fantasy message about a girl named Caroline. By the 1980s, it was Tanith Lee who aptly but coincidentally extrapolated a true picture of that phantasmic girl: "The final shreds of her identity and her role seemed to discard her. She was left, a pebble spun through chaos, no firm ground anywhere for sanity to take a stand."* Back in 1965, investigators for the UK Board of Trade were coming to the conclusion that no matter how diligent they were, they would never find the parents of Caroline, because her parents did not exist. Caroline was an audible illusion. She was merely a false perception of a real sound that had been intentionally stimulated in the minds of listeners to deceive them: Caroline is the girl who never was. *Lee, Tanith. Day by Night. ISBN 10: 0879975768 Due to the amount of material already published on this Blog, and on our companion Blog, we are in the process of merging both timelines and placing our previously published research work into the order in which it should appear. As soon as this process is completed we will begin adding newly researched information. This will enable us to speed-up the first print date for our continuing part work and make it available before the end of this year.
On March 29, 1965, Inspector D. J. Walsh called on 6 Chesterfield Gardens to discover whether there was a company called Radio Caroline trading at that address. He could not find a standard name plate on the building, but he did notice that on the pillar to the left of the front door the name 'Caroline' had been painted, and on the pillar to the right he observed the word 'House'. Inside the property he could not find a company name plate for a 'Caroline House Limited' that was trading as 'Caroline Sales', but he did find a piece of paper taped to an inside wall with the umbrella name of 'Caroline Sales Office', and although it did not claim to be a limited registered company, the piece of paper stated that it was trading as several different registered companies. ![]() None of those companies was shown to be Rosswood Ltd. Now Oonagh Leigh (she had not as yet changed her surname), claimed in OEM 205 that Rosswood Ltd was a 'holding company' which leased 6 Chesterfield Gardens and then sub-let other offices in that building. Therefore Rosswood Ltd would be required by law to show its presence, but there was no presence of any sort for this company to be discovered by Inspector Walsh. Because the umbrella leasing company should have been called 'Caroline House Limited', that is the name of a holding company sub-letting the building, due to the fact that the business of the lessee holding the parent lease from the landlord, was in the business of sub-letting. It was not in the radio or entertainment business. OEM 205 - Did you purchase Caroline House or lease it?: Oonagh Leigh: We leased it. Rosswood had the lease. Then Planet Productions rented it from Rosswood. I rented out the top floor to bring in extra income. OEM 205 - Was Rosswood a sort of holding company?: Oonagh Leigh: I was a director of Rosswood, it was a holding company. We took out the lease in Chesterfied Gardens. That was held by Rosswood. I ran Rosswood because they did not need the whole building. I rented out a couple of floors to people like the Moody Blues management, the odd film company. They wanted kind of furnished premises with a prestigious address. So we had another switchboard upstairs. I controlled it, and gave the phone number. If they did not pay the rent, they did not have a phone service. The biggest problems with the trio of make-believers is that they either don't know what they are talking about, or they do know what they are talking about but chose to lie instead of telling the truth, and they overlay all of it by speaking or writing in "you know" sort of general terms when it comes to dates and places. They do not want to be pinned down to specifics. We do. ![]() The words "holding company" as used by Oonagh Leigh are a classic example. This is how one dictionary defines a 'holding company" = "A company created to buy and own the shares of other companies, which it then controls." By that definition Rosswood Ltd had to be the controlling company of other companies, but it was not! Oonagh Leigh (she had not as yet changed her surname), claimed in OEM 205 that Rosswood Ltd was a 'holding company' which leased 6 Chesterfield Gardens and then that company sub-let part of that same building. Therefore by her own definition, Rosswood Ltd would be a company that sub-let the same property to other companies that Rosswood Ltd owned. It would also be required by law to show its presence, but there was no presence of any sort for this company to be discovered by Inspector Walsh. This umbrella leasing company that Oonagh Leigh describes as a 'holding company' could have been called 'Caroline House Limited', because that would have been the proper name according to the two words painted on the pillars outside the building. Or, it could have been listed as Rosswood Limited "trading as Caroline House Limited" - which is what the scrap of paper taped to an inner wall claimed about other businesses at that same location. However, that scap of paper referred to "Caroline Sales" which did not exist as an entity claimed by any company. Legally every one of those companies should have been separately identified and each one independently claiming to represent 'Caroline Sales', but the way it was typed gave the impression that 'Caroline Sales' that was not even registered as an incorporated company, was really the parent company of all of those other companies. However, without it being incorporated as a company, 'Caroline Sales' could not be the "holding company" of the shares in all of those other companies. Whoever typed that piece of paper had no idea of what they were doing! We will continue to investigate whether anything that Oonagh Leigh claimed to be true - was true at that time, or at any other time. One thing appears to be very clear and that is the Rosswood Limited was not a holding company, if anything at all, it was a sub-leasing property agency. But was it legally registered for that purpose, and did the lease on the property which appears to have been issued by the business that Harry Meadows controlled from number 8 Chesterfield Gardens, allow for sub-letting of his property at 6 Chesterfield Gardens? ![]() Another problem shows up in relation to the credit worthiness of Rosswood Limited. It was a flim-flam operation as GPO investigations revealed when they installed its phone service. But that telephone number and phone service was not initially installed at 6 Chesterfield Gardens. Apart from Oonagh Leigh making a reference in OEM 205 to Rosswood Limited at 6 Chesterfield Gardens in Mayfair, on paper that phone service for Rosswood Ltd was tied to Ian Cowper Ross, and not to Oonagh Leigh. Both Onnagh Leigh and Ronan O'Rahilly were at a totally different address over a mile away in Belgravia! This anomaly over sub-letting by Oonagh Leigh's reference to a supposed property company also raises major questions about the veracity of any claim made by Oonagh Leigh concerning a company called Rosswood Ltd. Oonagh Leigh has fed OEM 205 so many false claims in her testimony that it is near to being worthless at best, and intentionally deceptive for fraudulent reasons at worst. 'Rosswood' is a name derived from Ian Cowper Ross' parents' home at Reynards Wood in Hindhead. It was formed by combining the surname of Ross with the word Wood.
Sandwiched in between the address at 5 Eaton Place in London SW1 and 6 Chesterfield Gardens, there is another business name tied to that Belgravia address with a more complete documented record that links Oonagh Leigh together with Ronan O'Rahilly at the same address. What is peculiar, is that neither Oonagh Leigh nor Ian Cowper Ross make any mention of this other business! But when we started to assemble the information we already had researched regarding 5 Eaton Place, and then placed it together with information we now have about 5 Eaton Place, a lot more questions began to pop up in relation to the beginnings of the Radio Caroline project. Suddenly a lot of missing pieces in a giant jigsaw puzzle began to appear, and the weekend before last we became able to fill-in a lot more blank spaces, thanks to a phone call from a retired banker. Right now we ask you to pay close attention to what this GPO memo tells us:
So the unanswered questions are these:
More questions and more answers tomorrow! So how come we have only just figured this out?
Because it took the glaring propaganda of total misinformation and misdirection from anorak publishers to make that fact self-evident, and since no one else - NO ONE ELSE - is currently pulling back the curtain of lies to reveal the inconsistencies in the stories told by Oonagh 'Whatever-She-Wants-To-Call-Herself' and Ian Cowper Ross who invented a fictitious character named Paul Shaw, it is left for us to exclusively bring this story to the fore. It costs money and time to investigate a tangled web of lies such as the one we are investigating. But that is something that the pea-brains encased in the heads of anoraks have no money or time for. They will engage in inconsequential anecdotal stories about disc jockeys who knew nothing of the real story, to incidental stories about ships that have now either sunk; been scrapped, or are rusting away as still floating hulks. Anoraks hate truth. Anoraks are very unhappy that their mythology is now being blown away. We initially had no idea of what the real story is, so, like all crime investigators, we began with a series of working hypotheses, and when one part of our investigation ran into a wall of darkness, we had to amend our hypotheses. But little-by-little, just like many a cold-crime case, the truth is now emerging, and just like many cold-crime cases, this one is also emerging years after the original events took place. Be very clear that this is a story involving a lot of people who lied in order to break various laws, and some of these people were criminals with a past record of crimes that involved theft, violence and death. Paul Rusling in his plagiarized book called 'The Radio Caroline Bible', set forth his version of fake events that are akin to being square pegs (fiction) hammered into round holes (true events). Ian Cowper Ross had previously written a novel that BBC-TV then allowed him to claim as a true story, and to which Ray Clark and others provided an additional platform in print so that Ian Cowper Ross could expand upon his deceit by employing the printed word. Then along came Oonagh Leigh. In 1977, Kent Police claimed that she is a British subject going by the married name of Oonagh Hubbard. We now know that after divorce she married again to become Oonagh Karanjia. To tangle things up a little more, the French press called her Oonagh Huggard, and then anoraks accepted the word of the French press, rather than the British police. But there is so much more to the story of this Duo. It includes the tale of Oonagh's sister who also went by other names, and then there is Oonagh herself. She wrapped her own bogus 'interview' in OEM 205 to claim identity with a company called 'Rosswood Limited', and that name clearly has originating links to Ian Cowper Ross via the address of his parents' home in Surrey. However, it does not link to his parents, only their home to which they had moved not too long before. Ian Cowper Ross was born in Chelsea, and then he lived in Surrey after his parents moved there. Oonagh Leigh was born in Surrey and moved to Ireland. Then, as a teenager, she moved with her parents back to England. Since the lives of Oonagh and Ian intersect in a web of deceit, we have turned to official records to see who they really are and where they really lived. All of that takes time and money. But now that we know that Oonagh embraces the fiction spun by Ian, and that Ian embraces the fiction spun by Oonagh, we have something more to work with. However, while Oonagh acknowledges Ian, Ian does not acknowledge Oonagh in his story, but both of their stories of deceit and misleading tales about the 1964 creation of Radio Caroline, do relate to each other - as fiction - mixed into a smidgen of fact. One person who is now standing out as a key player in the real story is Jocelyn Stevens. But the importance of his link in the real chain of events only came to light as recently as Saturday, September 11, 2021. That is when we got a telephone call from a new source of information. This person is the published author of a book about a British printing company. He is also a retired British banker by profession. 'Old School Bankers' are the kind of methodical and systematic thinkers who like to clear away the fog of confusion when it comes to the subject of money. But like all such leads, that person had no idea of how their fragments of knowledge are really pieces that fit into the gigantic jigsaw puzzle that we are trying to solve! Now that we know that Jocelyn Stevens represents a key part of this puzzle that dates back in time to 1959, we can continue with events surrounding his life on our sister Blog, while the fake story as told by Paul Rusling and company, will continue on this Blog. By the way, Rusling managed to get the previous publishing ownership of 'Queen' magazine completely wrong, and so he consequently did not understand the significance of the exit by its editor, and yet it had everything to do with start of Radio Caroline! After reading about the interconnectivity between Oonagh and Ian, you should now know why we have amended our masthead at the top of this Blog. In the eponymous year of 1964 when Radio Caroline began to broadcast, Canadian professor Marshall McLuhan became the author of Understanding media: the extensions of man. From this book emerged that now well-known phrase: “the medium is the message”.
It has been interpreted in many ways, and one of them would fit the description of radio anoraks who seem to worship old hulks, jingles and the lives of aging disc jockeys, rather than program content. While we are trying to discover the true origins of Radio Caroline, radio anoraks are the disciples of fantasy, and so our investigation is at variance with their own quasi-religious beliefs. Somehow they believe that the message broadcast is not as important as the location of the transmitter that radiated that message. From this strange interpretation has emerged a reinterpretation of the words 'free radio'. To radio anoraks it does not mean the promotion of freedom of expression, but it often means the embracing of any corrupt political system that allows these anoraks to radiate poisonous diatribe into the ether. Consequently, many radio anoraks put themselves in the same boat (pardon the pun), as the most extreme fanatical religious cultist, and no matter what we reveal, these cultists miss its actual message and seize upon a typo as the object of our publication. Crazy is too soft a word to describe these idiots, which is why we are adding the words of Marshall McLuhan to our YesterNoir Blog so that he can explain in his own words exactly what he meant. Well it's time to address the subject of the other person who has engaged in misdirection, and that person is Ms. Oonagh M. Leigh who became Mrs Oonagh M. Hubbard who became Mrs Oonagh M. Karanjia.
Her version of the fictitious story of "Ronan O'Rahilly's Radio Caroline" differs in some ways from that of Ian Cowper Ross, and yet, Oonagh gives nodding acknowledgement to Ian Cowper Ross in the latest edition of Offshore Echos magazine. Of course, it is accompanied by a lot of fake information - not that her testimony is the fault of OEM editors, it is not. We just wish that OEM had distanced themselves from Oonagh by adding that this was her version of story, and not the OEM version of the story. We add this caveat because OEM does provide some very good investigative information - which has been lifted from time-to-time without acknowledgment by several people such as Hans Knott and Paul Rusling. These two (and others), then claim OEM research as part of their own work, and then they mix it together with their own brand of misleading rubbish. What Oonagh Leigh/Hubbard/Karanjia has done is to offer a slightly different version of the Wikipedia story surrounding the non-existent 'Jimmy Ross'. He is the phantom figure behind the fake stories about companies such as Mac Fisheries and Carphone Warehouse. But as we have already demonstrated with documentation (and we will be offering more), 'Jimmy Ross' did not exist. There is no money trail that in real life that leads to this non-existent person, because this non-existent person who was created by Ian Cowper Ross in a 1990 novel, does not exist. But Oonagh has now come along and told us that Ian Cowper Ross met Ronan O'Rahilly and that Ian Cowper Ross then went off in search of money. She also told OEM a lot of nonsense about parking meters that conflicts with the nonsense she told Paul Russling about parking meters. This is not to say that parking meters were not installed in Marylebone, because they were, and in so reporting, OEM confirmed the Paul Rusling version of her address, which is confirmed in several other ways from hints dropped. However, Oonagh told OEM about a marriage of Jocelyn Stevens for which we can find no proof whatsoever. But, she dropped other hints, probably by accident, that allowed us to go in search of more of the true story. Thank you Oonagh. Now the question has been raised about the first marriage of Oonagh to a man claimed by the French press to have the surname of Huggard. But British police investigations report that the French source is unreliable, and that is confirmed by the fact that while the French newspaper acknowledged a Mr. Huggard, they should have stated that Oonagh was married to a Mr Hubbard, before marrying a Mr Karanjia. (Thank you Oonagh for posting the date of your second marriage.) We know from police reports that Oonagh Hubbard was known previously as Oonagh Leigh and that in 1977 when she was in France, she claimed British/French nationality. The Police Report says that she was born on December 6, 1936 at Guildford in Surrey, England. We also know that as Oonagh Karanjia she began working with a London company to sell property on the Greek island of Crete. But Oonagh either told a lot of fibs to a lot of people, or a lot of people did not know the real story and so they just filled-in the blanks with their own version of the Radio Caroline Story. In so doing they accomplished the same task as Ian Cowper Ross in his novel 'Rocking the Boat'. We think that Oonagh just lied away under the pretext that whoever she was being 'interviewed' by, just didn't have a clue. On the other hand we know that Oonagh made stuff up as she went along! She told OEM that Michael Joseph "was the son of the big publisher Michael Joseph's." That sentence not make sense. How can somebody once be "the son of"? That person could of course have been disowned, but even then, they would remain the biological offspring of that person! However, in this instance, Oonagh is once again spouting hot air. Michael Joseph aka Michael Dean is the nephew of the famous book publisher, not his son. But Oonagh went on to call Michael Joseph aka Michael Dean "a sort of mate. He and Ian Ross. Ian was a mate as well. Sort of Kings Road crowd." Oonagh then tried to let herself off the hook by adding: "As far as I know, I can only say my side of the story, which I think is pretty true, I was there every day. There's no reason why it would be made up." Come on Oonagh! You and Ian Cowper Ross both blew smoke out of your rear ends and pretended that the noise and aroma were from the traffic passing by. You both lied and lied and lied. So what about Ian Cowper Ross? Well Oonagh said: "When Ian was looking at the financing for Radio Caroline, he mentioned his dad and all his dad's contacts. He's called Jimmy, but I understand that his real name was something else. His nickname was Jimmy." Notice that Oonagh said that Ian was "looking at the financing for Radio Caroline". She did not say that Ian was searching for investors! During the time period that Oonagh is referring to, a wet-behind-the-ears immature Ian Cowper Ross, had just has a serious accident with a motorbike. That was followed by Ian's reckless head-on car crash into a bus. It put Ian Cowper Ross in hospital for a year where he almost lost a foot and gained the nickname of 'Flipper'. As soon as he was released from hospital, that event put him in court where his father Charles Edward Ross was brought into the story! This is all pre-'Jimmy' nonsense and so Charlie Ross was getting fed-up with his kid. Even Ian's older step-brother was none-too-pleased when Ian started swiping parts of his biography and claiming it as his own! Liars all! Do the Radio Caroline 'experts' mention any of that? No, of course not, because they don't know the real story, even though they pretend that they do! We have been and we still are "looking at the financing for Radio Caroline", and we can tell you for a fact that this 'Jimmy' story seems to have fooled a whole string of hack writers! It just isn't true - which is why we are "looking at the financing of Radio Caroline"! We marvel at the way Oonagh refers to the entity called 'Rosswood', while she ignors a company called R.O.R. Promotions iind of which she claimed to be a co-owner with Ronan O'Rahilly. 'Rosswood' had nothing to do with Oonagh, while R.O.R. Promotions most certainly did. So we took note of the linkage in both Rusling's 'bible' and the OEM article which tried to explain the early days of Oonagh and Ronan O'Rahilly. Both publications failed miserably. Ronan O'Rahilly's father was born in England, and so was Oonagh. Ronan O'Rahilly's mother was born in the USA. Ronan O'Rahilly was born at Dublin in the Republic of Ireland on May 21, 1940. Oonagh was born at Guildford, Surrey on December 6, 1936 This means that Oonagh Karanjia is at least three years older than Ronan O'Rahilly. This girl from England was uprooted from Surrey by her parents and then replanted in Kerry, Ireland, a distance of over 200 miles. Once in Kerry, Oonagh is said by Rusling to have attended school 7 miles away in Dún Laoghaire, while Ronan O'Rahilly was just 'down road' (so to speak) from his home just outside Dublin. There is so much inaccurate, misleading and distorted information in Rusling's 'bible', that when it is added to by Ray Clark's distorted and misleading interview of Ian Cowper Ross, and coupled with Oonagh's "two pennies worth", the actual and factual story of Radio Caroline is buried under a pile of bilge. Wait until we tell you about Oonagh's sister! There may be other details about the life of Oonagh Karanjia for us to uncover and include, but what we already know is that the address that Rusling claims for his bogus 'Oonagh Huggard', is the same address for Oonagh Leigh who was using it in Classified Advertising to solicit fan members for the 'Temperance Seven' pop group. One such ad appeared on Friday, June 15, 1962, and she used her own address at 36 Thayer Street, London SWI for a "friends of" society boosting the Temperance Seven, who, in 1962, decided to go professional and dropped their previous amateur connections to Oonagh. That date gives us something to work with in conjunction with the "parking meters" story, and her first connection to Ronan O'Rahilly. What Oonagh forgot about were other 'crumbs' left in the press by her entanglements with Ronan, and they threw several spanners into the works of her own timeline which is nothing more than a fantasy story. Ian Cowper Ross called his version a novel. Oonagh's tale is not the same as the one told by Ian Cowper Ross, except that they both contradict each other and a true version of events. Oonagh tells us in OEM that she found and leased 6 Chesterfield Gardens and then sub-let it to several other people, but she never mentions who the landlord was. But we have already told you what was going on at 8-7-6 Chesterfield Gardens, so we won't repeat that here. We will be adding information about both 'The Scene' and 'La Discotheque' clubs, because here again, what Oonagh has told OEM is in conflict with other accounts concerning her involvement with Ronan O'Rahilly. By the way, that story about Michael Joseph and his would-be school for actors is also untrue in the way it has been told. Our investigation continues, and so will our revelations of the true story of Radio Caroline. Remember, the difference between the fake version and our version is that 'they' fleece you for money as part of an ongoing fraud - while we tell you the truth - free of charge as a public service in the public interest! We recently received and read the latest edition of Offshore Echos Magazine (English Edition 205), and we noted a challenge in its Editorial.
It is headlined: We'll Never Know. Since we have successfully worked with the English Editor, we are somewhat surprised to read his statement which we accept as a challenge, and to which we reply: We Will Know! The reason for our confidence in disputing the OEM editorial, is because we are in the process of knowing a lot of the details that others have said either cannot be found, or cannot be verified, and we are doing it right now! Critics base their claims upon the diminishing number of people still around who had first-hand knowledge. But that is the wrong way to investigate. People lie! Lots of people lie. Sometimes it is due to faulty memory and sometimes it is intentional. Disc jockeys for the most part had no inside working knowledge about the money trail and without money nothing happened. We are not relying upon what a DJ said or what someone told a reporter long ago. But the main players who had contact with the money and the plans behind the Radio Caroline venture, did not live their lives in a vacuum. They left 'crumbs' behind that were documented by contemporary sources when the events were taking place, and we don't mean in just commercially reported interviews. We mean documents that were assembled by investigators for purposes of enforcing existing laws. No matter whether you agreed or disagreed with those existing laws, the investigators were "just doing their jobs" - that they were trained and paid to do. They were in search of the facts. Sometimes they were only partially successful, but that is when multiple reports by multiple investigators can be overlaid to see where documents are in agreement and where they are in conflict. Thanks to the Internet and the scanning of old documents, they are now becoming available to this investigation. We do not mean by this that we are relying upon a single book or newsprint article, but by sources that recorded details for legal and other reasons, and sources that were not influenced by the 'actors' themselves. In other words, while individuals think that their life is private and not the business of 'outsiders', that is obviously not true, and we are not talking about snooping private eyes. So we question the statement in the OEM that begins: "We will never know the complete story of offshore radio." While this may be true of many of the individual stations, the true and authentic primary details about the creation of Radio Caroline are now surfacing with increasing rapidity! Yes, as OEM claims ".... there are always some missing links", but in the instance of Radio Caroline the actual story framework is now becoming clear, and it declares that EVERYTHING that has been published by others in their books and magazines to date, is a total and utter fraud - if they claim to be the true, and real story about the creation of Radio Caroline! Therefore we totally dispute the validity of the following OEM paragraph, because as it relates to Radio Caroline and our research - it is 100% incorrect. We will prove that this statement is totally untrue: "Some are still trying to unravel the story, but the missing links can only be filled by guesswork - it may be right - or it may be wrong. No one can say for certain." If that statement is intended to refer to this work, well we can tell OEM that we have already found a contradiction in what they printed about Oonagh Karanjia in their recent edition 205, and what we found about Oonagh M. Leigh (same person)! In this instance, believe it or not, Paul Rusling in his plagiarized work that he calls 'The Radio Caroline Bible' is correct in part with his reporting about Oonagh Karanjia, and Offshore Echos is wrong. On the other hand, Oonagh Karanjia may be winding everyone up just like Ian Cowper Ross - which means that we will have to expose the truth about her involvement to everyone who is trying to make sense of the Radio Caroline story. We will continue doing just that: tomorrow! Please visit this site for the full story behind the fake D-Day confidence trick to deceive Adolph Hitler. Here is an excerpt .... While General George Patton acted out the storyline that was written for him, he was not the author of the plan.
That credit belonged to a very famous author (shown above), who worked on a highly secret committee that was part of a complex plan incorporating the activities at Bletchley, where the decoded information gained from the Nazi 'Enigma' machine, enabled the Allies to respond to the secret commands that the Germans were giving to their own military forces. This highly secret information was used in a variety of ways by Allied secret operatives. They included the SOE or Special Operations Executive, whose activities today might be classified as terrorism, and the Special Air Service known by the initials of SAS. There was also a massive and highly secret broadcasting operation that the BBC wanted nothing to do with. At its head was a man named Sefton Delmer and he created a huge clandestine broadcasting organization around a series of transmitters with the code name of 'Aspid'. The most powerful of these transmitters had been built in the USA for a station that never used it. After being bought from RCA, it was then shipped to England where it was nicknamed 'Astpidistra'. The name supposedly came from the Gracie Fields' recording which was actually called 'Aspidastra'. (We have previously covered that part of this story.) Winston Churchill supervised all of these activities and most of them were, and some of still are, classified as highly secret. Churchill saw WWII as a total war to the finish, and he had set his jaw upon using any method whatsoever to defeat and destroy Nazi Germany. Some in his Cabinet became aghast and horrified by what they learned, and at least one high level person went so far as to say that he would rather lose the War than use such methods. But Churchill okayed them anyway, and their various operational directors received the go-ahead to use whatever imaginative ideas came into their heads. There was only one goal, and that was to utterly wipe-out and thus totally destroy Adolph Hitler's expansive plans to conquer and occupy other countries. After the War the people behind all of this Allied skullduggery which originated in London, went about their civilian lives. But they were armed with a knowledge that anyone living according to the known and stated objectives of civilized life would find horrific - if those tactics were to be applied domestically in peacetime. But some found it difficult to turn off that knowledge, and at least one of them who had worked alongside the author of the fake D-Day plans of deception, became heavily involved during start-up period of Radio Caroline. This is where the much more impressive role of General George Patton meets the life and times of Ronan O'Rahilly. It is how Patton's scriptwriter influenced the deceptive work of a very young Ian Cowper Ross who was tasked with aiding O'Rahilly into creating the fake story behind the start-up of Radio Caroline. But then Ian Cowper Ross was just a kid back in 1964, and someone else was pulling his strings! More tomorrow .... On page 535 of Mike Leonard's massive encyclopedia about offshore broadcasting that he published in the year 1996, there is an addendum to the big lie that first appeared in the storyline of a novel written by Ian Cowper Ross in 1990. Mike Leonard does not promote that lie, he reports what he has learned about plans for the BBC to promote that lie!
The BBC were entertaining plans for a 4-part television series about a family called 'Shaw', and the main storyteller in the novel and therefore on the screen, would be a character called 'Paul Shaw'. Who would play the part of 'Paul Shaw' we do not know - unless the BBC in 1994, were about to let Ian Cowper Ross expand upon his fake interpretation of his 1990 novel which he did on BBC-TV in a 1991 documentary, so that Ian Cowper Ross acted out the part of 'Paul Shaw'. But we don't know what would have happened because the 4-part series was never made. In his 1990 novel, the character called 'Paul Shaw' has a father named 'Jim Shaw', who another fictitious character named 'Liam O'Mahoney' addresses as 'Jimmy'. Not 'Jimmy Shaw', just 'Jimmy', even though his fictitious son named 'Paul Shaw' says that his father's proper name is 'Jim', not 'James', just 'Jim'. But then, it is all fiction. One year later in 1991, on BBC-TV, the same Ian Cowper Ross tells the audience that the 'Jimmy' is how Ronan O'Rahilly addressed his real father who is named Charles Edward Ross, and that the car ride described in his novel about the fictitious 'Paul Shaw', and the correspondingly fictitious meeting of 'Liam O'Mahoney' with 'Jim Shaw', is a true account of an event that did take place. That is because, claimed Ian Cowper Ross in 1991, 'Liam O'Mahoney' is really Ronan O'Rahilly and 'Jim Shaw' who 'Liam O'Mahoney' calls 'Jimmy', is really Charles Edward Ross. To get around the complexity of telling all that to a television audience, Ian Cowper Ross, who keeps touching his nose on the 1991 BBC-TV documenary in the way that someone who is 'only kidding' does, never made that direct link. What Ian Cowper Ross did was to keep referring to his father Charles Edward Ross as "Daddy". Ian Cowper Ross continues to use this approach in telling his tale to this very day. He calls his father "Daddy" and he says that Ronan O'Rahilly called his father "Jimmy", and not only that, O'Rahilly did this on his very first introductory meeting in the real home of Ian Cowper Ross. The year was .... ? To this day, no one has ever published a picture of Charles Edward Ross, or even specifically stated where Charles Edward Ross worked, or even named the exact date upon which this meeting took place! Yet, according to Paul Rusling; Ray Clark, and a whole bevy of hack writers, without that first meeting between Ronan O'Rahilly and Charles Edward Ross in 1964, a station calling itself Radio Caroline would never have come on the air! So according to this fake version of events 'Jimmy Shaw' is the real "Mister Big" behind Radio Caroline - except that this fake story is simply a fake story. It is a lie! But if all the rest is a twisting of the truth, so is the legal and corporate structure of Radio Caroline as an entity in 1964, because in 1964 no company registered in the UK as 'Radio Caroline Limited'. However, at the close of 1963 a ship had been bought and then equipped with American transmitters and studio equipment. So where did the money come from and how were these purchases made and who authorized them? In other words: who was the real 'Mister Big'? Those purchases took place long before a sales company was registered in Ireland on February 25, 1964 called Planet Productions Limited. It took quite a bit of time and some expenditure by us working with a partner, to get the Irish government to release the filed archive copies of all of the documents relating to the Planet Productions Limited company. We have known now for some time who applied for the initial registration of Planet Productions Limited and when they did it. We also know who took that company over, and who its directors and shareholders were. One of its shareholders is the same person who Winston Churchill used as part of a multi-faceted secret operation to defeat Nazi Germany. His job was to assist another member of a special committee to write and promote the totally fictitious alternative plans for D-Day involving General George Patten. More tomorrow! The other night a program called 9/11: Life Under Attack aired on television about the events on September 11, 2001. It presented a "narrative driven exclusively by audio and footage from the day, without any interviews".... and painted ".... a vivid portrait of events as they unfolded with new, compelling and profoundly moving accounts."
That set this program apart from others, because the commentators who often double-up to act as interpreters, were not present. The viewer and listener was transported back in time to see and hear what others saw and heard at the time. It was a very informative, enthralling, and a moving experience while at the same time being very educational. This process of time transportation is now possible due to digitalization and the World Wide Web via WiFi Internet connections. They have made possible, a total re-immersion in subjects covering the Twentieth Century - due to the preservation and restoration of recorded sound and print as it came into extensive usage. "Historians" are those who tell us what to see and what to hear, and how to interpret what we see and hear. But now you can see and hear the evidence from the past for yourself. Tomorrow we will return to the theme established yesterday when we again peel back the pages of time to learn what was behind the motivation for Ian Cowper Ross to begin rewriting a history about offshore radio, and his explanation is in sharp contrast with reality. Unfortunately, the lazy approach by many causes the masses to parrot what others have told them, because they do not, and will not, research matters for themselves. When someone does look into the past using all of the modern-day means to research archive material, what they learn is not what the "historians" have told them, but something quite different. So we invite you to see and hear what we have learned and to check out the facts for yourself. Don't take our word for it, but please, don't steal our research, or engage in the foolish game of trying to turn a typo into a factual contradiction of reality, which is what the world of the anoraks have been, and are continuing to do. We are presenting this information free of charge on our Blogs as a public service in the public interest, but our time and our expense also makes it a work that qualifies for protection under universal copyright laws. How many people who claim to be interested in offshore radio have spent the money and the time to obtain the original founding documents, and then conducted research into the links that are provided in those documents?
We know of no one other than our Trio. Oh, people have gathered news cuttings, but Paul Harris did that back in the Sixties to disastrous results. He got everything wrong, except perhaps the original documents that perhaps he saw which related to RNI and the Stasi. But we know what became of that trail: absolutely nothing. We were given the founding documents behind Radio London; Radio England and Britain Radio long ago, and we have followed those leads. But unfortunately for Don Pierson, the founder of those stations, he was deliberately mislead by a professional team of liars, cheats and con men. No, we don't mean Ronan O'Rahilly, he was merely a paid stooge and Ian Cowper Ross was his helper. Tomorrow we will uncover some of the mess behind the 1990 saga of Ian Cowper Ross, and guess what? Parts of that story were actually uncovered way back in 1996 by Mike Leonard - before he got sloppy and merely repeated what others were saying and writing. If we had known that we were actually trying to unmask the work of some of the very same people who deceived the Germans where the D-Day landings would take place, our underfinanced Trio would probably have never begun this 'Caroline Investigation'.
We had been given, long ago, the financial and legal files of Don Pierson who put Radio London, Radio England and Britain Radio on the air, and so we knew that he had been misled into reacting to both the British Crown and the smokescreen of deception that Ronan O'Rahilly had blown over the news media. Therefore we are now carefully examining all of the hard and documented evidence very carefully and refraining from making new assumptions. We are using our E+O3X code to unmask the rubbish that is out there, and we are now totally ignoring anything arising from the so-called anorak community, because we do not have the money or the time to respond to their childish rubbish. We had hoped to arrange a cooperating symposium with others who have previously been of great help, but the anoraks on the fringe have made that impossible, especially after Paul Rusling decided to engage in outright intellectual theft of our self-funded research work. Making matters worse, because he did not understand this subject, he then took our genuine research and coupled it to his own distorted nonsense. We will keep our readers informed of progress, but if you really want to know more about our plans to turn these Blogs into print, and add the biographical version mentioned previously, then please get in touch via the email address found under 'YesterLinks' on our companion Blog. Our ongoing research has just uncovered some new information, and just as one answer often leads to another question, the same is true with this raw data. We will keep our readers informed above how this hitherto unassimilated material both expands and modifies existing information about Radio Caroline during the years from 1964-1967. It has now become available thanks to digitalization and third-stage connectivity.
Without a working hypothesis that hitherto unrecognized data may still exist to link the first-stage to the third stage, this second stage would never have been uncovered and become available for factoring into the timeline. Its relevance is that it fills-in gaps that have allowed others to gloss-over with made-up fiction concerning the actual start-month of Radio Caroline as a spin-off project from Radio Atlanta. Right now we are working on placing this data in context to provide more of the true story about the creation and short life of Radio Caroline from 1964 to 1967 as an offshore station. Paul Rusling is a thief. After decades of our own self-funding of research into the origins of offshore radio in the Nineteen Sixties, and assisting with research in the Nineteen Eighties, and after submitting for publication a series of academic articles to university press publications - which were accepted and published - we renewed our research and reached out to attract others of like mind by holding a symposium based upon academic standards. In the process of putting together the means to create a symposium, we approached Paul Rusling and invited him to meet and see the kind of thorough work that we had undertaken and which we had self-funded up until that moment in time.
The end result of this process was that we halted our plans for the symposium while repeatedly conferring with Paul Rusling who had initially offered to financially assist this project and to participate in the research work. Rusling knew that Chris Elliot had previously stolen intellectual property from us to create the 'The Wonderful Radio London Story' book and recording, and because we did not file a law suit for damages, he decided that it was to his own financial advantage to steal our research and then create his own print-on-demand book for personal financial gain. He did this by placing bulk orders with a printer, and now he appears ready to do the same thing all over again. He obviously thinks that he now has a wealth of new material to feed off - at our expense - according to his own words that he posted Online, and as reproduced in the montage above. The anorak community is mostly composed of highly immature people who have no first-hand knowledge of the business side of the offshore stations that broadcast in the Nineteen Sixties, and so they support the theft of Paul Rusling - who also has NO first-hand knowledge. With glee, these immature persons jump up and down when they spot one of our typographical errors - which we then correct - but they remain silent concerning content which reveals that Paul Rusling and a line of similar authors have all lied to both the anoraks and to the public at large, in order to publish vanity books of their own. Although these same immature persons seem to have split into two warring camps, both of them revolve around a fraudulent new radio station called 'Caroline'. This new undertaking has been assisted by Paul Rusling and his 'bible'. Combined, they are using the mainstream press to float the idea that this new radio station of tiny proportions, is a lineal descendant of the original Radio Caroline that came on the air in March 1964, and which a new UK law forced to close down on August 14, 1967. It was kept going for a few months after that date before running out of money, which then caused its two ships to be impounded due to lack of insurance. That happened in March 1968. After that date the myth-making began again in earnest. That is when a brand new venture that was based around one of the original salvaged ships, began broadcasting under various names using volunteer (unpaid) crew and programmers. In 1980 that ship sank. Then, in 1983, a series of criminal activities all based in the USA, created another station called 'Radio Caroline' on a totally different ship. This fraud was brought to a head in the USA with a criminal case heard in a Federal court room at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It involved deception and lies to obtain money by false pretenses by a known con man. A verdict of 'guilty as charged', was handed down and the main perpetrator was sentenced to a term in prison. But in Europe, a number of people connected to that same fraud continued with their plans and yet another version of 'Radio Caroline' was born on another ship. In 2019, Paul Rusling decided to assist yet another fraud, and this time it was masquerading under UK charity and licensing laws to create funding for a land-base station called 'Radio Caroline'. Rusling's part in this scheme has been to create the myth that this new venture is a descendant of the original station launched in March 1964. That is important in the scheme of things, because a new volunteer station on land reaching a limited audience is not newsworthy, but if the illusion (lie) could be sustained that it is a lineal descendant of the original 1964 station, then thousands of Pounds worth of free press publicity, and even free airtime exposure on BBC airwaves became a possibility. That was the plan, and that plan of fraud and deception has been working, again, thanks to Paul Rusling. To do this, Rusling had the nerve to thank us for our participation in his work of intellectual property theft, that is, until we saw his publicity and demanded that he removed his false claim in support of him stealing our own work! That new theft and fraud by Rusling resulted in his book called 'The Radio Caroline bible'. Now that we have decided to part-publish our research in two Blogs, Rusling has taken note that so far we have not sued him for theft. He has read our new material and clearly it is now his intention to repeat his original theft by stealing from our continuously published new material. Therefore we give notice that all of our work has been and is copyright by the Trio involved with this research project. We have repeatedly identified ourselves both individually and as a group, and we have self-funded our work product. The material we are publishing is free to use for personal education purposes. It is not free research to be used for personal financial gain by amoral characters such as Paul Rusling. We do intend to republish our new part-works within print volumes, but at the moment our research is continuing. By stealing our work and then twisting it to fit a totally fake narrative, Paul Rusling is creating a new problem for us, because we have to explain why Paul Rusling is lying, cheating and stealing, and how and why Paul Rusling stole from us in the first place in order to assist a bogus operation again called 'Radio Caroline' which is currently trading under the jurisdiction of British law. Rusling's actions are amounting to financial harm to us because it means that we have to spend time and money addressing the theft by Rusling, and that means explaining what he stole and how he has twisted it to create yet another false narrative, while still funding our original mission. We are continuing with our primary mission of research which has now been underway for decades. It had a fresh start after the year 2000 when our academic series of related articles began to to appear in print. You can read them Online by clicking this link. You can also hear some of the audio work that preceded it by clicking this link. Common sense is certainly missing on the two 'Free Radio' forums which seem to think that 'free radio' means playing records on the radio. That is a strange idea since just about any kind of music is now available on the radio. What that term originally related to was freedom of political speech and religious expression, and today, on British radio, the airwaves are still under the control of the British Crown corporation sole which forbids freedom of speech and expression.
You can say anything you like so long as it does not conflict with the dogma of the British Crown. The USSR used to have a similar policy and the USSR, like the British Crown, allowed for sarcastic humour to provide the safety valve. There is a lot of sarcasm on the British airwaves, and the reason is that no one takes what is being said as a serious expression of political (or religious) intention. So it is safe to air. The British Crown which dominates Parliament, says that you can play music on 'their' airwaves, but unlike the USA, you still cannot buy time to present a nationwide political or religious programme, and that is what the offshore radio stations of the Nineteen Sixties made possible for the first time during daylight hours. Even Radio Luxembourg refused to sell political airtime, and religious broadcasts on '208' were restricted from overtly criticising the Roman Catholic Church which dominated European nations. So Bob Meade stop behaving like a child; stop lying about this project and tell your buddies to stop their begging bowl fraud in the name of a tiny station trading under the image of being a pseudo charity that links back to the Nineteen Sixties. While you are at it, tell the Garry Stevens' forum to also shape up, because sooner or later our revelations unmasking the true story of Radio Caroline will cause the entire lot of you to ship out into the wild blue yonder of nothingness. By the way, we had to stop our planned symposium because your ilk decided to steal from us and use our material to support a fraud, and we even had to demand that they removed a link to one of our members. Of course you can solicit money, anyone can do that - see the beggars on British streets and remember that old slogan about "a sucker being born every minute". Apparently P.T. Barnum never said that, but given your misleading comments about us, it does seem to be the sort of thing that you might say! |
November 2023
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