Look at this:
"Posted by Paul Rusling on November 29, 2021, 11:44 pm, in reply to "Re: More malevolent falsehoods from MH The awful thing is, he isn’t stupid or thick. Just a nasty vicious liar who insist everything is done his own twisted way and wow betide anyone who disagrees with him. I agree, far better ignored. Let’s do just that. I shall avoid this thread from now. This is the season of goodwill to ALL men. Amen" Paul Rusling began this same thread on November 23, 2021 in order to rally his troops, but now he has quit. At least he acknowledges that we are smart and well read. Trouble is, he is not. We keep telling him that all he has to do is say "sorry, I won't steal from you again". But he won't do that. So we exposed Garry Stevens as a fraud, and Stevens is the person who controls the Forum that Rusling contributes to as an 'Administrator'. After the goons on Stevens' Forum all lamented the death of Geoff Hutton, we revealed that Geoff was really a 'mole' working with us. None of that shook the faith of the fools who believe in the mythology spread by Rusling on behalf of Malcom Smith. We guess that nothing will. But now Rusling is telling his followers (all 5 of them each using 20 fake names), to ignore us - after he was the one who drew attention to us by his thread in the first place! Duh?! Rusling says that we tell "nasty vicious" lies - but he never, ever says what those "nasty vicious" lies are! It seems that truth-telling according to Rusling - is the same as telling "nasty vicious" lies. Anoraks can only play "follow the Nazi" because they do not know how to think as individuals. If they did they would ask questions. But Rusling counts on anorak stupidity to sell books and to fleece money out of the unwary wanting to start a radio station. Isn't it interesting that Rusling is not even trusted by Malcolm Smith to run his tiny clone calling itself "Radio Caroline". So okay, Mister Rusling, now that you have told your 5 followers to not pay attention to us, perhaps you can explain why we still don't have a copy of your plagiarised but twisted book called the updated version of the 'Radio Caroline Bible'. Pay attention to that fact of life instead. Well, Mister Blob (he has two names) woke up after we said he was asleep. He now claims that Ronan O'Rahilly refused our phone calls. Not so. Ask Christopher England and John Burch, or read the 'Caroline Bulletin'. ROR knew who we were and Chris England on behalf of John Burch working with Barry Maxwell of the RIS/DTI was asking us to investigate the registry of the Ross Revenge. ROR did not like that and John Burch reported it in his magazine. Barry Maxwell and James Murphy were also both calling us in Texas - with Maxwell even calling on his primitive car phone! As for Simon Dee, well we did not slag him off, but Simon Dee explained how ROR got him to steal for his fake theatre class, just as ROR got Drummond to steal American Express travellers checks to help fund ROR's non-starting Caroline TV. Mister Blob, what do you now think of Geoff Hutton, and better still, what do you now think of Garry Stevens? How come you are still a Moderator on his Board? You are a just one big pudding bowl of nonsense that fewer and fewer people will have anything to do with. But with all of that said and done: where's our paid copy of your book?
The response to yesterday's Blog is interesting: In the main it has been met with deathly silence. Even the "Hate MH" thread on the Garry Stevens site ground to a sudden halt after its contributors (5 people who use bucketfuls of fake names), were told the truth about the hypocrisy of Garry Stevens, and shock, gasp, horror, that Geoff Hutton was "one of us"!
Here is proof that Garry Stevens is a hypocrite who posts words that are as empty as his supposed sincerity, and it is why he works with Paul Rusling .... Yes, Geoff was OUR friend who shared YOUR secrets with us Garry, and remember, we have all of your insincere, two-faced, lies written as emails to us in which YOU declared war on Malcolm Smith and his imitation radio station and rusting hulk. It is time that everyone knew just how two-faced and insincere you and Paul Rusling really are. Both of you are a danger to the lives of all trusting, honest and well-intentioned individuals. Here are your words about Geoff, and here are Geoff's continuing words about what you were really doing that he sent to us (including your logs!) on a regular basis, What the posters who have been using BOGUS identities to attack our work now need to worry about is the fact that at least one of you has JUST confirmed that Geoff Hutton was giving us GENUINE information behind the scenes!
We know who you are! But don't think for a moment that this was a 'one off' from Geoff Hutton, because he became one of OUR Administrators while he he was administrating the rubbish on Garry Stevens' Forum! We were in regular contact with Geoff because he supported and agreed with what we were doing, and now you know that, YOU should be really worried. Not only that, we have a LOT of emails from Garry Stevens's slagging off all of you who supported the rubbish promoted by what HE called the "Church of Caroline" and those who ran to what HE called the JOKE Board. While Garry Stevens was doing all of that, he encouraged us to continue with our unique work and HE heaped praise upon us. If you are one of those cult members attacking us - but have never read any of our works, you are in for a rude awakening, because Garry Stevens has been playing all of you for fools! Our friend Geoff Hutton was continually giving us the inside scoop of what Garry Stevens was doing, and exposing the true identities of all of you! Now, what sayest you about Geoff Hutton? We say: "Thanks Geoff, you were a great and sincere guy"! We are in the process of making a short video biography about Ronan O'Rahilly and his thought process.
When Ronan O'Rahilly first showed up in London it was after a pattern of gadfly moves in Ireland that his English father and American mother got fed up with. According to his own testimony, he bounced in and out of school and proved of little help to his father who was trying to succeed in developing his tile manufacturing business. At that time Ronan was still working for his father's business and he continued to do so well into 1964, after the start of Radio Caroline. But during this time he remained anchored to reality while at the same time flitting in and out of various ventures run by other people. That brought him into contact with people who were operating on the fringe of the London underworld, and this is how he got involved with the London club scene. Ronan O'Rahilly did not start an acting school or a club or manage pop groups or anything else. He hung around various people who did, and then he claimed their credentials for himself. He did a lot of bragging and someone should have confronted him about his big mouth and big claims. But they did not. He eventually became a 'useful fool' to Jocelyn Stevens during the legitimate period of offshore broadcasting prior to August 1967. It was after that time period that he became a self-described anarchist. His father no longer needed him and he was cast adrift by Jocelyn Stevens who was the link to the money-lines supporting the activities of Radio Caroline. It was after August 1967 that Ronan O'Rahilly sank deeper and deeper into contact with the criminal world, and it was during that period of time when he may have become a sinister pawn involving the eruption of 'The Troubles' in Northern Ireland. His parents wanted nothing to do with him. But someone else may very well have found him to be of use in their political 'war' against Prime Minister Harold Wilson. It had nothing to do with the commercial radio lobby, rather it had to do with a combination of forces that exploded just over the Irish border, because that is when Radio Northsea International was jammed and it briefly changed its name to 'Radio Caroline International'. The link to that episode was political, but Ronan was just a 'useful fool' who became entangled in the murky world of the people behind that radio ship and their battle with Harold Wilson. The major aspects of that battle were tied to 'The Troubles' and the threat contemplated by the government of the Republic of Ireland to use its paltry Armed Forces to invade Northern Ireland. This would have brought Ronan O'Rahilly under scrutiny of the MI5 and MI6 as well as the DTI in affiliation with the GPO. But Ronan O'Rahilly, being an anarchist was not interested in building a business, anymore than he was interested in taking part in a war of liberation for the whole of Ireland. Ronan O'Rahilly was a big mouth making big claims, none of which ever matured. Meanwhile, over the years, Ronan's father succeeded in building a financially successful series of interrelated businesses with the help and support of the British government and its Department of Trade and Industry. Update: We are still waiting to receive and review Paul Rusling's book. We have still not received Rusling's book, so we can't comment upon it yet. However, we have yet to find one person who has received it, read it, and reviewed it as of this date. We don't put it past Rusling and his pals to both back date such a review after reading this comment, or writing it under yet another bogus name.
Meanwhile our research is keeping pace with current events and we have therefore changed the way in which we are approaching this research project. For more information please see our companion Blog. Now that Rusling has reappeared (see yesterday's update), it has touched off another avalanche of personal attacks upon us (probably by 3-4 people using many different names), over on the Garry Stevens' Forum. It's allied 'Joke' Forum cannot be far behind.
The story behind the switch by Stevens is, or will soon be on 'Conversation Central' managed by Mike Wilson, at some time today. But Stevens had a lot to say about the now deceased Geoff Hutton, who became a corresponding friend of ours, and that was long after Stevens turned to his personal attacks upon us. Stevens has used many different names in the hope of covering his tracks to both insincerely lament the passing of Geoff Hutton, and to both praise and attack our research. We think that you should read what Geoff Hutton really thought about people like Garry Stevens, Paul Rusling and Malcolm Smith. We will be reproducing his email correspondence with us on this Forum, along with correspondence from Garry Stevens and others. If you are in any doubt as to how two-faced Garry Stevens is, this correspondence will certainly trigger a question about his personal integrity. When did he become a government stooge, just like Paul Rusling and Malcolm Smith? None of them want our investigation into the origins of Radio Caroline to be told. The question is why? What were their individual prices for selling out to the side they are supposed to hate, but which has now become the Master of all three of them? Malcolm Smith received tangible help and benefits with a license; a charity registration and a tie-in with Manx Radio. Paul Rusling has been able to steal intellectual property without fear of retaliation - because he is distributing government propaganda instead of the story about Radio Caroline. As for Garry Stevens, well his switch is more obvious and yet his motive is a little more cloudy. We suspect that his benefit comes from some sort of arrangement with Rusling, and of course Rusling is in the service of Smith - who Stevens is now disclaiming. It is time for the three blind mice to also run up the clock to find that elephant named O'Rahilly. Stevens, Rusling and Smith claim that this elephant was lurking in the room - sight unseen - by every sane person. We now know that Rusling is alive because he, or someone pretending to be him, just posted on the Garry Stevens' Forum at 4:15PM today.
It was a message endorsed within minutes by this clown: "Posted by StewartAdmin on November 23, 2021, 4:26 pm, in reply to "More malevolent falsehoods from MH - Nice post there Paul as usual truethful and staight to the point and informative." So there you go, SuperStewart thinks that Paul Rusling is (quote): "truethful and staight to the point and informative." So there! SuperStewart must have gone to the same school as Garry, because neither of them can spell. Anyway, as soon as we read Rusling's rubbish post, we got on the phone to the well-known bookstore chain that we bought the first edition of his book from, and then we placed a pre-paid order for the second edition of his book. That was back in October. The bookstore was very helpful and told us that the book had JUST been delivered to their warehouse! JUST, as in a few hours ago! So it will take a few more days to get it to the Trio who purchased it - using the order number that Rusling claims does not exist! What a coincidence this is! At 4:15PM today, Rusling posts his rubbish (lies) and by 5:10PM we have the facts about Rusling's book. Did he print on demand one copy to shut us up? Could be, because none of his silly, childish, can't spell anorak chums have claimed to have seen a copy of it so far! There are no legitimate reviews! Now wait a moment or two and they will flood the Internet from the names of three bogus writers writing under at least 20 different names each. So maybe, in a few days, there might be 60 new reviews telling would-be buyers that Rusling is smarter than Einstein, Beethoven and Shakespeare all waddling around under one pudding bowl haircut. So here in its entirety is Rusling's hot-under-the collar post of today. By the way Paul, it is not "Scottish Law" but Scots Law. Get something right. The law in Scotland is called Scots Law because it is a hybrid system that is different to the system used in England. So without further delay, here is what our long-waited, but non-paying pupil, wrote today (uncensored): Posted by Paul Rusling on November 23, 2021, 4:15 pm A couple of concerned correspondents told me that Mr Nasty n Noisy in Falkirk is alleging I have disappeared and been deleted, due to his inability to order a book. I dont understand any of that and am loathe to discuss the man's lurid lies at all, but wanted to assure my friends on here that I am still at large, larger than life and busy wrapping books, as we do almost daily, to meet our promise to despatch all orders the same day as we receive them! Copies of the Radio Caroline Bible were printed as promised in time for publication on 2nd November and continue on sale direct from us, as well as via the Caroline Webshop and other reputable bookshops / resellers. I checked the bookshop distributors just now and no one recognises the number he claims to have used, but the call wasn't wasted as they placed a further order. Many thanks to MH for that as I wouldn't have called them. otherwise! He MUST have ordered thru his own fake web site, the one that he set up similar to the book's name, presumably to try and damage our sales. How dirty, low and underhand! The "passing off" case gets ever stronger. For the umpteenth time, the Radio Caroline Bible is a collection of stories from those who worked for Radio Caroline - the 'fantasy' story that was spun by the Haggler / England character is NOT a part of the story of Radio Caroline so has no place. The stories in the book are corroborated historical facts, none of which can be copyrighted, under English or Scottish law. Normal service continues, here and on reputable websites. Beware of fakes, malicious and malevolent madmen. Stay Cool and groovy! Paul Rusling - as ever, using my REAL NAME , (and certainly not running and hiding, just busy doing business). More proof that you cant believe a word MH publishes. We don't owe the handful of noisy anoraks who lick the books of Malcolm Smith and Paul Rusling, anything at all. We have made our information available to the public without an access fee. The creative works they contain remains our intellectual property, and it is not there to be stolen for reproductive personal profit and financial gain in the way that Rusling has done. But he has promised to deliver goods that we then paid for and which he has failed to deliver at the time he promised to do so. At the moment this looks like a repeat pattern of his taking without permission.
But Paul Rusling solicited our money for his updated book, which is based upon intellectual property he stole from us, and he did all that to support Malcolm Smith and his Ofcom licensed 5kW input imitation station (it is not even a 'tribute' station, Smith's Internet stream called 'Radio Caroline North' engages in that.) But here we are on November 23, and our order placed in October is still "awaiting publication" (according to the official site of the well-known bookseller who we placed our order with in response to Rusling's initiated solicitation.) Meanwhile, Rusling has disappeared and Wikipedia has deleted his vanity page. Paul Alexander Rusling of Yorkshire is turning out to be a real 'pirate' according to the original meaning of that word. His mentor, Ronan O'Rahilly, claimed to be both a Roman Catholic and an anarchist, which is rather a strange combination since the Papacy is a firm believer in the rule of law. It seems that Rusling has no explanation for his actions other than a violator of the rule of law. We repeatedly offered him a way out by simply admitting what he had done was wrong, and not doing it again. All we hear right now is Radio Silence, not even a whimper of Radio Blah Blah (Radio Goo Goo). The ludicrous new service calling itself "Radio Caroline", should be remembering the events that took place in Dallas, Texas around Noon on November 22, 1963, because that is when President John F. Kennedy had his head blown off. But today, no one is sure who did it, or why they did it. Same as Ronan O'Rahilly who claimed to have been in Dallas a short time later. He claimed a totally fictitious start for the original offshore station, but Radio Caroline has strong ties to the murder of President John F. Kennedy.
Will Malcolm Smith now address this issue? No. Will Paul Rusling now abandon his fraud and deal with these real issues of life and death which Bill Weaver has claimed in his manuscript are related events? No. Rusling seems to have fled the scene like the spineless and gutless person that he has now revealed himself to be. We thought that you ought to be reminded that this is November 22. Rusling offers no explanation; Amazon has no news; our bookshore has no update, and the world of the (five) anoraks - or thereabouts - using multiple identities - has gone deathly quiet after Wikipedia deleted his vanity page.
Our bookstore has no news on our order for Rusling's book, neither does Amazon have any news. Rusling has disappeared and Wikipedia has deleted Rusling's self-promotion page.
The well-known bookstore we bought a copy of Rusling's book from (the same one we bought his original version from and received), still says that they are awaiting publication.
Are the anoraks all dead? Maybe they are on the run like Paul Rusling who has our money and we still have no book? Did you watch yesterday's video? You should. Order #20073701 (Placed 27th October 2021) awaiting publication
Order #20073701 (Placed 27th October 2021) awaiting publication
Well here we are on November 15 and still no book that was bought and paid for back at the end of October. So what is Rusling's excuse now?
We are still working on the video review of the 'Antiques Road Show' featuring Malcolm Smith who did a bait and switch by talking about the mv Fredericia and the music/radio scene of 1964 in the UK. He did not talk about 2021, but he had a lot to say (incorrectly) about 1964. This made our editing difficult. At first we edited it according to what he said, but what he said was a pack of lies. It is difficult to imagine Malcolm Smith being that stupid, and we know that he is not: he is a con man. He is trying to palm off an old rusting hulk as if it was somehow connected to THE Radio Caroline which died in 1967. In short, Malcolm Smith opted for "palming off" or bait and switch. He of course was assisted by Paul Rusling who seems to be printing a 'secretly revised' third edition by deleting the rubbish found in the first edition and added to in a second edition - which we have yet to see. It seems that his cult members have not seen it either because not one of them has quoted from it so far. This is why we think he may be churning out a third edition by print on demand - a phrase he hates - because it is true. He thinks the quantity ordered makes it different. It does not. Time will tell if we will ever get his second edition. The video is now undergoing its own revision to account for Smith's bait and switch approach. Maybe it will be completed later today. We seem to have spent rather a lot of time working on it. Although Paul Rusling plastered links to retail booksellers on his web site where customers could buy a copy of his updated 'bible', his excuse as to why the big names in retailing cannot deliver bought and paid for copies of his book, is because big name retail booksellers are so inept at serving their customers. Rusling in effect says "more fool you, if you bought from them, you should have bought directly from me!" We are not sure that this attitude will get him very far in the legitimate retail trade. Meantime we are still waiting for our book.
It's November 13 and still we are awaiting Rusling's revised book. Meanwhile we are re-editing that stupid BBC insert about Malcolm Smith's effort to defraud the British taxpayer with his hulk called Ross Revenge.
Rusling blamed Hans Knot for saying that we endorsed his book - which is untrue, but what is also untrue is that Rusling promised to publish his 'updated' version of his plagiarised work by November 2, 2021 and it is still not available for delivery .... even though we paid for a copy back on October 27, 2021. So has Rusling "done a bunk"? Where is this book? Rusling remains silent as of this posting!
Today, please use the link above to read our companion Blog.
November 2023
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