Go to our companion Blog to read why Greta could have been 'inspired' by 'Wonderful Radio London'; 'Radio City'; 'Radio 390'; 'Radio 270'; 'Radio Scotland' or even 'Radio Caroline North' ....
Now let us see what happens after the text above was amended to read thus: Radio Caroline is the name of a station that broadcast from 1964 to 1967. However, several unrelated radio stations, all with controversial background histories, and not all of them tied to one geographical location, organization or audience have subsequently used this name. From currently available and authenticated documentary evidence, the originator and first user of this name for a radio station call sign was Jocelyn Stevens of Stevens Press Ltd., a firm registered in London, England under the laws of the United Kingdom. Stevens was a printer and publisher of several titles including a fashion magazine called 'Queen'. His editor, prior to Radio Caroline going on the air was Beatrix Miller who had been using the eponymous name for many years within her own style sheet to describe the typical reader of Stevens' fashion magazine called 'Queen'. Beatrix Miller resigned when Stevens announced his decision to become involved with an offshore commercial radio station based upon a former Danish ferry boat anchored off southeast England just outside UK Territorial Waters. This was before Radio Caroline first came on the air, but on the same day that a sales company representing the station was registered in the Republic of Ireland outside British jurisdiction. This station first began test transmissions on February 27, 1964, and shortly before a new British law called Marine Offences Act came into effect at midnight on August 14, 1967 and made it illegal for UK citizens to be involved with it, Jocelyn Stevens severed his relationship with the station which was not controlled by a company of that name. The British Board of Trade attempted to discover what the name and location of its operating company was, without success. A verifiable record of factual events following August 14, 1967 are still drowning in a sea of contradictory press reports. Because the radio station was operating outside of the laws of the United Kingdom, Stevens did not register a British company by the name of Radio Caroline Ltd in the United Kingdom, or in any other country where his ownership could be legally traced back to him. Instead, Jocelyn Stevens employed a well-know British public relations firm to create a fake ownership and operating history of the radio station. One such myth was that the original Radio Caroline had been "founded in 1964 by Ronan O'Rahilly and George Drummond [1] initially to circumvent the record companies' control of popular music broadcasting in the United Kingdom and the BBC's radio broadcasting monopoly.[2]" Over the years after 1967, many different radio stations have broadcast under the call sign of Radio Caroline. They are not related to the original venture headed by Jocelyn Stevens. Well, lookee here, that didn't take long for the anorak trolls to leap into action, did it? They have already deleted the above text and replaced it with the original nonsense text. This is what is on their history of edits page:
JUST LOOK AT GHMYRTLE'S WIKIPEDIA QUALIFICATIONS .... LOTS OF 'BADGES' AND NO COMMON SENSE! On Wikipedia for 15 years, over 119,000 edits! Are they all as stupid as the one about Radio Caroline? This is why Wikipedia is such a waste of time and so misleading as an instrument of educational knowledge. It is also the reason why we want to read what Paul Rusling is going to release on to the market within the next few hours. Is it going to be his original nonsense incorporating intellectual theft from us and then twisted to fit his own crazy and fictitious (Wikipedia influenced) style, or is he going to steal more from us to amend some of his original and glaring errors? We shall soon find out. That is why we want to wait and see what he does next before releasing more original research. As for Wikipedia we will keep a distant eye upon it but let the anorak fools play its game of replacing fact with original fiction. Both Rusling and Wikipedia will give us a good bench mark for asserting the 'us' versus 'them' approach that we have. Like most spineless and stupid anoraks we received this nameless challenge not to post the following comments. What the writer does not seem to understand is that over and over and over again in the past we have done precisely what 'it' suggests with other editors of Wikipedia pages, and over and over and over again they have ALL deleted the truth and preserved a LIE. So, here is the latest nameless anorak challenge which makes us wonder why this person does not identify themself, and why they do not follow-through on their own advice? Posted by You won't publish this on October 30, 2021, 6:58 am, in reply to "Re: Ronan O'Rahilly and 'Radio Caroline'"
Why not discuss your Wikipedia revision as invited instead of attacking the editor who doesn't accept your submission at face value? Why would you expect him to do so? Look at it from his point of view. It is contrary to all published information, so you need to justify it. Can't be bothered and would rather just rant about it, I guess. We asked a question about buyers and dates and guess what? The noisy anoraks all remained quiet. For them it was back to the pros and cons of Ronan O'Rahilly's wonders as a con man and the joys of 'Loving Awareness'. We await delivery of Paul Rusling's latest 'bible' to see whether he is going to surprise with more theft of intellectual property, or whether he will stick with what he has.
On December 30, 1963, the former DFDS ferry named Fredericia was sold to Cross Channel Container Services Limited of Greenore, Ireland, and then taken from Denmark to the Wijsmuller shipyard at Rotterdam, Holland.
On January 8, 1964, the mv Fredericia was renamed Iseult. It is to become both a ferry and cargo ship operating between southern Ireland and northern England on behalf of Weatherwell Ltd of Ireland. On February 13, 1964, the former Fredericia left Rotterdam for Greenore in the Republic of Ireland. ![]() This is a challenge to Ray Clark and Paul Rusling who have both engaged in promoting the mythological story of Ronan O'Rahilly and a man named 'Jimmy': Do you two individuals have any other source of documentation for your claims about a man named 'Jimmy', sans surname, other than Ian Cowper Ross and his 1990 novel called 'Rocking the Boat', and the subsequent appearance by Ian Cowper Ross on a 1991 BBC television program? We await with interest our copy of the latest updated novel by Paul Alexander Rusling called 'The Radio Caroline bible' in which his earlier version retold the same story as told by Ian Cowper Ross in his 1990 work of fiction. It is is amusing to see many of the anorak 'ducks' who are being lined-up by Rusling to buy an updated version of his same-old mythology. We remain outside of this anorak circle and wait to enjoy the spectacle of the anoraks self-drowning despair - once they realize that they have all been conned yet again by Rusling who is using a dead man named Ronan O'Rahilly, and his script writer named Ian Cowper Ross, who has led a rather more interesting life after 'Caroline' than Paul Alexander Rusling is leading right now imagining a past that never happened. As for good old Hans, well we don't know what is going on in his head after making that ridiculous statement. According to Rusling, it was Hans who promoted the fake idea that Mervyn Hagger was part of this nonsense! Under ordinary circumstances that sale would be part of a chain of custody to be accepted as fact, and back in 1963, there was no reason for anyone to question the veracity of this sale. But in 2021 there are many people who choose to ignore this transaction and pretend that it just isn't true. Many do so subconsciously because they may be unaware of the DFDS transaction, and those who do know of the DFDS sale, reject it by blotting out its existence so that they are not confronted by a conundrum. This process of rejection comes from an almost fanatical religious belief founded upon an alternative explanation which is known to be fiction. It becomes a story that has turned the now deceased Ronan O'Rahilly into a 'pirate radio' messiah, not that Ronan O'Rahilly ever did anything worthwhile, except in the early days when he was paid to front for people like Jocelyn Stevens. Ray Clark and Paul Rusling have both created books which rely upon the mythology associated with the name of Ronan O'Rahilly. But O'Rahilly needed help to extrapolate a myth and to build his own quasi-religious following while he was alive. Now there seems to exist a cult which worships his very name, as though he was born to be some sort of radio saint, although even his followers acknowledge that he was a man with many personal faults whose main claim to fame was the procuring of money from other people. Without admitting the obvious foundation of their own storylines, because both Clark and Rusling were too young to have been of the age where they hand first-hand participatory knowledge of what Ronan O'Rahilly was up to, and consequently both Clark and Rusling turn for substance to this book: As you can see, 'Rocking the Boat' was launched as a novel with a lot of fanfare back in 1990, but in the following year (1991), the author appeared on BBC-TV where he inferred that what he had written as fiction, was in fact a recital of events that had actually taken place. But here again, the story as told by Ian Cowper Ross as the 'true story', lacked any proof that it was a true story. Worse still, at no point during the BBC-TV 1991 documentary did Ian Cowper Ross actually say that his 1990 novel was in fact a true story.
But by a constant retelling of the story in the Ross book, as though it is a true compilation of biographical events, this story has become fixed in the minds of many as being a true story. However, there is absolutely no connection between the real story the story told in the book written by Ian Cowper Ross. The names Ronan O'Rahilly and Ian Cowper Ross do not appear in the text of his book. The name of 'Ian Ross' does appear in the book as its author, but only in an abbreviated format. The names of Ronan O'Rahilly and Ian Cowper Ross are not mentioned in the Ross book, because the words in his book relate to fictitious characters and a fanciful storyline. Yet the Clark and Rusling narratives all rest upon that phantom drive to Hindhead by Ronan O'Rahilly so that he could hit-up a man named 'Jimmy', for money. But the book makes no mention of Ronan O'Rahilly, and the fictitious character who is named both 'Jim' and 'Jimmy' in the book, has the surname of Shaw. So there is a clash of contents as recited by Clark and Rusling with regards to the specific transaction as narrated in that book, and the book itself. Clark and Rusling connected dots that do not exist in the book, in other words Clark and Rusling invented a new story. There is also a clash between the contents of the book which is fiction, and the Clark-Rusling version which is also fiction, but a fiction based upon the fiction that their version is in the book - which is fiction. Neither Clark nor Rusling were present at that supposed meeting with 'Jimmy' and so their only source is Ian Cowper Ross who wrote a book of fiction in 1990, and then, in 1991, without actually claiming that his novel of 1990 is really his own autobiographical account, Ian Cowper Ross recited a new version on BBC-TV that sounds like the novel, but which deviates from the fiction in the book, because Ian Cowper Ross claims that his TV version is autobiographical. How did Ian Cowper Ross manage to pull-off that bait-and-switch trick? Simply by never referring to the novel on television and by never calling his father anyone but 'Daddy'. He also implied that Ronan O'Rahilly called his father 'Jimmy' but Ian Cowper Ross did not name his 'Daddy' or use his own full name on television. To discover who Ian Cowper Ross and his 'Daddy' and mother really are, we had to buy a copy of Ian's marriage certificate, since we knew from press reports where and when he go married, and the marriage certificate is a legal document that contains fact, and not fiction. This brings us to that clash with the documentation in the DFDS encyclopedia. It refers to a specific day, month and year with regards to a specific ship owned by DFDS and called 'Fredericia'. The story told by Ian Cowper Ross is vague and told in print as fiction many years after the event. His version is a novel in which the name of a ship called 'Fredericia' does not appear. Before this analysis can continue, the reader must decide which of these two books to believe: The documentary encyclopedia, or the novel about fictitious people and a fictitious ship? The answer seems to be obvious, except to anoraks. They choose to believe the work of fiction. There can be no better example for us to cite than that of the confused mind of a person who calls himself Fred Bramley. He has repeatedly accused us of believing the work of Ian Cowper Ross, while at the same time pointing out that the Ross book is a work of fiction. In reality, we accept the DFDS encyclopedia as fact while explaining why the words uttered by both Ronan O'Rahilly and Ian Cowper Ross are fiction. Why Fred Bramley has fixated upon this idea is not clear at all, since he clearly does not accept the DFDS encyclopedia as being true, and he obviously reveres the legacy of Ronan O'Rahilly. Tomorrow we will continue to reveal why the texts of these two books present two different and totally incompatible storylines. Not only does the DFDS account open up a chain of events for inspection, but that same chain of events goes on to contradict just about everything that the Fred Bramleys of this world think that they know, when in reality know nothing at all about the real world. UPDATE! We have now added a link to our new review page regarding 'The Radio Caroline bible' . We we have also made an important correction on this new page regarding our own hypothesis concerning the two new Continental Electronics transmitters that were loaded on board the ship originally known as mv Fredericia; briefly known as mv Iseult, and then renamed mv Caroline.
Paul Rusling visited our library facility in person on two occasions under the pretext of becoming part of this research project, but instead, during the second half of 2019, he announced that he was going to self-publish a book under the title of 'The Radio Caroline bible'. Rusling was working with an individual named Malcolm Smith, an engine mechanic, who is still (as of this Blog entry), passing himself off under the name of 'Peter Moore'. He has even used that name fraudulently on official UK government documents, and on at least one occasion the names of Malcolm Smith and 'Peter Moore' both appear as if they are two separate and real people. Smith/Moore applied for and received, a UK broadcasting license for a new, but very small community radio station called 'Caroline'. Paul Rusling became instrumental in spreading the fraudulent mythology that Smith/Moore's 'Radio Caroline' is the lineal descendant in interest of the same people who in 1964, originally created the real Radio Caroline. This is the mythology that we are now unravelling for the first time, anywhere, and we are doing so free of charge. Please visit 'The Radio Caroline bible' page to see how Rusling has now been caught-out red-handed by stealing our hypothesis which was a working part of this research project. However, we have now discarded our own theory as being untrue! Unfortunately for Paul Rusling, our own working hypothesis now discarded, was part of our research work that he took and incorporated as fact within his book that he has been selling to support the Smith/Moore venture which he calls 'Radio Caroline'. Details will appear at 'The Radio Caroline bible' soon after the publication of this update. We will continue to reveal what others could have done, but all failed to do, in methodically finding snippets of factual proof that are available and which can be cross-checked, in order to build the first ever authentic timeline about the origins of Radio Caroline. Unlike the charlatans and con men who self-publish fraudulent books that they claim is the 'real' or the 'true' story of Radio Caroline, this presentation is authentic and conforms to true investigatory standards, and it is FREE OF CHARGE for you to read and enjoy. We will keep adding to it piece by piece - until we have revealed the actual story of Radio Caroline - as far as it can be documented. We are NOT relying upon the hearsay of other people and we will only use testimony that can be cross-checked. Undoubtedly some minor details will be difficult to establish, but the actual framework can be built and demonstrated to be true and authentic. Where new information comes to our attention that contradicts our presentation we will perform further investigation, and if any information is found to be incorrect, it will be corrected and any mistakes will be acknowledged!
This information comes from the authoritative DFDS encyclopedia. This decommissioned Danish ferry is not taken to Ireland by its new owners, but to the Netherlands where it is tied-up alongside a Wijsmuller facility. Why?
The only source of research about this activity is the project now known as 'The Girl Who Never Was', and the information that Paul Rusling has was STOLEN from this project - before our research was completed. As a result, Paul Rusling only had part of the information which he then tried to force into his own mythological storyline about the now deceased Ronan O'Rahilly. But if Ronan O'Rahilly knew the real story he never told anyone, especially Paul Rusling. We think that O'Rahilly knew part of the real story, but because he was paid to lie and deceive on behalf of Jocelyn Stevens who was directing him, it was not in his interest to tell the truth. O'Rahilly Senior (his father) was to become a financial beneficiary of the scheme fronted by Jocelyn Stevens on behalf of a consortium, and therefore it was in his financial interests to also keep quiet about what he knew. Then how did Ronan O'Rahilly get involved with Radio Caroline?
Posted by Freddie Archer on October 17, 2021, 7:53 am (on the Garry Sanders' Board): the man "Mervyn" is an absolute cretin I'm glad you have seen through this multi-identity idiot, also known as Chris England. Why does he use so many identities we wonder? I guess to avoid any Legal action, though he mainly picks on the dead who cannot fight back - what a coward. He also loves matching a DJ name, to their REAL name One of these days, I expect he will get his own back. I think PM (Malcom Smith), you & me, are (for once) united for once with the same thoughts.... NOW, BOB MEADE, CONSIDER THIS: 1. You are making a personal attack directed towards an individual, not upon a subject matter. 2. You are claiming that "Mervyn" is known as Chris England. That is an untrue statement. 3. You are identifying with Garry Sanders who has previously and publicly contradicted you on the same forum: Thu 7/25/2019 12:38 PM Hi Mervyn, I welcome your posts greatly because they are a refreshing change from all the Church of Caroline posts and the PM yes men who can’t see beyond saying how much they adore him and his plastic radio station. You bring change, fact, intelligence, true info and you won’t let them beet you and I admire those qualities in you! So you see you bring more than enough to the board without your kind gesture you so truly do not need to do that mate. Further more I am glad you are on the team so if anything it’s me that owes you. All of that aside you know the funny part to all of this is there isn’t but one of them that won’t buy a copy of your book I know it, they know it, and you should too. So keep on giving it to them its fact interesting and refreshing and coming from an intelligent guy who knows the true score, good on you mate. Period. Very best Regard Garry Posted by Gerry Powell on 17/10/2021, 13:00:42, on Garry Stevens' "Joke Board": Wearing my Tony Kirk hat here I will add a few further points. Being greatly concerned with the RA view, within the hour I was in the Patent/Trade Mark office in Central London and thankfully given guidance by helpful staff that enabled me to prepare and submit my applications. The main objector to the registration was Virgin Records that had recently been taken over by EMI. They had a patent/trade mark registered in the 1980's in the name of 'Caroline'. Later on during the registration process I sat in a courtroom where their representative said we were 'pirates' and had no legal right to use the Caroline name in the UK. The judge dismissed that comment asking me if Radio Caroline had provided a continuous service to the UK, albeit with some interruptions. We all know the answer to that! And I still have the statutory declaration that was submitted a few weeks later that proved continuity from 1964 to 1992 (and probably beyond to the present day). The statement above is a LIE. Tony Kirk lied to a UK court of law. There is absolutely no connection whatsoever between the current fanatical cult called by Garry Stevens the "Church of Caroline" and their forum - "The Joke Board" on which Tony Kirk posted his message, and Radio Caroline of 1964-1967. None. Either Tony Kirk was misinformed or Tony Kirk LIED to a UK Judge. Posted by Freddie Archer on 17/10/2021, 15:12:31, in reply to Tony Kirk:
Thanks Tony/Gerry That confirms Peter's story & should put to sleep any other nonsense, that come's from some - who should know better. It will probably have the opposite effect, On Mervyn England of course - but who care's about him? Ronan O'Rahilly was a stooge, a 'front man' who set out to deceive, and among his victims was Don Pierson of Eastland, Texas.
O'Rahilly was paid to mislead Don Pierson, because apart from the confusion within the Tory government of 1964 as to whether it should, or should not reverse the decision of its Pilkington Committee against licensing of local commercial radio stations, was a competitor who emerged from nowhere named Don Pierson. Don came from Eastland, Texas which is still is a relatively tiny town about 100 miles from the big cities of Fort Worth and Dallas, and Don Pierson was an entrepreneur who travelled about 30 miles in the opposite direction to Abilene, Texas where he was chairman of a bank. In Eastland he was known for his automobile dealership, a small hotel and being the practical joker as Mayor of Eastland who said that he would make smoking a crime within city limits. This was just after the relationship between smoking and cancer had become a big story in the press. Of course it was also known that Don was a heavy smoker. But when Don read in his daily newspaper about the arrival of Radio Caroline off the coast of southeast England, it motivated him into taking a clone of Gordon McLendon's Dallas station KLIF across the Atlantic on a ship to demonstrate what a Top 40 commercial station should sound like. When it came time for the BBC to start a substitute for the offshore stations, it did not use Radio Caroline as its model, it used Don Pierson's Radio London. Therefore the current and excessive interest in Ronan O'Rahilly who was but a carnival barker, and in Radio Caroline, which tried to copy Radio London and failed, while at the same time ignoring the legacy of Don Pierson, is something that needs to be corrected. Don Pierson, not Ronan O'Rahilly is the real 'father' of the second phase of British commercial broadcasting heard in the British Isles. But where is there even a commemoration plaque remembering his contribution? Yet a lot of the big names in music, and even the disc jockeys employed by the British Broadcasting Corporation, owe their careers to Don Pierson. Instead of Don Pierson, people such as Ben Toney and Philip Birch, who are two people that Don hired, have taken the limelight away from Don, so that they are remembered and Don is forgotten. Ben Toney has even gone so far as to destroy the legacy of Don Pierson by inserting himself in the mythology fostered by O'Rahilly, and downplaying any part that Don Pierson played in reshaping British broadcasting. This question is very basic:
If you are interested in creating a true record of the past, do you care if a handful of people have conspired to create a fictitious past that drowns out a true record about the development of broadcasting in the British Isles? This includes all aspects of offshore broadcasting leading up to August 14 of the year Nineteen Sixty Seven. In other words, if it can be proved that Ronan O'Rahilly lied, and that Radio Caroline was not created by him, especially according to the legends spun by him and now appearing in school textbooks and on mass media outlets such as television programmes, Internet services such as YouTube and radio broadcasting programmes, do you care? If the entire past record of Radio Caroline from 1964-1967 as taught is fake, does it matter to you? If your answer is 'no', then does it matter whether any aspect of past events have been deliberately faked? That is not the same as asking about the total truth about the past, it is about knowing that to the best of your knowledge, when you speak of the past you are telling the truth. Because that is what is at stake. Honesty versus dishonesty. If you just don't care about honesty, and if you personally believe that intentional deception to stifle truth is okay, then clearly this Blog is not for you, and we are not interested in you views. Your choice. We believe in having an open mind, examining all of the facts, and always siding with the true version. The 'Passing Off' of the undertaking involving the hulk called 'Ross Revenge', and the formerly illegal activities surrounding the entity known as 'Radio Caroline', have now moved on into a second phase.
It was Paul Alexander Rusling who spelled out the fraudulent 'history' of 'Radio Caroline' in his 2019 book called 'The Radio Caroline Bible'. It was part of a bigger scheme to aid and abet the registration of the former motor vessel called 'Ross Revenge' as part of a continuing false narrative linking that ship to another series of events that began in 1964, and which have now emerged as a registration with the English Charities Commission, as shown at: https://register-of-charities.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-search/-/charity-details/5172054/trustees For more, please see our previous Blog posting. In recent public postings, a writer by the name of 'Peter Moore' has recited a so-called history of an activity that goes under the name of 'Radio Caroline'. We call it an 'activity' because it does not relate to a company, and neither does it relate to a legal activity. The 'activity' that it relates to is 100% illegal according to the laws of the United Kingdom, and the person doing the posting is doing so with the intention of securing money from the public purse of the United Kingdom.
The name of 'Peter Moore', with reference to the past activities of 'Radio Caroline', has been filed with UK Companies House in association with one other human name, and two different types of British companies. The human names in question, and the related company names, are: 1. Incorporated on March 4, 2011 - RADIO CAROLINE AM BROADCASTING LTD This company has number 07552492 and it is described as a "private company limited by guarantee without share capital". Listed as directors from earliest to most recent, are: a) Malcolm Charles Smith, a British national residing in the United Kingdom, was appointed director on March 4, 2011, which is the same day that the company was incorporated. He resigned his office of director on October 19, 2016. His occupation is given as "Director". b) Peter Moore, a British national residing in the United Kingdom, was appointed director on October 20, 2016. He resigned his office of director on January 11, 2018. His occupation is given as "Retired Engineer / Businessman". c) Malcolm Charles Smith, a British national residing in the United Kingdom, was appointed director on November 14, 2017, which is a date within the term of directorship of "another" director named as "Peter Moore" who did not resign until January 11, 2018. Malcolm Charles Smith and Peter Moore are known to be one and the same human person and not two different people. These filings clearly reflect an intention to deceive and mislead the British Crown authorities who hold ultimate responsibility for activities at UK Companies House. An Official investigation into the activities of this person in respect to his claims relating to the hitherto illegal activities of the entity calling itself 'Radio Caroline' are called for, in order to protect the public purse from deceit to defraud under the cloak and cover of official documentation. Further proof of the fact that Malcolm Charles Smith, who is not a public performer or stage artist, is continuing to use the false identity of "Peter Moore", is reflected in an ongoing stream of public notices posted by Malcolm Charles Smith that have continued to appear on two different public Internet forums under the name of 'Peter Moore', within hours of this information being added to this page. This is not the only listing at UK Companies House in which the name of Malcolm Charles Smith appears in connection with the prior illegal activities of the entity known as 'Radio Caroline'. 2. Incorporated on November 7, 2013 - RADIO CAROLINE NORTH LIMITED This company has number 08765566 and it is described as a "private company limited". Listed as directors from earliest to most recent, are: a) Malcolm Charles Smith, a British national residing in the United Kingdom, was appointed director on February 14, 2015. He resigned his office of director on October 19, 2016. His occupation is given as "Retired". b) Peter Moore, a British national residing in the United Kingdom, was appointed director on October 20, 2016. He is still listed as "active". His occupation is given as "Retired Engineer / Businessman", These two company listings are both fraudulent! 1. Incorporated on March 4, 2011 - RADIO CAROLINE AM BROADCASTING LTD 2. Incorporated on November 7, 2013 - RADIO CAROLINE NORTH LIMITED In the case of company (1) "Peter Moore" and "Malcolm Charles Smith" both occupy directorships within the same period of time, even though both names refer to the same human person. In the case of company (2) the real human person of "Malcolm Charles Smith" has resigned, and the fraudulent person of "Peter Moore" has taken over. But this is not the extent of this planned fraud to deceive and steal both intellectual property and obtain financial gain by false pretenses, because parallel to this fraud, Malcolm Charles Smith has engaged with a Member of the British Parliament to secure at least one broadcasting license, and has now proceeded to the second part of this planned deception to link the activities of the formerly illegal 'Radio Caroline' via a successful registration with the English Charities Commission of a ship called 'Ross Revenge' - in order to solicit funds from the British Lottery and other sources, by means of deception and fraud, as it relates to the claimed historical nature of that ship, and then 'Passed-Off' (within the legal definition of that term), as a link to British Heritage that should be remembered and taught to others as a result of financial donations which the administrators of this scheme can then legally benefit from as paid directors and trustees. The key to this entire 'scheme' is a planned perversion of British broadcasting history with the help of various publishers who may or may not be aware of the extent of this ongoing fraud. This information is being made available in order for questions to be raised by the British public of their elected officials, and in particular of Tracey Elizabeth Anne Crouch, Member of Parliament for Chatham and Aylesford who, presumed to have done so unknowingly, has been credited by Malcolm Charles Smith as having facilitated the granting of licenses that have made this ongoing scheme possible. However, this in no way implies that Tracy Crouch MP has been, or is now, either a passive or active part in any scheme to deceive anyone relating to the hitherto illegal activities of the entity known as 'Radio Caroline'. The information on this page was primarily obtained from official public sources posted Online by the British Crown. Any typographical error made in the posting of this data will be immediately corrected once brought to the attention of the Administrator of this page. In one political campaign someone responded: "It's the economy, stupid!", when the discussion got really off track. The reason being that individuals are primarily interested in their own economic interests, and then other interests follow.
So it is with this subject. The statistics of readership for our two Blogs show where we are connecting and where we are failing to connect - but readers sort of keep one eye open to see whether our next revelation will impact the way in which they think. The key is in the subject illustrations at the top of this Board. It is about 'that' book and the follow-up TV documentary of 1990-1991. The 'other side' yawns but one lone voice keeps on drawing attention to our investigation into that book. Big mistake on the part of that lone voice. While others tell the lone voice to shut up because no one is interested, the lone voice knows the danger that lurks in the contemporary ongoing silence. Because when a connection is made, and heavens forbid that this goes viral, well that is the tightrope that the lone voice has been walking. But we know who that lone voice belongs to and it has now posted one post too many. Garry Stevens has jumped in and deleted the last comment by his Admin known as ALF but who posts as 'Fred Bramley'. Too late Garry, we already read the comment and 'Fred' is lashing out in all directions, not just ours. However, 'Fred's' comments caused Garry to panic and in so doing he finally admitted that he had indeed switched sides. Garry did this within the last few hours, and he did so in public. We have been asking to explain himself in private - for months. Now Garry has just shot himself in the foot and admitted what we knew, and to make matters worse, he is now deleting the last comment by 'Fred' and pretending that it never was posted on his Board. Life really is like that Ray Sharkey song with its line about "getting close". Thanks Garry. "Posted by Garry Stevens on October 11, 2021, 7:46 pm Edited by board administrator October 11, 2021, 7:51 pm
Then follows the same post by Malcolm Smith that appeared on the Board that Garry Stevens labeled as the Board of Idiots; the Joke Board, and the religious home of the Church of Caroline cult. The original was posted by Malcolm Smith as follows .... Posted by Peter Moore on 5/10/2021, 18:04:02 So now we know that Garry Stevens is united with Malcolm Smith.
This makes things so much easier for us. There is now a line in sand: a "them" on one side, and "us" on the other side. On the Stevens/Smith side is lying, cheating, stealing. On our side is investigative reporting, admission when we are wrong, and a foundational belief in honesty, We ask nothing from anyone who has read our material on this Blog, whereas Stevens/Smith use Internet Forums to steal from the public while deceiving them. Therefore, since Stevens and Smith have made their own positions clear, we are now drawing a line in the sand to say that we are now no longer bound to secrecy about the previous actions of Stevens, or Smith. However, while our research continues into the original cover-up surrounding Radio Caroline (1964-1967), the actions of Stevens and Smith are of absolutely no interest to this undertaking, except in as much where their actions and their words and those of their supporters, contradict or attempt to conceal the true story. Garry Stevens <[email protected]> Thu 7/25/2019 12:38 PM Hi Mervyn, Thank you for paying again to keep the ads away and it’s a very kind gesture and truly appreciated but please don’t feel like you need to do anything like that because you so truly do not! I welcome your posts greatly because they are a refreshing change from all the Church of Caroline posts and the PM yes men who can’t see beyond saying how much they adore him and his plastic radio station. You bring change, fact, intelligence, true info and you won’t let them beet you and I admire those qualities in you! So you see you bring more than enough to the board without your kind gesture you so truly do not need to do that mate. Further more I am glad you are on the team so if anything it’s me that owes you. All of that aside you know the funny part to all of this is there isn’t but one of them that won’t buy a copy of your book I know it, they know it, and you should too. So keep on giving it to them its fact interesting and refreshing and coming from an intelligent guy who knows the true score, good on you mate. Period. Very best Regard Garry Typos belong to Garry.
It's not just Ronan O'Rahilly who lied with the help of Ian Cowper Ross, or Paul Alexander Rusling who lied and stole intellectual property from us, but these squabbling and two-faced anoraks are denounced by each other. They leave their evidence in plain view and instead of trying to be sensible and reaching an accord with us, they become more and more stupid. Here is a prime example of how you just can't trust these people:
Garry Stevens <[email protected]> Wed 7/17/2019 4:54 PM To:
Mervyn has been added as a co-administrator. The co-administration area is located at: http://co.administration.boardhost.com/ The following access info must be entered: ---------------- Message Board Username: PirateRadio Access Username: Mervyn Access Password: 11489prg ---------------- The above is the new set of login details tried them here at my end and they are working fine! Please get back to me and let me know. Best Regards Garry In yesterday's Blog we gave you a very brief overview of how we began airing programs in the UK over Norman Nelson's land-based Short Wave radio station, but we only touched upon the transition period that provided the foundation for this present research project.
While we will include more details in our new and forthcoming series of part-publications about broadcasting, in view of the misinformation already in circulation, it becomes necessary for us to explain a few essential differences in the reporting of current affairs taking place on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. The time period in question for us began back in the Nineteen Eighties, and the catalyst was the start of Music TeleVision (MTV) in the USA. Although on the surface, there appears to have been a uniformity of cultural interpretations in both the UK and USA back then, there was an in fact an obfuscation of branding and it had a point of origination. Many products, services and companies seen as 'British' by consumers, and users in the British Isles, had in fact originated in North America. But their connectivity was either downplayed or intentionally disguised. Half of the original British Broadcasting Company Limited cartel was of American origin. EMI (Electric and Musical Industries) began as an offshoot of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA), and that entity had already given birth to the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) in the USA, which had a lot of commercial interests in common with BBC Ltd. Because NBC was an offshoot of the American company called General Electric (GE), the identification chimes on NBC reflected the musical notes of G, E, and C. While there was an international version of American company known as GE, the eponymous entity in the UK was not the same company, although some interests were shared between the two via the American GE international company. This blurring of identities became the subject of an interesting book published in 1968 called 'The American take-over of Britain'. Its authors tried to show how people in Britain could go through an entire day using American products and services without knowing that this is what they were doing. So it was with the popular music charts in 1982. That is when MTV first came on to American TV screens. The problem was that there was a shortage of video material in the USA for MTV to work with. While British TV had led the way in promoting popular music in the UK with pioneering producers such as Jack Good, its radio output had been restricted, and this had in turn given birth to offshore radio broadcasting. (You will discover that we covered a lot of this material in depth within our academic series of articles which are on line at http://foundthreads.com). In the UK, companies such as EMI had been supplying public venues with promotional film/video clips to sell a 'new wave' of British artists. That 'new wave' was a harking back to the 'first wave' that swirled around groups such as the Beatles, when they first burst on to the Pop charts. Now, the British Pop charts were featuring groups that would not be heard in America for many more months, and many of these groups came with film/video clips. This was one of the cheaper foundations of MTV in the USA. So when Don Pierson obtained an FCC radio license for KVMX-FM whose studio was situated at the bottom of his property on which he had his home in tiny and obscure Eastland, Texas, and because we were already working with him on a franchised publication, he asked for help with radio programming. Thus a show called 'Swinging Radio England' (SRE), which featured old PAMS jingles and old music was born on KVMX-FM at about the same time period that MTV was planning its expansion to nationwide coverage of the USA. It was MTV in the USA that 'inspired' a switch from the oldies SRE format to the new British charts under the name of Wonderful Radio London. Don Pierson then decided to syndicate this show at the National Association of Broadcasters Convention in Las Vegas, and he went one step further by proposing to restart WRL as WRLI with a new ship station aimed at the UK. This brought Ben Toney, the local Texas man hired by Don Pierson for the original WRL as General Manager. Originally, Philip Birch was only hired to handle advertising sales. We made contact with Ben Toney quite by chance (he had been away at sea on a non-broadcasting venture). The connection was made at a record faire by George Gimarc who programmed an AM station in Dallas that played oldies, and an FM in the same building that played 'New Wave' and punk music. Both stations were owned by the 'Dallas Morning News' daily paper. George brought us together with Ben and the WRLI project was born. Initially records were imported from England via a New Jersey distributor, but because of delays it was decided to record the programs in the UK and ship them directly to the USA for duplication and then syndication. Now enters another person in this strange story. His name is Ben Freedman who ran a jingle company called CPMG in Buffalo, New York. Ben was also trading as 'PAMS', the Dallas jingle company which had been pushed into oblivion due to outstanding taxes. The legal status of PAMS was surrounded in law suits that tangled with other companies outside of Texas. All of this was long before the dawn of the World Wide Web and easy research by the Internet. A trade-off was arranged with Ben Freedman. We would research the legal status of PAMS for him, while he brought in his agent in Kent, England to make the new syndicated WRLI programs for airplay in the USA. For his part, George Gimarc kicked off a four hour live show on his Dallas AM station in which the history of the British offshore stations would be told using both narration, airchecks and records. Ben Toney then began talking to several potential investors who would 'seed' the venture, and this also included Don Pierson trying to re-involve Tom Danaher. But Danaher had fallen out with Pierson over the SRE debacle of 1966-67 in the UK. To promote the syndicated hour-long weekly show, time was bought on XERF in Mexico. That station had come back into the news when an engineer attempted to get its massive RCA transmitter back on the air. So at midnight, Texas time, a daily WRL-America chart show featuring British records was aired seven nights a week, with a local sponsor. But the engineer could not keep that transmitter on the air and so the power dropped down to that of a local US station. Its clear-channel, 'coast-to-coast and border-to-border' voice could not be heard. It was during this time that Ben Toney became ill and the idea of reviving Radio London died. But the syndicated program was still being aired. That is when new contact was made with Jonathan Marks at Radio Netherlands and the idea of morphing the 'new wave' turned into the 'First Wave of the Four Freedoms'. By extension, this idea emerged out of a feature within George Gimarc's 'Rock and Roll Alternative' show, into a new kind of music and commentary program wrapped inside a music show that was all intended to be aired as a single sign-on, sign-off transmission called 4FWS. It was recorded in Texas and then sent to independent stations as far afield as KIWI-SW in New Zealand, and a host of other stations in Europe and the British Isles, and that included Radio East Coast Commercial. Our fledgling broadcasting group then began to make television documentaries for a companion 4FTN (Four Freedoms Television Network on local US cable systems with Genie Baskir. In fact it was Genie was to have become the original voice of the syndicated radio show, until the practicality of obtaining records, and the involvement of Ben Freedman caused us to switch to his UK associate. Meanwhile, while our research to create program material continued, and Don Pierson had also brought in Eric Gilder who was also researching the origins of British broadcasting for a university thesis. It was then that we began to focus on one central question: Why can you play rock 'n' roll all day on the radio in the USA, but not in the UK? ('Needle Time' was still a factor back then.) The 4FWS broadcasts, which we previously explained are still available to hear, and the latter series of academic articles which directly answered our own research question, then began the long trail that eventually led to the creation of this Blog. In this same time period, aging anoraks eventually joined forces with a car mechanic, and together they have come to worship the now rusting hulk of a defunct radio ship. These lost souls pretend that they are at sea playing records, and they fondly take and show pictures of each other doing so. Somehow they imagine that doing what any other licensed radio station can do is akin to a cause once branded as 'free radio'. But that term once meant free to listen to, as opposed to paid listening with a government license. Today these hobby pensioners playing within the confines of their own British Crown licensed station they call 'Radio Caroline', are content to snarl at each other, because all forms of educational research into British broadcasting is something that is beyond their disintegrating mental capacity to comprehend. Consequently we have become their primary target of dribbling hatred, while they unknowingly have become victims of self-publishing vultures like Paul Rusling. He sees us as a source to steal from and the anorak pensioners as merely carcasses holding coins that can be picked lose for his own self-indulgent spending. Our researched information is free to these anorak pensioners, while Rusling throws anything on to his print-on-demand pages and then laughs at the stupidity of these dying embers of humanity who buy and read them. No doubt the feeble minds in that anorak world will be told what this Blog says and some may even come over to look for typos. But intelligent feedback? There will be none, because the anoraks lack the intelligence to enter into any form of intelligent conversation. They are mental captives of the very British Crown that they still think they are rebelling against. ![]() Yesterday (6/10/2021, 18:40:35) an individual who is too ashamed to identify himself, and who hides under the code of 'm0lsx' - posted the following misinformation about our friend known Neal West. He did so on one of the two anorak forums that worship the UK Crown's fully licensed land-based station called Radio Caroline, and which is operated by a car mechanic named Malcolm Smith. This character is hiding behind the name 'm0lsx', and like other anoraks of this ilk, he reads our Blogs but does so in order to find typos (which we admit to making), and then draws attention to them in order to divert attention away from the substance of our Blogs. His actions reveal these anoraks to be nothing more than fraudsters, and their fully licensed, and tiny UK radio station as nothing more than a total joke - on them! So 'm0lsx' delved back into our beginning in the Nineteen Eighties. That was when our research organization emerged from Don Pierson's idea of reviving his Nineteen Sixties offshore station that became known as 'Wonderful Radio London', or in brief, WRLI. There were three parts to WRLI. The first involved daily broadcasting over XERF-AM, the super-power 'border-blaster' in Mexico which was located just across the Texas border at Del Rio. You can hear that first and second broadcast that introduced the shows to follow, by clicking here. I was in the studio that night with Ben Toney who was the General Manager of WRLI, and you can hear those broadcasts by clicking here. The Top 40 shows were recorded in Kent by Chris Elliot. (He later took our documents, like Paul Rusling after him, in order to publish his book with the help of Ray Anderson.) There was a second part to WRLI that involved a weekly show heard on a number of stations which included Don Pierson's KVMX-FM in Eastland, Texas, and KXOL-AM in Fort Worth, Texas. Neal West (his radio name), lived in Birmingham, England and he took an interest in the WRLI programs and he arranged for his friend Norman Nelson to transmit copies of the programs recorded in Kent, over his shortwave station called 'Radio East Coast Commercial. How he got the tapes we do not know. But then the WRLI project ground to a halt and after consulting Jonathan Marks of Media Network, Radio Netherlands, we decided to form an alternative programming service based upon media development. Jonathan thought that because of the political content of our proposed shows, the anoraks who were operating unlicensed land-based 'pirate' stations would not carry them. Our research project took off when Don Pierson gave us his legal and financial files behind the creation of Radio London; Radio England and Britain Radio. We even interviewed Don on tape because Steve England with help of Johnnie Walker had recorded a bogus show mocking Don. We played that tape to Don and made our own broadcast. Steve England then made a second edition of his tape which he was selling for his own profit. ![]() Our research organization was built around massive input from a news clipping service that was begun and run by Neal West in Birmingham. He then mailed these cuttings to Texas every week. Neil also helped to build our own network of 'pirate' stations which extended from New Zealand to the continent of Europe, and of course the British Isles. That is how we got on to Norman Nelson's RECC. Our mail response came mainly from listeners behind the Communist Iron Curtain. They were from all over East Germany; Poland and even the USSR. Those listeners understood what we were doing and what we were saying, even though the program was in English. We know this because while many wrote on postcards, others wrote many pages of information in their letters. They were very supportive, but we had to find our own financial methods to finance this operation. Ironically, we later learned via a documentary shown on British television, that the UK Foreign Office had a secret department which was doing the same thing. When George Saunders, a real Radio Caroline engineer from 1964 to 1966, learned that we actually read listener's letters on the air, he was furious. The UK Secret Service interests went to great lengths to hide the identity of listeners who wrote to them. But our listeners never told us to conceal anything, and so we did not. George was recruited by the UK Foreign Office - after he signed the Official Secrets Act, and that document still makes him nervous to this day. Right after the mv Mi Amigo went aground in 1966, the Foreign Office British broadcasting service recruited him to operate a sort-of British government 'pirate' political station beamed from a neighboring African country, into Ian Smith's rebel Rhodesia. That station flopped, and George came back to the UK. The 'friends' of the Foreign Office then used that same Continental Electronics transmitter that had been a part of the failed Rhodesian operation, it after it was plugged back in, that same unit was used to jam the offshore station called 'Radio Northsea International'. We should add that George Saunders was indeed a government man who had been hired by John Gilman who reported to Alfred Thomas, both of whom had retired from a lifetime of UK WWII secret work and careers with the BBC. Then Pye recruited them and Thomas got involved with all of the main offshore pirate stations prior to Radio Caroline. (The real station 1964-196,7.) Our own enterprise obviously never closed down and went away. It just changed its approach and began documenting everything for publication in academic journals. Now we have tweaked our approach once again and we are beginning preparations to publish for a wider and more general reader. However, we indeed owe a lot to the help that Neal West provided us, and so we are not very pleased with the remarks by this anorak calling himself 'm0lsx'. This miserable specifin is trying to turn the legacy of Neal West against us, when in fact without Neal's help we could not have continued to slowly build, and we have done it all without asking the public for any money! On the other hand, the anoraks not only beg for money, but they also sell merchandise that they have stolen from us. A word of advice. We have been building a library, and although some have tried to stop our progress, we are smart enough not to keep our documents all in the same location, and so when someone comes along like this 'm0lsx', we research into our archives and retrieve the documentation that proves that they are liars. You can still hear some of those 4FWS broadcasts because they are still available on line. Go to the linked logo above, and click the box below to hear Jonathan Marks tell one of his listeners how RECC came to be broadcasting that WRLI program. The listener should have known better, because on an earlier show Jonathan Marks told another listener that WRLI was a genuine venture. |
November 2023
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