If we had known that we were actually trying to unmask the work of some of the very same people who deceived the Germans where the D-Day landings would take place, our underfinanced Trio would probably have never begun this 'Caroline Investigation'.
We had been given, long ago, the financial and legal files of Don Pierson who put Radio London, Radio England and Britain Radio on the air, and so we knew that he had been misled into reacting to both the British Crown and the smokescreen of deception that Ronan O'Rahilly had blown over the news media. Therefore we are now carefully examining all of the hard and documented evidence very carefully and refraining from making new assumptions. We are using our E+O3X code to unmask the rubbish that is out there, and we are now totally ignoring anything arising from the so-called anorak community, because we do not have the money or the time to respond to their childish rubbish. We had hoped to arrange a cooperating symposium with others who have previously been of great help, but the anoraks on the fringe have made that impossible, especially after Paul Rusling decided to engage in outright intellectual theft of our self-funded research work. Making matters worse, because he did not understand this subject, he then took our genuine research and coupled it to his own distorted nonsense. We will keep our readers informed of progress, but if you really want to know more about our plans to turn these Blogs into print, and add the biographical version mentioned previously, then please get in touch via the email address found under 'YesterLinks' on our companion Blog. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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