Within hours of the montage below being posted on line, the dumbed-down anorak generation responded by claiming that we do not understand the meaning of the word 'woke', because of the way in which we incorporated that word in the illustration posted yesterday. But we do understand, and that is why we used it.
It is a word of shifting meaning like the term 'Jimmy Sands'. The word had its origin in the USA as an expression of reverse-racism, meaning that those who had been the victims of racism in the past, have now become racists themselves, only they don't seem to be able to comprehend that this is what has happened. But the definition of the word woke has moved on from there to the point that it is now a part of the language of gibberish. This world of the anorak, is the world of the copycat, which is why another bit of American sub-culture has found its way to the British Isles and into the sub-minds of the anorak thought process. The anoraks belong in a wood which remains hidden to them due to the preponderance of surrounding trees. Anoraks can't see the wood for the trees, just like the reverse racists can't see that they have become racists. The 'anti-frackers' who hate oil, have missed the bit in their education about the means of extracting lithium from the ground. No lithium, no batteries. No batteries, no electricity. No 'Jimmy', no money and that means no Radio Caroline. But "wait!" mutter the anoraks, there was a Radio Caroline run like a business back in 1964 and people got paid. Then the business disappeared and so did the money. That resulted in no one getting paid except by methods that were anything but civilized behaviour. Now a token operation calling itself Radio Caroline has popped-up, and anoraks are being asked to dig deep and donate the money that they cannot generate by means of ordinary business. So the anoraks have actually created a token business. It is a form of business created for the sake of business. That is not why Radio Caroline came on the air in 1964. Anoraks spend all of their time being oblivious to the subject of money. No money, no broadcasts. Ask an anorak to explain the "Jimmy Factor", and they can't. In their world the numeral one is followed by the numeral 9 or is it 23? Who knows? It's all too woke. The anoraks see our two Blogs which are preparatory works that will eventually become two halves of a single educational script, and their eyes glaze over. Their solution? Reach for another picture book. Same pictures as before, just different angles. Weird. We welcome all genuine input, but most of what we get is abuse from those who do not like to be told that they believe in mythology, but they are very quick to point out our typos. We say "thank you", and we rush off to fix the typos and then move on. The anoraks learn nothing and so they resort to playing obscure records and jingles from long, long ago. But as for the educational purpose of these two Blogs, well, the anoraks are locked-in-step religious fanatics. They have a sense of being woke, but no sense of being awake. We don't care, we prefer the sane interpretation of life as taught by Martin Luther King that relates to the real world. We pay attention to the message, and not to race, or color of skin, and likewise we are not the least bit interested in the retelling of tales about oil shipments to rusting hulks that took place years ago. Neither are we interested in some loon who is pushing buttons on a computer that replays a sound that someone with a degree of musical talent once recorded, while all that the button pusher can do is banter about what they had for breakfast and pretend that he is doing all this on an imaginary broadcasting ship. Anoraks have no message. Many are at home in biological encasements that need more exercise in body as well as mind. If you do spot a typo, or if you know the key to finding an answer to this ongoing riddle about where the money to start Radio Caroline in 1964 actually came from, please get in touch. We discovered that there are a lot of people named Oonagh Hubbard, Huggard and Leigh, and so it was great that David Cotter came along and showed us which one of the Oonaghs was the one we were trying to identify as the side kick of Ronan O'Rahilly. Mind you, David now wants us to explain why Oonagh Leigh was just O'Rahilly's side kick. We will, we will, in due course. There are also a lot of people named Charles Edward Ross - as well as many others that we are doing our best to nail down in genealogical terms. But we will, in due course of time. On the other hand, if your mission is to tell us more about the meaning of the word 'woke', please don't bother, and just think - you might miss the six thousandth 'new' publication of yet another anorak tale about 'Jimmy'! Comments are closed.
November 2023
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