For a brief moment in the Sixties, airtime could be purchased from freebooters to deliver speech that was forbidden on the BBC airwaves. Listeners could chose not to listen, and the Establishment reacted accordingly.
For a long time the government of the UK did nothing, and then they threatened jail time for those who delivered alternative speech that was contrary to the views of the Establishment. How? They decided who could be seen and heard on the Establishment airwaves, but they did not count on the appearance of freebooters. It was not the music that worried the Establishment, there was always plenty of music, and there still is. What the British Establishment did was to bring in censorship of speech by punishing anyone promoting an alternative religious or political point of view. What did the anoraks do? They pretended that 'free radio' equals freebooting music that can be heard anywhere. The anoraks worshipped freebooting. Their idiotic leader was named Ronan O'Rahilly. He made it clear that he was an anarchist. He was a selfish anti-social idiot who did not care about others, because he only became concerned when he could not sponge off others in order to keep himself afloat without having to do any work. Ronan O'Rahilly was a despicable idiot. Now where has his anarchistic views got us now? Well, look at the current political scene. Any voices that stress a pro-Russian point of view are forbidden to express those views. The ban covers social media, printed media as well as radio and television. This did not happen in the UK during World War II, no matter how much some wished that it had. Why was that? Was the generation of yesterday too smart for the Establishment? What of the anoraks of today? Are they too dumb to notice that they are lobsters in a pot with water that is constantly rising in temperature so that all thoughts of freedom of speech are being gradually killed off while the music plays on? In the Nineteen Forties the dictators even got inmates at Auschwitz to form an orchestra which serenaded other inmates on the way to the gas ovens. Your tax money is paying for weapons as gifts to kill women and children in a distant land while the golden oldies play on. Oldies like John Lennon's 'Imagine'. No, that won't do, it's about peace. Scrap that analogy. How about Grace Slick's 'Somebody to Love'? No, that is about liars and lying. Anoraks are more in tune with the dumb lyrics of Jeffrey Epstein's anthem 'Young Girl'. Yes, that will do because a bunch of djs seem to have listened to those lyrics and put them into action. Anoraks are stupid people and their leaders are some of the most ignorant human beings ever brought to life by the sexual intercourse of a male and female. Were their parents equally stupid? In terms of human life, the Nineteen Sixties were not too long ago. Winston Churchill commenting about Hitler and his ilk during the Nineteen Thirties claimed that dictators were afraid of words, and he compared the power of words to the insignificant power of tanks and planes. Words can be put to music, but speech is a powerful weapon when it is delivered raw and unadulterated - uncensored. Garry Stevens and Malcolm Smith want you to think that freedom of speech means revived forty-fives and in the case of Garry Stevens, he wants you to believe that him replaying edited bits of old tape is one man's fight for freedom. (Pardon the pun.) Of course, in the case of Stevens all sense of political speech has been removed from those old adulterated programs. Malcolm Smith merely tries to emulate the censored airwaves of yesterday before the freebooters came along. "This is the BBC Light Programme coming to you from an old boat anchored offshore ...." Freedom of speech requires freedom to think about what has been heard. Liberty is life itself. Ignorance is indeed slavery as George Orwell told his readers in 'Nineteen Eighty Four'. Now what has any of this to do with uncovering the true story about 'Radio Caroline'? Well, just this: The stupid anoraks are not only putting their own fingers in their own ears, but they are encouraging the Establishment censors to prevent anyone daring to express a view that is contrary to the Establishment - before they can even speak. What the anoraks seem to be primarily concerned about is the musical playlist of yesterday's freebooters, not with the political censorship that created today's world of woes. At Auschwitz, the band also played on. This state of censorship is not going to end well for anyone. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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