The reason why we adopted the image of ripples emanating in all directions over a still body of water following the dropping of a pebble, is because it is the easiest graphic image that we could think of to portray this project.
To outsiders (other than 'The Trio'), it seems as if we are starting and stopping multiple storylines without completing any of them. Sometime members of 'The Trio' also wonder if that is what we are doing! But this is not the sum total of a completed investigatory educational project. Another key factor is that we are not starting from the moment of impact when the pebble first meets the still surface of the water, but from the farthest edge of the last visible ripple before there are no more to be seen. We then work inwards towards the point of origination. If we were working outwards, we would already know all of the answers to everything, and clearly, we don't, and more importantly, neither does anyone else. There are no super-humans, all-knowing, all-understanding. On the other hand, there are quite a number of puffed-up self-important people who like to pretend that they are all-knowing and all-understanding, but their own individual deaths prove that they were really no different from every other person who has ever been born on this Planet. That is why this Planet is in such a mess, but to then suggest that some human beings are going "Save the Planet", are merely indications that they are of the self-aggrandizing variety who have deceived themselves into thinking that they are on the same level as the Creator of Everything that exists or has ever existed in any form. But they are not. Their flesh and blood is in reality part of matter which can only change its form, but it can never been destroyed. Mere human beings cannot create anything from nothing. 'Magicians' who are stage performers can befuddle other human beings by conjuring-up illusions which are, as we know, only practicing the art of deception. By only seeing the outer ripples, we are only seeing watered-down manifestations of factual information that has become co-mingled with umpteen storylines into which fiction has been injected. So this storyline is following the development of events beginning with the first entanglements by the Crown of England with the person known as John Lilburne. We are not actually sure that he was born in 1615, but unless someone produces hard evidence to the contrary, we accept as fact that 1614 was the year of his birth. There is far more evidence that records the year of his death as 1657, than there is the year of his birth. But it is what John Lilburne did and came to understand during his lifetime that is of essence in this storyline. His life story and its rippling effects are the ones that we began to follow back in time from the present day, to the time of his birth. However, this is not the story of John Lilburne, or Don Pierson or 'The Trio', but the sum total of all these lives. It is retracing the recorded evidence of a human life in ripple after ripple. Because to understand the business of licensing recorded music, it is necessary to understand the licensing of the printed word. It is also necessary to know about Benito Mussolini and his fascist Italy and its connection to EMI. To understand how EMI got involved with the restricted broadcasting airplay of recorded music, which came to be known in the United Kingdom as 'needle time', it is necessary to know that EMI was a spin-off from the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). RCA was created by the General Electric Corporation of the USA, with the financing of J.P. Morgan who began creating a worldwide electrical Trust whose plans and programs have once more become the focus of attention in the clash between oil and electrical power. Similarly, if you want to know about the history of oil, then it is necessary to know about Persia and British Petroleum and Halliburton of Texas, as well as individuals such as John D. Rockefeller. Our story that is retracing the true origins of 'Radio Caroline' which began in 1964 and died in 1967, also engulfs the history of 'Radio London' which became the blueprint for the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in its creation of 'BBC Radio One'. That story is mired in deceit. This trail of misinformation about 'Radio Caroline' began in earnest with a young Irishman named Ronan O'Rahilly. So, it is necessary to explain who he really was, and how he managed to deceive Don Pierson of Eastland, Texas. Thus we return to the story of the pebble and the initial splash, only we, being mere mortals who do not know or profess to know all that is to be known, have to begin at the outer edges of the furthermost ripple before all ripples disappear. We have not yet reached the point in our story which began in a radio studio where a frustrated Mervyn Hagger reached for a random book. That volume happened to the '1968 Yearbook of Encyclopedia Britannica', and he flipped open that book to serendipitously begin reading a five-page essay written by the wife of the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black. That was when we began paying attention to the farthermost ripple. It is when the story of John Lilburne first came to our attention. Now you know where this story begins and why it probably has no ending. Next: After IFAC Comments are closed.
November 2023
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