There is an interesting Canadian cold case crime series that is showing on subscription television right now. It goes by the name of 'Secrets from the Morgue'. Its focus is upon the work of Chief Medical Examiners who conduct autopsies to determine unlawful causes of death.
Of course, if a corpse is cremated before an autopsy takes place, then it is impossible to examine the corpse to render a forensic medical opinion. Sometimes bodies are exhumed after burial and then examined, but if a cremation has taken place, then there is no second-guessing with a second autopsy. Now the interesting thing about this TV series is that it seems to focus upon autopsy investigations just before or just after the year 1994, which in forensic science is an important year. Al Gore claimed to have been invented the Internet because he created the first web page for the White House in 1994, when he was Vice-President. What else happened that year in the cyber-world? Well, 'Yahoo!' began in January of 1994, and it was followed by Amazon in July. Back then, DNA testing was still in its infancy. The nearest thing to our own methodology of investigation is a Medical Examiner of forensic pathology, so you might say that our 'Caroline Brooks' could be our 'Chief YesterClaims Examiner'! It turns out that the year 1994 fits in with 1964, because both involve debunking false claims. This seems to be the key to using different identities in both the United Kingdom and the United States. While may writers and performers identify themselves by names other than the name given to them at birth, or by the name which they have legally adopted by marriage, or by simply filing a change of name, this is all well and good -- providing that the purpose behind using a different form of self-identification is not to deceive another person into performing an act that they would not have performed, had the other person known that the person that they were conducting a transaction with, was in fact not the person that they that they were conducting a transaction with. There is also another twist to this. Malcolm Smith has filed a document with at least one UK government entity under that name, while also filing under the name 'Peter Moore' without distinguishing the fact that Malcolm Smith and Peter Moore are one and the same person. They are not two separate individuals. In doing so the illusion is created that the entity to which these names are attached has more than one person subscribing to the filing of government documents, when in fact, only one person has filed documents using two different names. Malcolm Smith is not a stage performer. The original reason for him adopting the simultaneous name of Peter Moore was to avoid prosecution under various UK laws prohibiting UK nationals from engaging in unauthorized broadcasting from ships. Now the purpose seems to be linked to financial fraud by claiming that what he is doing is related to events that took place under false pretenses in the Nineteen Sixties. He claims that the origins of the present-day hulk called 'Ross Revenge' has its "claim to fame" in the lies spun as truth by Ronan O'Rahilly. So Malcom Smith continues to use the old O'Rahilly lie to commit fraud - that is raise money by false pretenses, and he does this at every chance he gets! Back in 1994, we discovered that Lloyd's Registry is built upon unverified claims about names. The self-proclaimed owners of vessels reported information to Lloyd's, and Lloyd's dutifully recorded that information. So when a subsidiary movie company of MGM blew up the mv 'Lichfield I' in Boston Harbor to make the movie 'Blown Away', they reported that their hulk w as called 'Dolphin' - even though it was mainly a plywood movie prop contraption built on to the original deck, and the original deck belonged to a ship still registered in Panama as the 'Lichfield I' . Yet even after the movie appeared, Lloyd's continued to list it as 'Dolphin', along with a fake history that stretched from the 'Lichfield I' to 'Sarah'. But, down in Panama, that government still had 'Lichfield I' on its own registry. Our own group fell victim to the financial fraud perpetrated in the name of the ship called 'Sarah', which in fact was the vessel called 'Lichfield I'. Well the curtain is already beginning to fall the 'Radio Caroline' fraud, because on August 29, 2023 another event will occur that should propel this story - the story that anoraks claim that no one cares about - into the headlines on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. Don't say that you were not warned. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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