'Jumble Show' seems to be an appropriate name for the BBC media monopoly that pretends that it is not. It claims that it is not, due to all of its supposed competitive rivals, but none of them have the backing of the Crown in the way that the BBC does. The BBC is still tied to a licence fee - even though it pretends that it is not, and the enforcement of that licence fee comes with the stomp of the Crown in jackboots. It is called British law and order. How this all came to be is quite a tale and it is a tale wrapped in confused explanations to the point that most people don't care what the explanation is, they just accept it as part of life in that part of the British Isles dominated by the Crown. (Ireland is not a part of the Crown, but what it is - is still a mystery with regards to that chunk of the island called 'Northern'.) But the BBC, that is 'THE' BBC, is the master of confusion, obfuscation and deranged thinking when it comes to mass media programming. You might think that 'THE' BBC and its Masters who do the bidding of the Crown corporation sole that that brought it into existence, explain to the hoi polloi everything that the hoi polloi need to know to live a tranquil life (and not cause the Crown too much trouble as it marches on through the centuries.) But it does so by making everything to do with geopolitics as clear as mud, Its methodology is jumbling fact with fiction and time sequences as though they are part of a lucky dip game. It is a 'Jumble Show' of confusion. In the last Blog, we referred back to Winston Churchill and his 1920 full page article in a Scottish newspaper in which he blamed 'bad Jews' for creating the USSR, or 'Communist Russia Plus', to those wondering what the USSR was. To do so Winnie, linked the 'bad Jews' to a man named Adam Weishaupt, or as he called himself 'Brother Spartacus' - only Churchill referred to him as 'Spartacus Weishaupt' just to make that which was already confusing - far more confused. We explained in the last Blog that Adam Weishaupt founded a flash-in-the-pan 'secret society' called 'Illuminati' that took off like a lead brick. That is, until Churchill got hold of the idea in his full page 1920 Scottish newspaper article. (At the time, Churchill was the British MP for Dundee in Scotland, in case you are wondering how Churchill ended up north of the border of England.) But there is more to this confusion: Weishaupt was in Bavaria, and that is where Adolph Hitler first attempted to overthrow a Germanic government. Hitler failed. At the time Adolph was upset with a bunch of Germanic communists who called themselves 'Spartacus', but they were not commemorating Adam Weishaupt, but a gladiator from long, long, long ago before Adam, and this warrior was named 'Spartacus'. Now these German Spartacus imitators were trying to bring about the kind of revolution that Churchill had blamed on 'bad Jews' in Russia. These are all contemporary events with Winnie's newspaper article. Except that Adam and his failed secret society called 'Illuminati' were not in the picture at all - apart that is, from Winnie dragging in his reference to 'Spartacus Weishaupt', and of course, blaming it all on the "bad Jews". Today, Winnie would be labeled as an anti-Semite. Now jump forward in time to dear young Sophia of 'TikTok' - BBC World Service 'fame'. Sophia Smith Galer (courtesy of Facebook), wants her 'fans' (she is a 'star' on 'TikTok'), to believe that the modern day revival of the Illuminati conspiracy theory is actually tied to a lawyers office copying machine in Dallas, Texas. That copying machine peeled off five copies of a book about a dystopian joke religion that Sophia claims has its roots in the 'Illuminati' cult - as if there is such a thing outside of the tin hats of people like Churchill, and the idiots at the BBC. But of course Sophia, who is paid by the BBC World Service to promote nonsense, got her cities and states confused. Because upon delving into Sophia's story we find the lawyer in question, was the same person who first promoted a conspiracy story about the murder John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. But unfortunately for Sophia, that lawyer was in New Orleans, Louisiana. It was JFK who was in Dallas, Texas - which is not to say that many of the powerful families of oil rich Texas did not hate John F. Kennedy and wanted to see him die as fast as possible. Their wish came true on November 22, 1963. How about the 'Illuminati'? Ask Sophia and her sponsors: 'THE' all-knowing, all-seeing and all-too-confusing BBC. They made up that story just as Winnie made up the original story about 'bad Jews' in Russia. Get the connection? 'Bad Jews in Russia' followed by 'Bad Jews in Germany'. There is some sick form of irony at work here that puts the foundational ideology of Winnie on the same team as Adolph. But that is the idea, isn't it? 'THE' BBC does not exist to inform and enlighten, but to confuse to the point of total frustration where the viewer and listener says "I give up". How did this foundational ideology get going? Ask John Reith back in 1924 who spelled it all out when he cobbled together 'THE' BBC. Winnie and John were rivals because they both had big egos and both egos could not exist in the same time and space. But come WWII and Winnie's fight with another man named Adolph (who also had a big ego), caused Winnie to create a secret society of his own - to fight Adolph - "off the record". If you thought that the BBC was the lone official broadcaster in Britain, think again. The Crown made the BBC very public, but it kept its 'other' operation very, very secret. It was dirty, nasty, vicious and without any care or feelings for those it intended to hurt. Who were they? Not the top Nazis, but the Mom and Pops and kids who did what they were told according to what they heard from their wretched government. On the other hand, the British Crown was so bad and uncaring that the Lord Privy Seal figured that it would be better to lose than use the same Nazi methodology - only England under Edward I (go back to the year 1297!) was the prototype of Heinrich Himmler and his desire to exterminate the Jews - (move forward in time from 1297 to Wannsee in 1942)! Winnie created his own secret version of BBC and it broadcast over what was claimed to be the world's biggest radio transmitter. It was made by RCA in the USA and shipped to the UK and installed in an underground bunker in England. Over time a lot of mythology has come to surround this device because it was obtained and used at the time in total secrecy. It was called 'Aspidistra', which is a tiny house plant! However, this RCA manufactured and imported transmitter was actually one of several smaller units and both individually and collectively they were all identified as 'ASPI's, but because this RCA unit was so powerful, it was called 'Aspidistra'. Unfortunately in doing so, the engineers created an oxymoron, because if the RCA until was gigantic and the Aspidistra house plant is so small, why give it that name? Well popular legend has it that this RCA transmitter was named after a popular song by Gracie Fields, except that the record label in the UK, and its rereleases aboard, claimed that Gracie was singing about an 'Aspidastra' - a plant that became a tree - which never existed. Gracie's house plant turned into a kind of 'Jack In The Beanstalk' unique tree by means of grafting an acorn to the house plant, and that resulted in the 'The Biggest Aspidastra In the World'.
Now, listen carefully to Gracie sing her song - with her very strong regional accent and 'Aspidastra' sounds like 'Aspidestra'. What it does not sound like is 'Aspidistra'. If 'THE BBC' can't even tell the truth about an RCA transmitter that was bought by the Crown for use by another and highly secret British broadcasting organization dealing in pornography, lies and mean-spirited exploitation of war victims, what else can't it tell you the truth about? For one thing in can't tell you the truth about the origins of Radio Caroline in 1964. It was 'THE BBC' that allowed Ian Cowper Ross to go on television in 1991 and tell viewers that his book that was published the year before in 1990, was not so much a novel work of fiction, but a disguised version of his own life story. But that was a lie and his 1990 book was indeed a work of fiction. However, there then followed a stream of writers who embodied this fictitious tale into their own works, and every one of them claimed that it was the truth. But it was not: it was a lie! So there you go: 'THE' BBC spreads confusing misinformation whenever any of its many transmitters are turned on, and so it is no wonder that it was 'THE' BBC in 1991 that created the mythological story about Radio Caroline in 1964, all with the help of Ian Cowper Ross. The moral of this explanation is this: Don't trust anything that someone says is true, unless you have used courtroom due diligence to check it out! Comments are closed.
November 2023
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