The current entity calling itself by the letters 'BBC' is not 100 years old. This is a sleight of hand to make you think that the previous entity which used those initials was the same as the current entity, just because both sets of initials relate to British broadcasting.
But one relates to a consortium of British-American commercial business companies, and the second one relates to an entity that was created by the Crown General Post Office. It should be noted that the GPO began its life in 1660 as an arm of the English Crown to censor the mail. In fact, and it is a FACT, the original PYE company was a shareholder in the original British Broadcasting Company Limited, and when the GPO refused to renew its license and licensed instead the Crown corporation, the second 'BBC' tried to use the Trade Mark logo of the original 'BBC' but was denied use, because it was not a trading company! So the second 'BBC' had to keep the original 'BBC' alive in name so that it could license the second 'BBC' to use its Trade Mark! This current 'BBC' is 95 years old but it wants YOU to believe that it is 100 years old so that YOU think that the two entities are one and the same. They are not, and the fact that the original PYE company was a shareholder in the original 'BBC' - is one of the biggest keys to understanding what happened in the history of PYE during 1964. That is when PYE created 'Radio Caroline' on a ship anchored off the coast of southeast England in international waters! The BBC is lying and the writers such as Asa Briggs have attempted to convince the world that the story of 'The BBC' is one long sequential tale. It is a tale, but it is not factual and it is not sequential! YesterTecs are now ripping the lid off the Establishment lies and the duped anorak parrots who think that they know the story of 'Radio Caroline'. The anoraks don't have a clue. They are brainwashed fools because it is the anorak community that is doing the work of the Crown and its lap-dog BBC by concealing the true story about British broadcasting and especially the true story of 'Radio Caroline'. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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