Well, this is strange, isn't it boys and girls?
Garry Stevens praises our research and tells us to blow the mock Radio Caroline of Malcolm Smith out of the water with our textual reporting. Then along comes Garry's pal Paul Rusling with a book based upon research stolen from us, but twisted to support Malcolm Smith. So what is Garry to do? For months Garry Stevens remained silent while we severed contact with Garry Stevens, then, months after a textual 'war' had begun by Paul Rusling against us, Garry Stevens re-emerges to tell his Administrator named Stewart to leave Paul Rusling's ludicrous attack thread alone. Others want to delete it, but now Garry Stevens wants to keep it, and it is Garry Stevens' Forum. So how does Garry Stevens account for his statement of support? On Wednesday he wrote this: "Some have said block this thread! But I personally think it should be left open for comment! As it lays the way for those to see what a Jerk this person is! And I feel that is important! As he is simply showing his foolhardy unstable twisted self." Now this is the same Garry Stevens who wrote this: "Wow what an interesting read Sir I can only say keep it coming! Trolls don’t count but those with open minds do! The board is visited by many as I'm sure you know by the count on the opening post on certain threads this often goes into the mid 4 numbers so when you look at the tiny same old few trolls their views if we can call it that are most certainly not shared by the many who stay quiet but read and digest good topics such as your research work, so don’t be put off by the few Trolls but carry on informing the many, and my board is one place that and your self will always be welcome. Best Regards Garry." Garry Stevens also wrote this on July 14, 2019: "You know the funniest part of all this is that there wont be one of them who don’t buy a copy! Even if its only out of hatred or just plain curiosity! But buy they will, so no mater what the last laugh will be yours my friend. (-:" So will the real Garry Stevens please stand up? Actually, we LIKE the ridiculous attacks that he allows his Trolls to post, because not only do they hurl abuse, but it is downright silly abuse because they have not even read the text that they claim to be attacking! Their attacks are always personal attacks, not substantive attacks about subject matter. But here is the kicker: We LIKE this barrage because even though we are not trying to attract attention from the world at large at the moment, the attacks made by Garry Stevens' Trolls are sending our unique (first time) viewing numbers higher and higher, along with the number of repeat visitors and the number of pages on our site that they are reading! So, maybe Garry Stevens is actually trying to maintain his friendship with Paul Rusling who stole from us to support Malcolm Smith's eponymous radio station - which Garry Stevens claims to detest, while remaining true to his statements above and driving his idiot Trolls over to read the true story of Radio Caroline which they otherwise would never do in a million years! Seems logical. The only other possibility is that Garry Stevens is like James MacGregor who writes totally meaningless drivel because he wafts in and out of sanity. Don't know which version is true, but if Garry was sincere the first time, he is one devious cookie, isn't he, because it is Garry Stevens who is ultimately making a fool of the ridiculous Trolls who make personal attacks against us! Comments are closed.
November 2023
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