Why did Ian Cowper Ross write his roman-a-clef novel that was published in 1990? Why in 1991, why did he turn it into a claimed true account of events? What events? Where the money came from in 1964 to fund Radio Caroline! The trolls have been yelling - no, screaming at us, that no one cares where the money came from in 1964, but in 1991, there was still one entity that was very interested, and more important, due to the sheer stupidity of the very people who have continually yelled 'Caroline continues' after August 14, 1967, (think Johnnie Walker and all the rest of that ilk), they kept resetting the clock on time limitations. After all, the people who yelled that "Caroline continues", were not the UK government, because the 1967 Marine Offences Act was supposed to have put an end to it, and the MOA did cause the shut down of its management from the heart of Mayfair at 6 Chesterfield Gardens. But then, another address popped-up in the Netherlands. The people yelling "Caroline continues" linked the Dutch operation to the the British operation: it was one and the same (they said), because "Caroline continues". Okay. "Caroline continues" and its legal home after August 14, 1967 was in the Netherlands .... Then other addresses popped up. One of them was in New York City, and eventually that resulted in a criminal case being brought in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and yet, and yet, "Caroline continues" (said its anorak supporters.) Okay. So "Caroline continues", (said the trolls.) Then came Paul Alexander Rusling in 2019, and he wrote "Caroline continues" in his "bible' to aid and assist one Malcolm Smith who said "thank you very much" (or words to that effect). But Malcolm also had a habit of denouncing Ronan O'Rahilly and claiming that Malcolm's version of 'Radio Caroline' had nothing to do with Ronan O'Rahilly. But you can't have it both ways Malcolm. Rusling says "Caroline continues" in 2019, and you agreed with him, so you can't turn around and say that your 'Radio Caroline' has nothing to do with the original 'Radio Caroline', because it is a "continuation". Someone brought a problem to the attention of a faction of the British aristocracy in 1990, and Ian Cowper Ross stepped forward like a stooge to "tell all", but in roman-a-clef style. It was just too confusing. So in 1991, along came Jocelyn Stevens, and he backed-up the dialog on the 1991 BBC-TV documentary 'starring' Ian Cowper Ross. He told viewers the "true story" about the 1964 source of money that put Radio Caroline on the air. Or did he? That show started off with Ronan O'Rahilly telling his oft-repeated nonsense about Georgie Fame, but he never spoke about the money. That was left to Ian Cowper Ross who once sat in the office of Jocelyn Stevens while he acted as the spokesman on a 1964 Granada-TV show called 'World in Action". It was Jocelyn Stevens who addressed questions about the money behind that venture. But in 1991, up popped Ian Cowper Ross with Jocelyn Stevens on BBC-TV and said: "It was my Daddy!" "Daddy" did it! In other words, Ian Cowper Ross and Jocelyn Stevens told viewers to forget everything that anyone else might have reported in the past, because it was all down to Ian's "Daddy". "Daddy" did it! But who was "Daddy"? Well, in the roman-a-clef 1990 novel it was a man named Jim Shaw. But Jim Shaw did not exist, and so an army of trolls turned "Jim Shaw" into Jimmy Ross, who did not exist either, because Ian's "Daddy" was named Charles Edward Ross. Meantime, a floodgate of wanna-be authors had appeared after the 1991 TV show, and gradually the story of "Jimmy Ross" became oft-quoted fact, instead of fiction. Then, in February 2013, the door was opened once again by Ray Clark, and Ray interviewed Ian Cowper Ross, and of course, Ian Cowper Ross reaffirmed what he had originally claimed on that 1991 TV show in support of his 1990 novel. But this tale does not stop there! In 2019, Paul Alexander Rusling added icing to this cake of trouble with his "Caroline Bible", because he established the path that led to the doorstep of Malcolm Smith, and in 2021, Malcolm is still residing under the banner of 'Radio Caroline' (complete with his own filed misstatements on United Kingdom government documents.) Oh dear, oh dear! What a sea of troubles (pardon the pun), these folks may be swimming in. Ian Cowper Ross tried to misdirect attention with a fake tale which the trolls then adopted as their own. Now who do you think might be interested in this fake claim that "Caroline continues" now that Jocelyn Stevens is off the hook? We will provide the details in the book, but in the meantime the Beatles will give you a hint .... Comments are closed.
November 2023
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