So Paul Rusling, the "radio consultant", is today trying to tell everyone on the Garry Stevens Board that he is fed-up with people misunderstanding what he is saying, writing and doing. Oh, we don't think so! Today, just as October 5, 2021 was breaking on Garry Stevens' clock, Paul Rusling wrote: "Some people are too keen on jumping to conclusions and twisting words / comments." He's got a nerve! He must sing this 1965 song by 'The Animals' to himself in his bath, because its lyrics proclaim: "I got my faults just like anyone, and sometimes I lie awake, alone, regretting some foolish thing, some sinful thing I've done, I'm just a soul whose intentions are good...." But the sad fact is that Paul Rusling is a two-faced "friend" who deals in intellectual property theft, and his intentions are not good. His actions and words are deceptive! We don't think that he is lying awake and regretting any foolish or sinful thing, because if he was, he would immediately try to make amends. But he is not. His actions speak louder than his words! Paul Rusling wrote that "Some people are too keen on jumping to conclusions and twisting words / comments." Now Paul Rusling is the same person who stole our research, then twisted it to fit his own fictitious narrative, and then he sold it for his own personal gain under the absurd title of 'The Radio Caroline Bible'. We have given him opportunity after opportunity to apologise, but no, he is too busy "twisting words / comments" so that the research work paid for by us in time and money - is dismissed by him as mere "facts" which he claims that we cannot copyright! That is a contradiction in itself, because if they are not "facts" then they are not "truth", and since we had to put that "truth", those "facts" into sentences and paragraphs, they became copyrighted intellectual property - our copyrighted intellectual property. But then he twisted our words; our comments, to fit a fictitious narrative of his own creation, so that it looks as if we were a party to his actions. In fact, and this is a fact, we had to tell him to remove an acknowledgment to us, because he wanted to ram his hypocrisy down our throat. He wanted us to say "thank you Paul Rusling for stealing from us and harming our reputation by your fictitious actions. So, our advice to one and all is this: Beware of Paul Rusling's claims because he wants to be misunderstood as a harmless lamb and not as the devouring wolf that he really is. To Paul Rusling: It is never too late to say "sorry" and try to make amends, but first you must stop stealing which is what you are doing by not withdrawing that book called 'The Radio Caroline Bible'. To anyone who posts on the Garry Stevens' Board: Please draw this editorial to Paul Rusling's attention when you next submit something for Garry Stevens' approval. You never know, he might wake up and worry about what he has done.
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November 2023
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