UPDATED AT 11:09 am - Although we have now begun the publishing process, our research is continuing. We have not filled-in all of the blank spots, and we probably never will. But what we have uncovered is enough to consign everything you thought that you knew about the 1964 origins of Radio Caroline, into the nearest skip; refuse dump, or if there is one in operation near you, to a paper recycling plant.
Over the last few days during which Rusling seems to have disappeared (while removing posts that may be construed as having a life-threatening or violent undertone), we have begun publishing the first volume of the book that the anorak community have been yelling about for months. On the other hand, we still do not have a copy of his update 'bible', and neither it seems does anyone else, no matter what Rusling claims! Back when Garry Stevens was emailing us with complimentary messaging and urging us on to destroy the mythological 'Church of Caroline' (as he called it), Garry Stevens wrote this on July 6, 2019 about the research we privately shared with him: Wow what an interesting read Sir I can only say keep it coming! Trolls don’t count but those with open minds do! The board is visited by many as I'm sure you know by the count on the opening post on certain threads this often goes into the mid 4 numbers so when you look at the tiny same old few trolls their views if we can call it that are most certainly not shared by the many who stay quiet but read and digest good topics such as your research work, so don’t be put off by the few Trolls but carry on informing the many, and my board is one place that and your self will always be welcome. Best Regards Garry. Garry Stevens also wrote this on July 14, 2019: You know the funniest part of all this is that there wont be one of them who don’t buy a copy! Even if its only out of hatred or just plain curiosity! But buy they will, so no mater what the last laugh will be yours my friend. (-: Now here is something to make you Trolls cringe: Not only did Geoff Hutton tell us who you really are and where you are, but so did Garry Stevens! Yes, Garry identified the real persons hiding behind fake names! Why individuals rip-out their own brains to goose-step and chant the words of a leader, we don't know. But they do. It could be fans of Frank Sinatra; Elvis or the Beatles and on into today. But it also could be Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin or even .... Billy Graham. The UK's Queen Elizabeth II was a big fan of Evangelist Billy Graham, and if you have read his background story, well you know why he split from his partner who became an atheist, while Billy went on to every dizzying heights seeking fame and acclaim. Garry Stevens is manipulating the Trolls on both his board and his spin-off 'Joke Board' by playing both sides against the middle. Garry is a strange creature who seems to live in a world of his own cyber-creation. But he was right in one regard: as soon as we began serializing our book - the number of readers to our Blogs shot up. Note this: to date we have not tried to promote our Blogs to the world at large. Go figure that one. Garry Stevens was right: even our enemies are anxious to read what comes next! It seems that a lot of people want to read what we have uncovered, just as there are a few who are cringing and stressing about what many readers will now be discovering about the mindless behavior of anorak Trolls. Now here is an Addendum to our first post today: If you are wondering why Garry Stevens switched from friend to foe, it was because of his longstanding friendship with Paul Rusling. Garry even explained this to us in an email when he was trying to walk down the middle and stay friends with Rusling, and us. So what happened? Malcolm Smith and Hans Knot. Rusling teamed up with these two and stole our research and then twisted it to make it support the rusting hulk, and the tiny but eponymous radio station that is controlled by Malcolm Smith. We called-out Rusling for his theft, and Garry Stevens was forced into making a choice: Rusling or us. Rusling had Smith and Knot, but the trouble for Garry was they also linked to the 'Joke Board' populated by Trolls that Garry had kicked-off his own Board. So what did Garry do? He gave Rusling a free advertisement for his 'bible' and placed it at the top of his own Forum. He then pretended to be at war with the 'Joke Board', but this presented Garry with another problem: What was Garry Stevens going to do about us? The answer is nothing. For months Garry Stevens did not utter a word on his Forum in direct email response to us. But when the battle heated up over Rusling, Garry was forced into making a public announcement. Even though he had made us an Admin of his Forum, he had made Rusling one as well - before us. So Garry Stevens backed Paul Rusling and disowned us. In a roundabout sort of way, because Rusling is tied to Smith and his eponymous radio station, Garry is now supporting the very people he claims to disdain. Rusling is supporting Smith, and Smith is supporting Rusling. Hans Knot seems to think that Rusling is another word for God, and Garry Stevens is left by inference into supporting Smith, while attacking him at the same time. Such is the world of hypocritical and shallow fools whose own words come back to bite them! Comments are closed.
November 2023
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