Today we received the latest edition of Offshore Echos magazine which we have now had time to read, and that included both its Editorial and inside content about Planet Productions Limited. Both subjects cover issues that we have addressed on our blogs in the past.
In fact, what we explained yesterday (see below on this post), is more comprehensive than the coverage in Offshore Echos about the same topic! In addition to remarking that the Editors of OEM are 'disappointed' to see that old lie about Caroline Kennedy being trotted out again on television, and repeating what we discovered long ago that the bottom had fallen out of the original plans for 'Radio Caroline' following the change in government after the 1964 General Election, there is this: "And on the subject of backers, there's the story of "Jimmy" Ross, father of Ian Ross. Mr. Ross senior was Charles Ross, and had nothing to do with Ross Fisheries or frozen foods as some have claimed, while others have claimed (us!) that he couldn't have been called "Jimmy" as his name was Charles (and perhaps should have been called "Charlie). It would seem that "Jimmy" was simply a nickname, and as we should know, nicknames usually have nothing to do with a person's real name. .... it probably doesn't matter that much, but it would be nice if the facts got reported correctly." UPDATE AT 8:01 pm GMT - RUSLING UPSET AND WORRIED! Posted by Paul Rusling on December 13, 2021, 5:05 pm, in reply to "Radio Caroline Bible " on the Garry Stevens site: "The Hardback copies of the Bible WERE all sold, rather quicker than we expected, and all delivered in November. Unable to get a quick reprint, we ordered some softbacks in early December as they can be printed in a week for small quantities (a few hundred)." RUBBISH - We placed the order in October and the bookshop chain has now revealed that Rusling never delivered them! RUSLING IS LYING AGAIN. Then Rusling wrote: "I believe Oonagh, Ronan, Vincent, Kate, Ben, Pinky and other contributors." Of course he does because he says the bookstore lie and even courts of law don't tell the truth: "I can't believe stories that are simply conjecture, woven by someone with an ulterior motive. Someone who HATES Ronan, Peter Moore & Radio Caroline. Someone who assured me that the bogus stories about the CIA, FBI, etc, that he sent to me were true. Someone who has grubbed around a few official court records and quotes them as though they are all correct." Rusling says everyone lies but him, but he is a CROOK and lying swindler trying to steal your money like he stole our research and then he wants to peddle his lie in exchange. So we should believe "Oonagh, Ronan, Vincent, Kate, Ben, Pinky and other contributors" and not hard evidence like a letterhead or official government and court records. RUSLING YOU ARE REALLY a con man who has nothing to lose because laddie, you are going to take yourself down with that ridiculous pudding bowl haircut. Yesterday we explained in detail - but without naming the name of the dry-cleaning companies involved - who Charles Edward Ross was in 1964. But several other items relating to the OEM editorial must be corrected: 1) The "Jimmy Ross" myth began with anoraks such as Ray Clark and Paul Rusling. 2) What Clark and Rusling have done is to start with an accepted 'fact' that is really an accepted lie! 3) "Jimmy Ross" is fiction and always has been fiction. That nonsense began with a novel by Ian Cowper Ross in which he referred to a family named Shaw. 4) The Shaw family does not exist! 5) It was gullible anoraks who turned Shaw into Ross! 6) We have explained all of this before in great detail, but anoraks don't bother to read reliable sources! 7) It is important to call Ian's father Charles EDWARD Ross because Ian's older step-brother is also named Charles Ross. He, like Ian has a middle name: Cowper. He is Charles Cowper Ross, and Ian is Ian Cowper Ross. 8) Charles Cowper Ross had a restaurant and a car wash on the King's Road in Chelsea. 9) In Ian's novel the main character is Paul Shaw and he had a brother with a car wash in Richmond! 10) Ian is not Paul Shaw, even though he used some of his life experiences in that book to create the character of Paul Shaw. 10) Ian never called the main character in his work of fiction (novel) by the name "Jimmy Ross". Anoraks did that by putting two and two together and coming up with 334 or some other silly number! 11) Ian calls Paul Shaw's fictitious family father "Daddy". He does not even call him "Jimmy Shaw"! 12) Ian's fictitious family father worked in the City financing things, but he was not a City banker. 13) In reality, Charles Edward Ross was the director of a franchised firm of dry cleaners. That firm began in Scotland before WWII, and then it moved its headquarters to Chelsea. 14) We bought a letter from this firm of dry-cleaners and Ian's father is one of the listed directors! 15) We know 99% of the life story of the Ross family. We know about Charles Edward Ross' first marriage in New Zealand; his divorce in London; his second marriage to to Ian's mother, and we know all about Ian's step-brother and even his step-brothers' business partner. 16) No one has EVER produced ANY documentation to link the financing of Radio Caroline to Ian's father, because there is NO documentation. There is only a novel and a lot of STUPID anoraks! 17) Anoraks made up the entire "Jimmy Ross" story - but they didn't know that they were doing so! That is stupid! 18) After Ian published his novel in 1994, Ian craftily IMPLIED that his novel is true but he never said that it was true on the 1995 TV documentary. Ian was careful to always talk of "Daddy" - NEVER of his father's real name! In an interview with Ray Clark, Ian went further to push the story of Ronan O'Rahilly and "Jimmy Ross" and the daft anoraks have been broadcasting this stupid story ever since. So if the money did not come from the phantom "Jimmy Ross", where did it come from? More important, who bought the ship Fredericia - long before the sales company called Planet Productions was registered? Why did Beatrix Miller object to Jocelyn Stevens taking her name of 'Caroline' who represented a young aristocrat, and turning her into a teenage slut with money, and why did Beatrix Miller quit on the same day the Planet Productions was signed (February 25, 1964), which was BEFORE it was even registered? Why did Crawford's man become the Secretary of Planet Productions Limited and why did Jocelyn Stevens get on its board of directors, and why did Jocelyn Stevens become a director of a John Sheffield subsidiary way back in 1960, and, well, there are so many other questions that immediately arise once Ian is taken out of the picture. We now have most of the answers. Rusling has NONE of them! If you take time to read our Blogs you will find that many of the answers were posted right here long ago! Now a word about Chris Edwards, the English Editor of OEM. First, let us acknowledge that without the help of Chris as a co-investigator, we would never have been able to solve the riddle of Radio Caroline. We agreed to keep Chris out of our Blogs because OEM deals with a lot more than 1964-1967, which is what we are interested in. We could not be blunt (like we are) without upsetting Chris' OEM readership. So we make no mention of Chris Edwards, but now, please take it as fact that without the help of Chris Edwards we would never have been able to solve the Caroline riddle after 2014 when we first encountered it in the book 'Radio Man'. Second, and unrelated to all of this, we have learned of the death of his wife. You have our sympathy Chris and we wish you well and that after mourning you will regain your sense of normalcy and pleasant low-key manner in which you conduct your own life. We appreciate all that you have done to help us. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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