This investigation is the result of documenting the life experiences of several people, each one individually born to different parents. (For an in-depth explanation please read this academic monograph.)
If you can't be bothered to read that monograph, then nothing you will read here will make sense to you because you have already been programmed to see and hear and interpret your own life according to the information that is already installed in your brain. In other words: "garbage in and garbage out." You should now move on to something else that will not trouble your defaulted mindset. For everyone else, this is the key to understanding what we are doing and why we are doing it: Education and learning is an ongoing process that involves critical thinking. We are constantly analyzing the information that we are receiving, but we are still receiving it and analyzing it as individuals, three distinct individuals from three distinct and separate backgrounds. Yet the subject matter of our analysis is not uniquely individual in its preparation and receipt. It is common to all three. It is the individual interpretation that is different. So, we, as three individuals, have asked: "How can we, individually and simultaneously come to understand as a collective unit what we are learning, if we have individually been programmed with three different lives?" This is where the analogy of the pebble being thrown into a body of water comes into play. There is not one pebble being thrown, but three separate pebbles and thus the individual resulting ripples are also different, and yet, these three individual pebbles are creating ripples within the same time and space. The only way to see these three sets of ripples in context, is to also see all of the ripples created by all of the individual human beings who have ever lived on this Planet, and without getting into theological definitions, the only entity that could do that is the Entity that human beings have tried to define and understand ever since human beings first appeared on this Planet. Not being a party to that knowledge means that we three individuals have to then look anew at what we are seeing, hearing and learning by attempting to switch-off our own biased pre-programming. In lay terms it means having an "open mind". "Switching-off" is not easy to do, and it probably can never be achieved with total success. So if the pebble analogy refers to our own individual lives, then the only way to try to achieve an unbiased understanding of what we three are learning is to compare notes. In academia this process results in footnoting all sources of information received so that other human beings can read them. In the legal process, it means laying down foundational evidence upon which more evidence can be laid. Clearly that process is not perfect, because innocent people are convicted by false evidence. As detectives looking at the past record of human events, we have to be aware that some 'evidence' may have been falsely created in the past, and when 'historians' come along and selectively assemble new conclusory works based upon that false 'evidence', they can only create a false account of the past. So, as 'YesterTecs', not as 'historians', we are treating the entire accepted record of the collective past as a 'cold case' where prior conclusions (verdicts), have resulted in the creation of new documentation that does not make logical sense. Now, apply all of this to the subject of broadcasting. We began with the topic of 'Radio Caroline' which lasted from 1964 to 1967. It was a 'ripple'. The documented account of that 'ripple' claims that it was financed by a person named 'Jimmy Ross', but after a thorough investigation into this person who has been alleged to exist, we failed to find any supporting evidence to show that such a person did exist. Therefore, if 'Jimmy Ross' did not exist, then the source of funding alleged to have been supplied by 'Jimmy Ross' did not exist, and yet, 'Radio Caroline' did exist from 1964 to 1967, and that fact can be documented by numerous supporting sources of evidence. Some individuals have been programmed to the point that their entire being is fixated upon the idea that 'Jimmy Ross' did exist, and therefore their entire being is centered upon trying to prove a negative, which is that 'Jimmy Ross' who did not exist, did exist simply because their preprogrammed mind will not accept the fact that 'Jimmy Ross' did not exist. This 'Jimmy Ross' factor then results in defending the idea that 'Jimmy Ross' who did not exist, did finance the creation in 1964 of 'Radio Caroline'. Entering into such an illogical discussion about a phantom, other than for purposes of a mind game, it ludicrous because each human life has such a short time span that to waste it, is to defeat the opportunities involved with living life itself. You might as well be dead, or never born in the first instance. But if 'Jimmy Ross' did not exist, and 'Radio Caroline' did exist in 1964, then the questions must be asked: "Who financed 'Radio Caroline', and why did they finance it, and why was the true account of that financing deliberately concealed?" Those are the questions that we have addressed and found the answers to. But like ripples in a body of water, those answers collided with more ripples. While we are constantly aware of the false interpretations that have been conjured-up to divert attention away from the real stories about the past, we have been successful in stripping away some of those falsehoods and revealing a different account, and we are now at the point of mind-mapping a new set of focal points (pebbles) that can unlock the past. It is now a matter of time and available resources, and both are limited: One by the individual lifespans of the three core human beings involved in this project, and two: by the limited amount of funding available. Because outside funding has neither been solicited nor accepted, the three core individuals who we refer to as 'The Trio', are only able to progress as fast as time and circumstances permit. The good news is that we now have enough material to begin to present in lay terms an explanation about the past as it relates to broadcasting. However, that past does not begin in 1964, it begins at a point in time during the Nineteenth Century. But if all of this is too much for you to comprehend, then you should have complied with our advice at the beginning of this post and moved on to something else. For those individuals who are interested, we have now reactivated our 'Comments' board with terms of access clearly stated and enforced. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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