Although the anoraks led by Dave Martin have gone into overdrive attacking the Messengers of the Message that appears on the Internet sites of 'The Trio', they have not responded at all to the Message. Only to the Messengers.
That is a shame on them, and it will eventually become the question posed in the future by everyone who will ask: 'Why did their campaign of deception last so long?' It was never 'their' campaign, because they were the dupes following the dopes who spread the fake message, but the dupes were also the victims of intentional deceit, as you will learn below this editorial. At one time we appealed quite openly for assistance through an Internet newsletter, but all that it did wasi invite people like Paul Rusling to plagiarize this work. and then distort it? Why? For his own small-minded and self-gratifying vanity work of self-abusive literary nonsense that he called a 'bible'. Others, like Malcom Smith, have created a plastic version of the past that is molded around the image of a person that he does not respect, because that person says Malcolm, a liar and a fraud: We refer to the deceased Ronan O'Rahilly. The world can see what Malcolm Smith hopes to gain from his miniscule enterprise, and that is a vain glory project for himself which he uses to attract dupes who foolishly give him their time and money. But there are some like Chris Edwards of 'Offshore Echos' magazine, who began to work with us to investigate the claims made on page 276 book called 'Radio Man', and more and more it becomes evident that this book is the key to unlocking the door to the hitherto untold story about 'Radio Caroline'. Chris did the leg work in sifting though boxes of papers that our team had shaken loose from the Bradford annex to the Science Museum. But when our team ('The Trio'), began to find a totally different story about the origins of 'Radio Caroline' that rubbished everything which 'Offshore Echos' has been publishing, Chris suddenly, and quite dramatically severed his connections to 'The Trio' in an email. In that missive he pretended that he was upset because 'The Trio' were using a narrator called 'Caroline Brooks'. In other words, Chris Edwards was also attacking the Messenger and not the Message. Paul Rusling fell into the trap we set for him. In the first version of Rusling's book he reproduced our hypothesis relating to the movement of the mv 'Mi Amigo', so we told him that it was fake. He was furious and so he deleted it from his second edition of his book. That deletion was accompanied by Online comments from him about 'The Trio' feeding him false information - which is like a thief complaining to the victim that what he had stolen was a fake, only to have the victim tell the thief that it was not - after the thief told everyone that it was. So research by 'The Trio' continues and in the last two days we have made yet another major breakthrough which concerns that same hypothesis. But due to the anorak army of amoral misfits, we cannot tell you what it is at the moment. What we can tell you is that with every day that passes, the working title given above is really to the point, because none of the anoraks know why that title sums up the threat in 1964 of the planners behind the original (and real) 'Radio Caroline'. It was indeed one faction of the Establishment out of power who were fighting to wrest control from the Establishment in power. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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