Now that Paul Rusling has taken down his ridiculous advertising for a book that he calls a 'bible' about the story of 'Radio Caroline', he thinks that this quiet change on the Garry Stevens' Forum will make the nonsense that he has published and promoted, just go away. But Rusling has not come out and apologized to everyone he misled; nor has offered to refund money to everyone he swindled by his propaganda for both personal gain and to assist the ridiculous claims of Malcolm Smith who continues the lies and misinformation spread by Ronan O'Rahilly.
The Rusling book sales continue under a banner touting 'World of Radio', and Smith touts Rusling's rubbish as proof that his tiny little station calling itself 'Radio Caroline', is a continuation of a venture begun in 1964, but neither claim is true, and both claims are all about vanity and personal financial gain. On the larger stage of world affairs we see this kind of behavior every day. Onlookers shrug their shoulders and say "What do you expect me to do"? Everyone has one life to live and we can see the actions and reactions to the noisemakers. Often, very often the people who pop up and call out the liars, thieves and cheats are themselves turned into victims in order to try to shut them up. Mob mentality supports all that is deceitful and harmful in this world, instead of all that is true and helpful. Some, like Rusling and Smith who are on the side of lying and cheating, leave it to their brainwashed minions to attack anyone who dares to identify Rusling, Smith and especially O'Rahilly, as figureheads of everything that is wrong in this world - small time. Of course there are far bigger issues out there that focus upon life and death, but if the small issues go unaddressed, then the big issues have free reign: no one cares. What we sense is that the issues being addressed here, which go to the foundational core of that institution of British broadcasting identified by the initials BBC, will continue to go unaddressed until someone comes along, and for all the wrong reasons, attacks those institutions using our research! We have been both broadcasting and publishing this material for a long time, and now we are finally getting to the hidden foundations of why someone like Ronan O'Rahilly was promoted to spread deception about the birth of 'Radio Caroline' in 1964, and why Ian Cowper Smith reemerged in 1990 to begin a new phase of that same campaign. In 1990 it had nothing to do with broadcasting from the high seas, but everything to do with the fuel you put in your car and the electricity generated that gives you light; refrigeration to cool offices, and heat to cook your food. The issue of offshore broadcasting in 1990 is directly connected to the issue that is scheduled to be addressed in Glasgow this year under the banner of 'Climate Change'. But how those twin subjects are connected is something you can only find in our previous publications and broadcast programming which we still make available, and by our research work that is being published by us on our various Internet web pages. Rusling and Smith may get their brainwashed supporters to mock our claims, but they will never address our claims. How do we know that for a fact? Well, to date, that is all that both Rusling's and Smith's supporters have done: they launch diversionary personal attacks on the messengers, but they dare not address the message. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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