A few days ago we began this Blog with these words: "While we began this research project in 1985 with the question: “Why can you play rock and roll all day on the radio in America, but not in the United Kingdom?” - we have continued to move on in a step by slow and methodical step - until we have now arrived at a point in time of being able to define the foundation of our research project." Our research has now revealed a story that has remained untold elsewhere, and while it spins-off into the chronology of broadcasting events in both the United States and the United Kingdom, at its core is the story of individual freeborn rights. Those are the equal cerebral rights that every human being is born with, but which few people seem to exercise. A human being may lose mobility any number of ways, but the 'spark' that separates human beings from the animal world has yet to be defined by anyone in a scientific and provable manner. Yet the fact that we can't define it does not mean that it does not exist. Over the centuries many have tried and many have turned those attempts into religious fervor. But that is not our purpose. Our questioning focuses upon one of the people who claim hereditary rights in order to enslave and dominate millions of other human beings. That was the 'spirit' behind the creation of the British Empire. It was not a 'spirit' of freeborn individuality. But it was this issue that led to our question about rock and roll and a man named John Lilburne. We were introduced to John Lilburne by the writings of the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo L. Black, and his written Opinions that are recorded in the published U.S. Constitutional decisions that have been issued by the U.S. Supreme Court. But John Reith came from the stock who worshipped a king over the temporal world that governed land and people, while distancing themselves from any king or queen who placed himself or herself over the spiritual world as the head of a State church. That is where King Henry VIII came in. He broke with the Papacy in Rome which claimed to govern by State and Church, and so he claimed to be the King of England and the Head of the Church of England. John Reith was a contradiction. While his father celebrated a King who broke with the dual idea of temporal and spiritual governance promoted by King Henry VIII, by claiming only to be king of the earthly kingdom of Scotland, and not the Church of Scotland, that same king had invaded and conquered both England and Scotland and retained control as head of the Church of England. When John Reith took up his second position as Director General of the Crown licensed British Broadcasting Corporation, he did so in London, England. The King that John Reith served at the BBC in London, was Head of the Church of England. Reith was first named Managing Director of the British Broadcasting Company Limited, a cartel modeled along lines of the General Electric Company of the USA. The British version, like its American parent, was designed to be a Trust where patents could be pooled in order to overcome the problems of competition. Reith used his 'bully pulpit' at the BBC to tell everyone how they should live, and he did this in writing within his 1924 book called 'Broadcast Over Britain'. That book was published one year after the formation of the current manifestation of the United Kingdom, which makes the UK considerably younger as a nation than the United States of America. The BBC is not an institution based upon telling the truth, but it promotes the idea that it is a conveyor of truth and understanding. However, in 2022, the BBC is going out of its way to tell the world that it is 100 years old, when in fact it was created in 1927, and the years in between do not add up to one hundred. If the BBC plays mind tricks, so did John Reith. According to his daughter Reith's lifestyle was nothing like his propaganda regarding the teachings of the Church in Scotland. Reith's father was an esteemed Church minister, and in 1914, before John Reith was born, his father Rev. Dr. Reith went to the Scottish islands of the Outer Hebrides on missionary business. It was in those 'Outer Isles' of Scotland that these photographs were taken during the three week visit by Dr. Reith, and during which time he engaged in singing a song .... This song celebrates the legacy of the Covenanters, who the English enjoyed murdering by the hundreds because they would not accept the King of England as head of the Church in Scotland. The 'problem' with these people was that their religious views did not conform to the views of the English. The Covenanters were like the Jews who had settled in England centuries before. They had previously fallen victim to England's King Edward I, and that was centuries before Heinrich Himmler entertained similar ideas about exterminating people he did not like. The song that Reith's father sang about the Covenanters has lyrics that tell a story about being outlaws fighting the King of England, and then making peace with the Crown when King William of the land we now know as Holland, invaded and conquered the British Isles. The reigning King James II was forced to flee and the invading Dutch army chased him through the island of Great Britain to the island of Ireland. Today, King William is known in the northern counties of Ireland as 'King Billy', and due to Brexit and the semi-liberation of Ireland, the remaining counties in the north are still a hotbed of controversy that could flare-up into a civil war once again, as they did during in the Nineteen Seventies. This entire fiasco relates back to King Henry VIII who broke away from the domination of the Pope who was both Head of a Church and the Head of a State. Henry VIII and his counterpart in Scotland, were both subservient to that authority. But that authority claimed by the Papacy was itself a fraud resting upon a document called the 'Donation of Constantine'. However, that did not stop King Henry VIII from basing his authority to rule his breakaway Church of England and his earthly kingdom upon a power which had been faked by a bygone Pope's cronies. The mythology behind this story begins with Constantine at York in England. Constantine eventually became Emperor of the Roman Empire, and it is a convoluted story stretching over centuries that resulted in the myth that he had given a Pope, the western half of the Roman Empire. With the weird world of Henry VIII of England and the women who he married and murdered, the tabloid 'historians' have focused upon the sensational account of his sex life, rather than the means by which he established his own theocracy in England. That is the story we are untangling, because it is a complicated story behind Reith, the BBC, and the reason why the Post Office was formed in 1660 as a means of censoring all communications. The war against individual freedom in the British Isles is a war founded upon a lie that the Establishment has admitted is a lie, and yet, that lie is passed on from generation to generation and it will soon become a part of the coronation of King Charles III. It is also the central lie that we intend to strip down to its basic rhetoric in order show how it also forms the backbone of the war that was fought and lost, by the original 'Radio Caroline', and may yet rear its ugly head in violence within the unresolved saga involving the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland in the wake of Brexit. It is a lie that goes back to London, England, and the reign of its King Henry VIII. To understand the geopolitical world of today as seen and heard via the British Broadcasting Corporation, it is necessary to put all of these events in context, without trying to sound like 'historians', which we are not and do not claim to be. However, it is only by understanding how this corrupted story of political life in the British Isles has evolved, that you and everyone else, will be able to make sense of the Crown dominated Acts of Parliament, such as the one that follows. Note its wording. We have intentionally redacted the text to focus upon the words: "consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal" .... Our recital will continue on both Blogs. On the Fragile Forum we will deal with in-depth issues that arise in the podcast formula that will appear on the Pebble Theatre Blog. Comments will only be posted if they specifically relate to information that appears on either of our two Blogs, and real names must by used.
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November 2023
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