This current intermission continues while we are dividing our time between expanding our European facility by doubling its size to include part of our library; our mini theatre for screening videos, and a conference room equipped to hold small scale symposiums. The title of this combined facility is 'JLRI.CENTER' which is now our primary domain name, as in [LEFT: Main sign over units (next to 'Pebble Theatre'), and the window sign on both units and on the plinth/tv base outside both units. At the present time the images above are linked via to our unrevised 2016 copy and page for 'Pebble Theatre'.]
This work is ongoing by adding a lot more shelf and working desk space, painting parts of the interior and exterior, and adding a moving partition wall between the theatre and conference room. This physical work is not expected to be completed until the end of March 2022. Meanwhile the partwork precursory publication of our storyline is continuing. These partworks are to be divided into volumes in their own right. The first book in this series will be published after the precursory partworks have been published. The difference will be in the addition of footnotes, endnotes and bibliographies to each volume in the series. Originally begun as an extension of writings about our own experiences, the first volume will be centered upon telling the story of 'The Trio' whose life-stories it is documenting. The next volume in the series will be devoted to specific aspects of the combined experiences of 'The Trio'. Our work has not been assisted by the constant theft of our research work by those who, in vain-glory and self-puffery try to make themselves seem important in the world of the media, when in fact they have little of their own knowledge to contribute while shunning the idea of educational research. There are some who have assisted us but chose not to seek credit for their contributions, and there are some who have decided that to venture into deeper documentation is to "go where angels fear to tread'. In that respect we received our latest copy of 'Offshore Echos' magazine and noticed that the last section of the magazine contains a revised (edited) version of documents that we and one of the editors of OEM paid for and undertook the time-consuming job of obtaining from the Irish government. By their own admitted process of redactions of these documents, the readers are not aware of the important relevance of the material redacted, nor are they helped by the constant repetition of references in this current addition to a phantom person named 'Jimmy Ross' who never existed. The reason for their inclusion and promotion of this name in OEM is that without the fake story invented by Ian Cowper Ross concerning 'Jimmy Ross', the entire charade promoted about Ronan O'Rahilly in OEM then comes tumbling down and Ronan O'Rahilly is exposed as the convenient fool that he was to the people behind the scenes who used him as their cover. Naturally all of this will be exposed in depth by our work and the stories published about 'Jimmy Ross' and the hyped account of Ronan O'Rahilly will be revealed as total fiction. It is therefore fitting that OEM decided to also include the redacted story of Philip Birch in their latest issue, since Philip Birch and Ronan O'Rahilly served the same purpose for those involved behind the scenes. The story of Philip Birch will therefore also be exposed in due course, and it is one reason why we temporarily halted publication of our story about Don Pierson who life we began to touch upon in our last precursory chapter, after already revising it several times. Because of the relevance of his life story to events that connect to 'The Trio', and because of the insulting manner in which people like DJ Johnnie Walker have made references to the work and family of Don Pierson, it has become necessary to explain in chronological detail who he was and what he did before 'The Trio' became involved with him. This explanation about our European facility and our research and publication work schedule is given to shed light on this present pause, but our precursory publishing will continue. We will keep you informed as to our timetable for the resumption of our publishing schedule. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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