Here is proof that Garry Stevens is a hypocrite who posts words that are as empty as his supposed sincerity, and it is why he works with Paul Rusling .... Yes, Geoff was OUR friend who shared YOUR secrets with us Garry, and remember, we have all of your insincere, two-faced, lies written as emails to us in which YOU declared war on Malcolm Smith and his imitation radio station and rusting hulk. It is time that everyone knew just how two-faced and insincere you and Paul Rusling really are. Both of you are a danger to the lives of all trusting, honest and well-intentioned individuals. Here are your words about Geoff, and here are Geoff's continuing words about what you were really doing that he sent to us (including your logs!) on a regular basis, What the posters who have been using BOGUS identities to attack our work now need to worry about is the fact that at least one of you has JUST confirmed that Geoff Hutton was giving us GENUINE information behind the scenes!
We know who you are! But don't think for a moment that this was a 'one off' from Geoff Hutton, because he became one of OUR Administrators while he he was administrating the rubbish on Garry Stevens' Forum! We were in regular contact with Geoff because he supported and agreed with what we were doing, and now you know that, YOU should be really worried. Not only that, we have a LOT of emails from Garry Stevens's slagging off all of you who supported the rubbish promoted by what HE called the "Church of Caroline" and those who ran to what HE called the JOKE Board. While Garry Stevens was doing all of that, he encouraged us to continue with our unique work and HE heaped praise upon us. If you are one of those cult members attacking us - but have never read any of our works, you are in for a rude awakening, because Garry Stevens has been playing all of you for fools! Our friend Geoff Hutton was continually giving us the inside scoop of what Garry Stevens was doing, and exposing the true identities of all of you! Now, what sayest you about Geoff Hutton? We say: "Thanks Geoff, you were a great and sincere guy"! Comments are closed.
November 2023
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