Many will have noticed the command by 'Sir Hans Knot' to read your 'Rusling Bible' every day. This is the same person who told readers in his own radio bulletin all about the yacht 'CETO' - which in 1928 was not a radio ship, but a converted salvage vessel blasting music to the shore over giant loudspeakers! Here is a news-clipping about that 'Daily Mail' publicity stunt .... But 'Sir Hans' (as Paul Rusling calls him), completely overlooked the fact that before this amplified offshore gramophone began playing, the BBC had already conducted a 'live' commentary from a vessel that was transmitted to the shore and heard by listeners over their own wireless receiving sets .... Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! In terms of British ears it looks as if the BBC began licensed offshore broadcasting - decades before anyone else got the idea. Not only that, but they did it with two 'live' radio commentators on board! The problem with 'Sir Hans' and the anoraks in general, which of course includes their Great and Almighty Rusling who wrote The Radio Caroline Bible, is that they glorify the paid (and even unpaid) help who provide tales of second-hand gossip, but they ignore and therefore fail to document the brains and money behind the scene. When they do try to fill in the gaps, they refer to phantoms such as 'Jimmy' - who either sold fish or phones (according to Wikipedia!) - but who in reality never existed as a human person. So here is John Reith's BBC - having just morphed from a business enterprise holding company, into a Crown licensed monopoly - in 1928 - even before the soon-to-be-scrapped yacht Cato began to let loose with its loudspeakers - broadcasting from the BBC vessel called 'Magician' - with 40 watts of power over a 10-feet high antenna with the licensed call sign of station 6 BBC. How about that 'Sir Hans'? ![]() Now look at this, it seems that the BBC were doing this back in 1927 .... What the big mouths all overlook in their vain-glorifying gossip about disc jockeys, is the real story, because these 1927-1928 Boat Race news reports are the foundation of the story picked-up by PYE.
Therein is the connecting link to the really authentic story behind the creation of 'Radio Caroline' back in 1964 as a phantom operation that PYE disguised. Even the story behind the name 'Radio Caroline' is NOT the one that Paul Rusling STOLE from us while our own investigation was still ongoing. The story, the real story behind the name of Radio Caroline is something that we have not as yet reported in public, but which we have thoroughly researched and documented. If you have been swindled by anorak publishers claiming to know the real story, then it is time for you to demand a refund from these conmen! Remember, so far, we have NOT charged any of our readers even one penny for this original information. It is the conmen and liars, cheats and fraudsters who are taking money from the public, but they do not have the real story because they have not invested their own time and money to uncover it. They steal it from us, but because they do not understand what they have stolen, they then mangle and twist it to fit silly, childish stories such as the one about 'Jimmy' the sometimes fishmonger and sometimes phone salesman! Comments are closed.
November 2023
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