Malcolm Smith, the mentor for the hack plagiarist Paul Rusling, has posted online: "Crawford's 'Project Atlanta' ran out of funding and was rescued by his own company."
So we respond: Hey! Malcolm Smith! Name that company! Your hack plagiarist Paul Rusling tried to infer that it was named Rosswood Limited which the GPO claimed was the telephone account name for an entity without financial backing, and it appeared after the ship mv 'Fredericia' had already dropped anchor off Essex. Ronan O'Rahilly, you wrote, was what Americans call a 'bum', someone without money who scrounged around for a cup of coffee and a slice of cake. O'Rahilly says he arrived in London in "1961" with only a few Pounds in his pocket. So who bought the ship and the broadcasting equipment, and who paid for its installation? We say that Malcolm Smith, with the word backing of Paul Rusling, is promoting a new fraud called 'Radio Caroline' by trying to link his tiny venture to a totally different major investment back in 1964, and as much as he huffs and puffs about 'libel', without knowing the meaning of that word, you know that what you are doing is trying to repeat the conmanship of Ronan O'Rahilly. But you are not very good at it, are you? This is why you launch truly libelous attacks on us in order to deflect scrutiny of what you are doing, but like Rusling, you lack peas in a pod worth going after. So Malcolm Smith: Name that Company, and show everyone the proof that it ever existed! You might even want to drop your cover name of 'Peter Moore' which you use to libel us, defraud the public of money, and lie to the British government on official forms. Go on: Name that company! You can't, because Ronan O'Rahilly did not start 'Radio Caroline'! Comments are closed.
November 2023
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