The words in the title above, minus the question mark, are from lyrics penned and released in 1973 called 'Time'. It was performed by Pink Floyd.
Back in 1973, our 'Trio' was over a decade away from meeting for the very first time, and the only "half page of scribbled lines" had already appeared in 1966 as a feature article published by the 'Wolverhampton Express and Star' newspaper. It had the title: 'Birth or Death of a Broadcasting Era'? In 1966, its author, who was to become a member of 'The Trio', was not at the end of his investigation, but at the beginning. Now, in 2022, as a 'Trio' we are coming to the end of our investigation as a unit. It may be that for some, as Pink Floyd's lyrics tell listeners: "Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way", but we three we are a transatlantic breed, and only one of us was born in England. We are full of calm hope, and not desperation, we are certainly not trying to be quiet. It is our hope that our work will become part of a much larger body of work that seeks to bring peace and understanding to this very confused world. Unfortunately there is a larger body of brainwashed humanity that seems to believe in one of Orwell's mantras that his legendary 'Big Brother' government preached, whereby 'War is peace', 'Freedom is slavery', and 'Ignorance is strength'. In this way, the loss of one child due to an act of domestic violence and proclaimed on a domestic newscast, blots out all of the many dead children killed by acts of violence when tax money financed bombs and shells are dropped with financing by tax money, upon young inhabitants who die on 'foreign' soil. To overcome the psychological 'difficulty' of this dilemma, the USA and UK have imposed upon themselves the kind of censorship that Orwell described in his novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four', whereby 'Ignorance is strength'. Ignorance can be created by 'spin', so that what you see and hear you interpret in such a way that the connecting dots between your tax money and those bombs and shells killing 'foreign' children has nothing to do with you. As a 'Trio' we first met in the Dallas and Fort Worth Metroplex of Texas during the Nineteen Eighties. We were not influenced by a common theological or political thread, but by the insight of Eric Blair who wrote under the name of George Orwell. To get an idea of how Orwell inspired this project, we set down in print both a chronology of past events and a published monograph about its application to the present. After all, Orwell's novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' which was published in 1949, is actually all about a future event to take place in the year 2050, although that dateline seems to be something that most readers skim over and fail to understand. Orwell's book is more about the use of 'Newspeak' censorship in this year of 2022, than it ever was in 1949! Back in 2015 we set down and wrote about our endeavors in relation to George Orwell and his own views of the past: Prior to that we even began make our own documentary broadcasts, and one of them that was made on May 12, 1987, is about this very topic and it is still available to listen to at: It was originally recorded on cassette tape in Texas for broadcast by land-based unlicensed stations in Europe; the UK, and one station in New Zealand. (We even created that station's Kiwi logo!) Part One ends with instrumental music, which after a short break, the usually unmonitored cassette began to play in reverse as Part Two, and its output was fed into an unattended transmitter. Part One was intended to establish the broadcast, and Part Two delivered the documentary: Since the overseas transmitters were illegal, the tapes were made to play the second side after a very short break and so linking instrumental music was played up to the moment of silence, and then automatically resumed by the cassette player. Meanwhile, in Texas, these broadcasts were also heard over licensed stations. Most of our response came from countries behind the so-called 'Iron Curtain', and we received very detailed letters from listeners about the program content. Unfortunately the idea of questioning the political system that created the problem in the first place was not generally speaking, of the same pressing importance to British listeners. Much later, after we stopped making both radio and then television programs. The latter were for U.S. cable systems, and we then began to devote our attention to academia. In 2015 we wrote a monograph which deals with underlying core issues surrounding the quest for Scottish independence. You can read that published work at: It has taken decades to finally begin to answer the question 'Birth or Death of a Broadcasting Era?' - because as Eric Blair wrote: "... history has in a sense ceased to exist, ie. there is no such thing as a history of our own times which could be universally accepted." But the absence of a universal understanding about past events is no accident, it is by design, and although the peoples of the United Kingdom and the United States of America like to believe that they are the bastions of freedom of speech and expression, they are in fact just as guilty of lying about past events as any other nation on this Planet. But more than that, within the lifetime of at least one member of 'The Trio', the vaunted statesman Sir Winston Churchill deliberately set out to mislead and deceive his enemies, but in so doing he could never tell the truth to his own nation about what he was doing, because he was also manipulating them and the citizens of the United States of America. Over the decades drips and drops of information have surfaced from the classified secret vaults of the UK to reveal this charade of lying about the past. But the primary medium used to promote Churchill's lies and deception was broadcasting, and so the wheel has turned full circle. As much as the 'hip' and supposedly 'swinging' generation of the Nineteen Sixties likes to believe that off south-east England a radio station called 'Caroline' smacked the previous generation in the face by at last throwing off their shackles of censorship, they were in fact merely being used to promote that same censorship in a different way. That is what 'The Trio' have now uncovered through constant research, and it is what they are now about to document in a series of books, rather than individual monographs. However, frustration arises when the brainwashed generation of the Sixties refuse to even consider that they merely continued the geopolitical past into the geopolitical present. But then, that generation and the children they spawned do not seem to grasp the fact that they are now fulfilling the lifestyle that Orwell predicted would reach is dystopian climax in the year 2050. 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' is not about the past, it is about the age yet to come by 2050! So there is still some time left to wake up and smell the roses, the coffee, and everything else, while taking a fresh look with an open mind about what we are now revealing for you to read free of charge and paid for at our own expense. Maybe, at some point in the near future, our small group will finally succeed in establishing an Online YesterVersity that will have no hidden political or theological agenda in mind, just a quest to uncover that which should never have been hidden. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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