On October 17 of this year, we published this: https://www.allaboutradiocaroline.co.uk/home/request
It was an expose of the two-faced, hypocritical and extremely shallow way that anoraks think. Within the last few days they have scraped the bottom of the barrel by posting this new thread under the leadership of a person named Garry Stevens : https://members7.boardhost.com/PirateRadio/msg/1635707941.html Garry Stevens is engaged in an ongoing 'war of words' with Malcolm Smith and his eponymous licensed radio station called 'Caroline' - which has no connection whatsoever to the operation that existed from 1964 to 1967. If you read the link above you will soon learn, if you do not already know, what our connection is to Garry Stevens and Paul Rusling. Now we want to tell you about our connection to Geoff Hutton. Geoff Hutton was married, had children and loved to listen to certain types of programming on his radio set. That is how he came to be commenting and administering posts on a Forum created by Garry Stevens. At the same time, unacknowledged to the Stevens crowd, he was also an administrator for us when we began our own Forum. Then we decided to shut our Forum down due to the low-level of intellectual posts we were receiving. Most were totally off-topic and full of personal attacks on us. We had originally started and then restarted our own Forum to get topic feedback as a form of peer review. That was not to be. So Geoff continued off and on as an administrator and contributor to the Garry Stevens' Forum while remaining in contact, mainly by personal emails, with us. Over on the Garry Stevens' Forum, Geoff Hutton would express many of his views and questions about life in general, and where he was befuddled as to why certain news events were taking place, he would connect dots that did not exist to attribute a cause-and-effect syndrome based upon conjecture, but no actual linkage. He thus became branded as a person who was out-of-step with many of the nameless (fake identities) on the Garry Stevens' Forum, although Geoff was always Geoff Hutton, a real person with a real name and a likable personality. Now Geoff Hutton is dead. So out of the woodwork a number of these nameless and faceless contributors have now crawled to make observations about how wonderful he was. They want to remember Geoff Hutton as someone who made copies of old radio recordings for people who requested them from him. That's it. That is how they want to remember Geoff Hutton. Sad. Geoff was a thinking person who became frustrated by the wall of confusion that was thrown up every time he asked political questions that really bothered him. The anoraks hated that. Not the part about Geoff becoming frustrated, but the part about Geoff asking questions and drawing conclusions. They called him rather nasty names. They did not like him. They even tried to associate him with us. Questions bother anoraks because they do not think or reason and one gets the impression that they are incapable of both. Anoraks on the Garry Stevens' Forum are for the most part nasty individuals. While Malcolm Smith uses and abuses the support of anoraks for his tiny eponymous radio station, even he had enough of Garry Stevens and deserted him for another Forum which Garry Stevens called the 'Joke Board'. But over on that 'Joke Board' are some cross-over anoraks who are also as stupid as the ones who restrict themselves to the Garry Stevens' Forum. However, there are also some individuals who contribute over there and who, behind-the-scenes, are still friendly with us, and to whom we sometimes turn to for assistance with research information. So Geoff Hutton is now dead. We want to also acknowledge the help that he provided us, which at the time we could not admit to because we had no desire to provide more ammunition for the world of the mean, vicious, stupid and unthinking anoraks - because they would then attack Geoff Hutton. Now Geoff is no more. We thought that Geoff Hutton needed to be remembered as more than someone who, from time-to-time made copies of old radio programs for those who wanted them from him. Geoff can't read this. Geoff is dead. But the living can read this. We want the living to know a little more about the person who was known in life as Geoff Hutton. We liked Geoff Hutton because he was "his own man", with a mind of his own that he would not surrender to others. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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