Sorry Garry, your Number one Daft Troll and your "Angry Knife Man" Troll have pushed that thread back up to the top while you keep creating more rubbish to push it back down again. I am not sure if your posters number 5 or 3 under different names but they are a sad lot you are associating with Garry .... you have created more and more nonsense threads - many about Malcolm's eponymous station - just so that you could push Rusling's thread off your first page. Just a reminder: we are talking about the dreaded MH who Rusling admits is "not stupid, but smart". Now you do not have to delete the entire thing, because it would be off your page one - after you censored out the bit about knife violence - if the "Angry Knife Man" Troll had not put it back on there. Watch out for your "Angry Knife Man" Troll Garry. The others may be just mentally sick like James, but this other Troll looks as if he could get you into legal trouble for advocating violence. Make sure he does not turn on you. We have a lot more of your emails Garry in which you praise us and condemn Malcolm's operation. Of course you could put an end to all this by just publishing a basic apology from Paul Rusling, and preferably with your own name tag attached to the new thread. Go on Garry, have some guts and take the plunge. Anyway, thanks for the constant 'plugs' - our viewership keeps climbing higher and higher. Perhaps you could add our web address so that new readers can find our book? Comments are closed.
November 2023
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