We have spent a considerable amount of time exposing stories that are untrue, but which others have also spent a considerable amount of time in passing them off as being true. For a number of reasons, which we will explain, vested interests keep on creating and distributing deliberate lies for the general public to believe and then to act upon. Our work consists of attempting to expose those lies, and then present the real story.
Individually these stories may seem to be harmless enough on the surface, even when they are exposed as being totally untrue. But when these same fake stories are viewed as part of a collective campaign, then it is time to ask: Who benefits from the creation of scenarios that are based upon false narratives? For one answer we only have to go back to World War II and the doyen of authorized lies and deception: Sir Winston Churchill. It is claimed in hindsight that he lied for the good of everyone in order to destroy political and military enemies. But the question is: Did Winston Churchill ever turn off the political machine that funded and created those geopolitical lies? The answer is no, he did not. His legacy of lies was smothered under classification of a series of laws known collectively as the 'Official Secrets Act'. In the instance of Winston Churchill, as it relates to our investigations, his key machine of deception was broadcasting. Overtly this machine was headed since its beginnings by a man called John Reith; but in under Winston Churchill its covert aspect was headed by a man named Sefton Delmer. Under Churchill, what the public saw and heard was an entity called the British Broadcasting Corporation, but what the public did not see and hear was an octopus which reached out in many directions under many different names. The latter operation was under the direction of Sefton Delmer. Churchill did not restrict himself to a world of lies and deception, he also engaged in warfare on a similar two-tier level: the self-identified Armed Forces, and unidentified terrorists who did not respect any of the treaties surrounding warfare. Churchill also created imitators who picked-up where he left off. Churchill's deception methodology and his authorized terroristic activities emerged after World War II with the creation of the United States Central Intelligence Agency. The CIA owes its psychological warfare roots to Winston Churchill, but they also owe their 'inspiration' for terrorist warfare to which they publicly deny all knowledge and association. But for icing on the cake, the supporters of Winston Churchill also made use of "perception management" to create a fake image of Winston Churchill. You ask: can we prove these accusations? Yes, we can and yes, we will continue to do so - because that is what our main objective has always been. We just follow the lies, and we keep peering behind them to see not only what, but who is behind them, and who benefits from these lies when the public at large becomes the victim of these confidence tricksters. There is more about this subject to follow. In the meantime, please review the latest contents on our 'Pebble Theatre' blog by using the link on the masthead above this editorial. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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