We recently received an email about Paul Rusling and his phantom book. It seems that the writer had asked Paul Rusling on his Facebook page whether he would deliver to either Mervyn Hagger or John England.
But this question had nothing to do with our book order which was made via a very large chain of book stores. The reason is this: We did not pay for, or make any order for delivery under either of those names. The question seems to have to do with the fact that neither Rusling nor his handful of troll anoraks using multiple identities will acknowledge that this work is not the product of a single person. But they insist that it is. They also avoid any mention of actual content on our two Blogs and that is why we bought a copy of Rusling's latest book which we have not received: We need to see how much more material he has stolen from us, before we commence publishing the timeline details of what really took place during the formulative stages of Radio Caroline. Rusling disappeared completely and then returned to state that he had at last paid to have his book printed. He says that it is not 'print-on-demand', but that is exactly what it is since he is the publisher and he is the person paying to have the book printed. Rusling is not only a thief of intellectual property, but he is also a very inefficient liar. As of this moment in time, we still do not have his book. However, the strange thing is no one else seems to have it! We have not found one authentically dated and posted review from any person who has received the updated version of his book. Not one. You would think that at least one person would have posted something, after all when his first book came out there were complaints galore about the pictures; the lack of proof checking due to the errors, as well as comments about specific content. As of this moment in time we have not read any comment by anyone who has genuinely bought a copy, then read it and commented upon it. Not one. We were told by our supplier that Rusling had delivered one copy to their warehouse very recently, but so far we have not received it. In fact, their web site still says this about our order: "Awaiting publication." Go figure that one. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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