As mentioned earlier, certain information has now come to light which has caused our own investigation to make a revision to a part of one of our working hypotheses. But in the middle of making an assessment of the new data that would result in a revision to a part of that working hypothesis, a series of continuing events have caused us to put a hold on our revision.
The so-called 'Pirate Radio' web site claimed to be under the control of one Garry Stevens, has, within the last few days made several contradictory admissions, and they have now included a new statement by the plagiarist Paul Rusling regarding our own interaction with him. Rusling has made a statement on line which asserts that we claimed to have had no personal contact with principals involved in British offshore broadcasting, and that statement, as Rusling knows, is totally untrue. The origins of this work began with person-to-person contact involving Allan Crawford; Ted Allbuery; Don Pierson; Tom Danaher; Ben Toney and much later, with Roy Bates and several other key people. Some of this contact developed over a period of many years and it resulted in our team gaining access to a lot of hitherto unseen legal and financial records. That is a fact that many years ago caused Steve England to issue a correction to his own recorded work offered for sale. Other personal contacts resulted in person-to-person communications with many UK government officials such as Barry Maxwell of the RIS/DTI and his investigator James Murphy. Some of that interaction came to the attention of Ronan O'Rahilly via the individuals known as John Burch and Christopher England. In turn, some of that information also involved our own investigation into the 'Radio Caroline Criminal Case' in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that centered around one James Ryan and the ship known as 'Ross Revenge'. Some of that data certainly supports the views of Neil Gates who presented the last hour of broadcasting from the mv Ross Revenge at sea, "just after 1am on 5th November 1990". Neil Gates is one of the people posting on the Garry Stevens' site, and he is at loggerheads with several trolls. Those trolls constantly promote myths in support of the Rusling/Malcolm Smith fictitious claims about a continuation of 'Radio Caroline' broadcasting from the 'Ross Revenge' - which is now an engineless hulk within British territorial waters and totally subject to the laws of the United Kingdom. But more than this, Garry Stevens has now introduced a new 'Administrator' of his web site which totally supports the view that the Rusling/Malcolm Smith claims are fraudulent, while at the same time excluding Malcolm Smith, but reintroducing Paul Rusling as an 'Administrator'. That is a contradictory position. However, all of this has collided with our own ongoing research into the causation of a series of events beginning in 1990, which was the year that Neil Gates made the last broadcast from the 'Ross Revenge' at sea. That chain of events includes the publication earlier in 1990 of a roman-a-clef novel by Ian Cowper Ross, and his book was followed in March of 1991 by the first airing of a BBC-TV show featuring Ian Cowper Ross. In that TV show, Ian Cowper Ross claimed by referral to its text, but not to the name of his book, that his novel was in fact a disguised version of his own life story. In other words, what Ian Cowper Ross wrote in 1990, he claimed in 1991 to be a true account of true events, and that TV show with the Ian Cowper Ross admission then opened a floodgate of new books all claiming the same thing - but none of them referring to the Ian Cowper Ross novel. Because that 1991 TV show marked a turning point that transformed a 1990 novel into a work of non-fiction - all during the time the Neil Gates was actually broadcasting from the High Seas on board the mv Ross Revenge, the credits shown at the conclusion of that program are noteworthy. The show does not list those who actually appeared but it gives its first line of thanks in the brief credits to Chris Edwards, and his name is followed by George Hare. Clearly there seems to be two different elements at work. One exists to promote the mythology (lies) about a continued storyline linking Radio Caroline of 1964-1967, with Malcolm Smith's current operations, and another version centered around Neil Gates and this new Garry Stevens' (unnamed) 'Administrator' who both refute that connectivity. Our own investigation is not a part of any of this nonsense. We have had a working relationship in the past with both Chris Edwards and Paul Rusling, but our current investigative work is not connected to any other person or group than our own 'Trio'. So until the Garry Stevens' Board sorts itself out and stops publishing two sides of the same story and endorsing both, while pitting its own correspondents against each other, we will continue to regard these childish and totally irrelevant actions as of no consequence to our own investigation, while noting all of those developments. Therefore we will not report on our latest discovery for now, but it will become a part of the first book in the 'Yesterday Never Happened' series with the working title of 'The Girl who never was'. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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