Over the years many have tried to fathom the story behind the 1964 creation of Radio Caroline, because it has been, and still is couched in secrecy. Campaigns were staged late in the day during the Sixties to try to save the offshore stations from being legislated off the air. But the problem was that the listeners were being conned!
The story behind the crusade to save the offshore stations of the Sixties became a multitude of endeavors all bordering upon religious fervor, but they all failed. When a devoted number of Anoraks then took over and tried to keep the sound of commercial radio going, they found themselves scrambling for money from real religious evangelists of the worst kind who were trying to con the gullible out of money. Commercial con men were also involved, but conveniently for the Anoraks, the only Radio Caroline criminal case that took place was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Ronan O'Rahilly made sure that he stayed away. But there were other crooks who the Anoraks did not associate with the criminality of offshore broadcasting, but which the enactment of the 1967 Marine Offences Act only made worse. Until Ian Cowper Ross wrote and published his first roman-a-clef novel in 1990, there were few books on the market about the 1964 origins of Radio Caroline. But when BBC-TV screened a documentary about Radio Caroline's origins in 1991, it featured Ian Cowper Ross claiming that parts of his 1990 novel were not fiction, but a true-to-life account of what happened. That is when the mythology of 'Jimmy Ross' took off like a rocket and it became the accepted true story of what had taken place. But it hadn't. Ian Cowper Ross lied. Now this raises the big question about why Ian Cowper Ross waited until 1990 to begin this new cover-up about events that had taken place in 1964, and another major question about how he was able to get BBC-TV to stage his follow-up propaganda in which he claimed that his novel of 1990, was merely a lightly disguised version of the true story. Those two events opened the floodgates of deception via a never-ending stream of books, including Paul Rusling's 2019 account in a book which he has called 'The Radio Caroline Bible'. 1990 was also the year in which a draconian follow-up law to the 1967 MOA came into action, just as the straggling Anorak supported Radio Caroline from the mv Ross Revenge spluttered to its end after running out of money during the time that its ship ran onto a sandbar. Then began the Malcolm Smith licensed venture called Radio Caroline which Paul Rusling supported by trying to link the events of 1964 to 2019. All of this raises the question about the birth of the 'Jimmy Ross' myth out of the 'Jim Shaw' story as told in the 1990 novel by Ian Cowper Ross. Why then? But more important, why hasn't anyone ever delved into the real story about the birth of Radio Caroline before? We gained access to the legal and financial files behind Radio London; Radio England and Britain Radio, and the myth-makers were forced to admit that our revelations about those ventures totally destroyed what everyone thought that they knew. However, we now know that Don Pierson who created radios London, England and Britain as offshore stations, was himself duped into believing the nonsense originally spread by Ronan O'Rahilly. Back then, O'Rahilly was merely a shill for Jocelyn Stevens. Had Don Pierson known what we now know, he probably would never have gone ahead with those ventures. But he did not know. What we now know is that we have so far only uncovered about 85% of the story about the creation of Radio Caroline in 1964, and what we have now uncovered has resulted in throwing up a pile of new questions about the real story. It now appears that it is not a single story involving one particular thread, but at least a dozen contemporary stories that sort of come together to form a lose confederacy of interests, but the individual groups forming that confederacy all have other individual objectives. Some involved national politics. Some involved geopolitics. Some involved religion. Some involved commercial enterprises of a legitimate kind, and some involved illegitimate criminal activities of the worst kind possible, because they involved not just wanton theft of money, but the taking of life: murder, and no, we are not referring to the Calvert-Smedley affair. Therefore it is annoying (to say the least), to read the idiotic comments of those Anoraks who wish to derail this investigation, because there are many other vested interests who backed the 1990-1991 cover-up, and they are in no way interested in seeing the true story being revealed at last. However, that is exactly what we intend to do. Comments are closed.
November 2023
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